View Full Version : Test fired my new setup today !

02-19-2011, 02:19 PM
After messing around for a few seasons with different setups, I came up with a new plan to make my syrup. I'm estimating 6-8 gallons this year.

Last year I had an 20" x 30 " X 6" deep pan made and really had a hard time keeping a good boil. My previous crude burners and lack of insulation around the pan was to much to overcome with anymore than 3 gallons in the pan.

This year,I aquired a jen air gas range and stripped out the burner pans and burners, fuel rail and valves , regulator, and rigged it all to a frame of angle iron.

I then placed 3 rows of brick on top of the angle iron. The pan is now surrounded by the brick and suspended above the burners.

I did a test today and it took 18 minutes to bring 4 gallons of 65 * tap water to a boil. I then poured in 4 more gallons and it was boiling again 20 minutes later.
This was with an outside air temp about 18* f.

No more messing around with wood or lp tanks , I even tried electric roasters.

Bring on the sap !

Now I need to fine tune my siphon feed.

I keep the sap in a 55 gallon barrel on the deck and siphon down 6 ' to my evaporator. I was using a trickle but now I want to improve to a float valve.

02-25-2011, 08:16 AM
let me know how you do on that float valve. I'm setting one up using a small 3/4 inch well check valve on a line fed by a 55gal plastic drum -gravity feed. I think it will work but no test for another couple of days while I finish roof over my evaporator.

03-06-2011, 01:19 PM
I was fixing the toilet the other day, and guess what ? I found the answer to my float valve.
Toilet parts !!!

Called up a plumber friend and asked him to keep an eye out for an old brass or copper float ball (because I wouldn't want plastic or rubber in my evap ) and he came through with a complete brass and copper float valve setup.

It will take a bit of experimentation but I should have it working soon.

03-06-2011, 03:19 PM
Leinie, The toilet tank float valve works for us. But go buy a new one the cost isn't that much. I tell people I took ours out of an old toilet, but it was bought new :D.

03-06-2011, 03:45 PM
I guess I didn't realize they still made them. I called McNards (Minnesotan for Menards) and got the prices- your right- easier than cleaning these up.

03-06-2011, 07:43 PM
Leinie, Think I bought my "float valve" at the "Save big money" (Wisconsinesse for Menards).
This will be the 3rd-4th year for our homemabe float valve. Will be putting a pre-warmer in front of the valve this year, hope the washers in the unit can handle the heated sap.
Have a good and safe season. Tap well !