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02-18-2011, 10:36 PM
I was wondering if anybody has built a moisture trap with an electronic float switch or sensor to shut the electric vac pump off should releaser fail thanks Jason

02-19-2011, 12:04 AM
what if i put these two items in a 4 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe about 2 feet long cap both ends install switch in the middle and have the vac pulling on top of the cylinder through the top cap and comming in from the bottom through the bottom cap think it would work the Item number: 230431823399 Item number: 230470571985

02-19-2011, 12:43 AM
why not just a piece of pvc with a reducer down to 1 1/2 inch on one end and a raquetball inside, then if it fills with sap the ball floats up and stops the flow to the vac pump, its simple and works very well. has saved my pump once when my releaser malfunctioned

maple flats
02-19-2011, 07:49 AM
why not just a piece of pvc with a reducer down to 1 1/2 inch on one end and a raquetball inside, then if it fills with sap the ball floats up and stops the flow to the vac pump, its simple and works very well. has saved my pump once when my releaser malfunctioned

How do you set this up? Do you use 2" and build a vertical section for the trap in the line going to the pump. I have 2" PVC from the 75 CFM Alamo vane pump and the vacuum tank. Should I install a Tee on a vertical section with the line coming in above the bottom and from the side, drain valve on bottom to remove moisture as needed, then pull vac up to exit top thru 1.5" reducer and then back to my 2" to the pump?

maple sapper
02-19-2011, 08:28 AM
I would do like you described by having your connection to the vac pump on the top. Then have you conncection to the releaser not at the bottom but slightly down a bit from the top. That way the moisture will fall to the bottom of your conister and not create turbulance. The turbulance will allow it to get past the racket ball. I used a 4" piece of pvc with a clean out cover. Then threaded a hole in the cover and put in a valve to empty it or check it daily. The top is as described with a reducer to a 1 1/2" fitting. The clean out also allows you to wash it out and dry it in the off season.

maple flats
02-19-2011, 10:16 AM
So let me get this straight. I use 4" pvc in ther vertical position, a tee into the trap up from the bottom a little to hold the ball, with the ability to remove a cleanout, with drain, then up a foot( ?) I reduce to 1.5" and exit the top, then I ell toward the pump again and go back to my 2" PVC line that I am using. Does this sound correct? Is 1' from incoming line to top enough?

02-19-2011, 11:45 PM
i had a rackett ball moisture trap i want to shut off the pump when releaser fails not dead head pump

maple flats
02-20-2011, 06:08 AM
This would not deadhead my pump, I have a vacuum controller (able to take 150 CFM) to keep vacuum at 18-19" because my vac tank is only rated to take 20". I can't afford to implode the tank. In a year or 2 I will get a releaser and go to a higher vacuum level.

02-21-2011, 08:59 PM
i would take a 2 foot piece of 4 inch sch 40 glue cap on the bottom drill 2 inch hole from releaser then drill 1/4 inch hole off to side on bottom and tap put ball valve to drain then go up a foot and drill through the side and put a float switch in then go to top glue a cap on and drill 2 inch hole for line going to vac pump hook float switch up to vac pump then when releaser fails pump shuts off via switch any help would be great

Rossell's Sugar Camp
02-24-2011, 09:06 PM
i dont and yesterday the releasor wasnt plugged in. i pulled sap through the vacuum pump. Changed oil very thoroughly and was back running in an hour. Surge milker vacuum pump. I reccomend doing something. Made a huge mess.

02-25-2011, 09:29 AM
I was wondering if anybody has built a moisture trap with an electronic float switch or sensor to shut the electric vac pump off should releaser fail thanks Jason

this is exactly what I am planning on doing, but am running out of time. I also would use the same small horizontal float switches in the releaser for high and low. I really want to get it all together but just don't seem to have time this year. here's a pic of my schematic for the releaser.

Rossell's Sugar Camp
03-07-2011, 09:06 PM
Keep it simple. Get an old overflow that goes between a recieving jar and a dairy vacuum pump. and get a recieving jar. try them both out.