View Full Version : Vermont Digital Mapping Workshops

02-17-2011, 09:59 AM
If anyone is interested in these workshops, let me know and I'll get you the registration info.

Quick and Dirty Digital Mapping for Woodland Landowners

Johnson State college in Johnson, April 7, 1pm-4pm

Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury, April 8, 1pm- 4pm

Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, April 20, 1pm – 4pm

Rutland Holiday Inn, April 27 , 1pm – 4pm

Fee: $10 per person limited to 10 people per site

Bring your laptop and dive into the exciting world of digital mapping! Free mapping data, online mapping applications, and inexpensive hand-held GPS units offer a wealth of opportunities to visualize your land and its resources from a new perspective (a bird’s eye view, to be specific!). Leslie Pelch from the VT Center for Geographic Information will take you on a 3-hour tour:

· The basics of digital mapping (GIS – geographic information systems)

· Using online mapping applications like Google Earth (but there are more out there!)

· Accessing existing free mapping data

· Quick overview of free GIS software

· Collecting GPS data and downloading it onto a map (GPS units provided for the workshop)

· Bringing it all together into maps that help you explore your land in a new way

NH Maplemaker
02-17-2011, 10:13 AM
northwoods_forestry, is this just for Vermont folks or is it open to the public?JimL.

02-17-2011, 02:48 PM
I believe it is open to anyone.