View Full Version : I'm a maple newbee

02-16-2011, 09:12 PM
Always wanted to do it. Youngest Daughter push me in. Bought 6 taps today and set 5 this morning 6th tonight. 6th one was running before I finished Drill. Going to need a lot of help. Anyone know where I can get a Hydometer locally (In CT just outside Hartford). And when to collect 3 gallon buckets just set, and how to store till I can annoy the wife with the boil in the kitchen?

buckeye gold
02-16-2011, 10:49 PM
you'll definitely annoy the wife if you boil in the kitchen. Most of us can tell you it's not a good idea, and how do we know this....steamed off wallpaper, overflown syrup on stove tops(impossible to clean off when scorched on), humidity to the max and more....do yourself a favor and move outside on a gas burner or something.

TF Maple
02-17-2011, 12:03 PM
I would just order a hydrometer from the Maple Guys http://www.mapleguys.com/index.php?category=9 there isn't one less expensive anywhere else from what I could find.

You are on your own for figuring out when to empty the buckets. The sap flow will vary from day to day and even hour to hour, so no one can tell you when to empty. Check twice a day to start out and adjust the timing as needed.

You can bury barrels or buckets of sap in the snow to keep it for a while. Treat it like milk as far as keeping it fresh and storage time.

Haynes Forest Products
02-17-2011, 12:22 PM
Newbee When you get a chance and your at Home Depot pick up some color swatches for the new paint job you will be doing in the kitchen. And dont forget the Kilz:o

02-17-2011, 01:04 PM
Welcome to the addiction. :lol:

Regarding the boiling in the kitchen thing: I did it for three years, mostly because it was way easier than keeping a fire going strong enough outside in the wind. I used all four burners so I was able to get a good stovetop boil rate going. The key to not needing a new wallpaper job afterwards is 1) close all doors to other rooms in the house, and 2) open every window you've got in that kitchen as wide as it'll go. Fans in the windowto suck the air out help too.

And yes, my wife was very happy when I got a "real" evaporator. ;)

02-17-2011, 03:46 PM
You can always boil in a turkey deep fryer. It's what i used to finish with the last couple year.


02-17-2011, 04:10 PM
Love the comments. Thanks for a good laugh (Haynes) and for the advice. I will use it.

Any thoughts on uusing a gas grille (outside of course) for most of the boil, and finish inside on stove? Still risky?

Can I store in 5 gal buckets for 3-4 days in snow? I do have a second refrig to store, but I'm a little un sure of the volume to store etc...?

Can I boil say 5 gal of sap down to 1, store and keep doing that?

On my way to home depot for the color swatches.:D

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-17-2011, 06:41 PM
You can always boil in a turkey deep fryer. It's what i used to finish with the last couple year.


use a stainless pot, dont use the aluminum one that comes with the turkey fryer

02-18-2011, 07:31 PM

I'm a country girl who had to beg her hubby to clean and repaint the ceiling after her first boil inside.:rolleyes: I washed the sugary walls down myself. :emb: I blocked off both entrances to the kitchen, open the door and window AND exhausted out the kitchen door with a large fan (which also required cleaning after I was done).:rolleyes:

Now I boil in a gently used lasagna pan from the UCONN resale store (http://www.stores.uconn.edu/storsurp.html to check next 'open' date) OUTSIDE on an old wood stove. Stove gets stored during the off season. I do my final boil in a different pot on the side burner of the grill on the deck for better control.

02-19-2011, 05:00 AM
Love the comments. Thanks for a good laugh (Haynes) and for the advice. I will use it.

Any thoughts on uusing a gas grille (outside of course) for most of the boil, and finish inside on stove? Still risky?

Can I store in 5 gal buckets for 3-4 days in snow? I do have a second refrig to store, but I'm a little un sure of the volume to store etc...?

Can I boil say 5 gal of sap down to 1, store and keep doing that?

On my way to home depot for the color swatches.:D

yes you can store it for 4 days in the snow. whrnn I was a teenager back in teh 80s, we would collect all week, and boil on the weekends. We stored the sap in an unheated garage to keep it out of the sun

A gas grill isnt quite what yuo want. YOu really want the flame directly on the pan. I fyou can take the grates out and set the ban right on the burner then that would be better.

Yes you can boil 5 gallons down to 1, then wait a few days and add to it.

02-20-2011, 07:23 PM

yes you can store it for 4 days in the snow. whrnn I was a teenager back in teh 80s, we would collect all week, and boil on the weekends. We stored the sap in an unheated garage to keep it out of the sun

A gas grill isnt quite what yuo want. YOu really want the flame directly on the pan. I fyou can take the grates out and set the ban right on the burner then that would be better.

Yes you can boil 5 gallons down to 1, then wait a few days and add to it.

Is it true that if boil 5 to 1 then and another 5 will it make the syrup darker?

02-20-2011, 08:57 PM
from a oldbee.
Is it true that if I get my taps out early and catch the first run and boil as fast as I can that same day that I will make very light fancy syrup?
The answer is NO:) We just did that and made 8.5 gallons of nice DARK syrup!
This is a sport that will try your patience! And after you do all the things right, you still may come out with dark syrup.
If it has good flavor, enjoy it no mater what the color. You put in the effort to make it. Its a great addictive hobby!
Have fun too!