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02-16-2011, 09:06 PM
What is your normal rate of replacing sap sacks that have gotten holes in them? I have replaced 6 out of the 40 or so I put out less than a week ago. That's 15% a week! Is this to be expected? Sadly, shooting any critters is not an option. Are there things I can do to help prevent it? A scare-squirrel maybe?

02-16-2011, 09:25 PM
Are the holes near the bottom of the bag? I've heard a strip of duct tape along the bottom of the bag folded in half so it is taped front and back and leave as much tape below the bottom of the bag as you can may help. It offers a little protection from bottom nibbling from critters. Also, this source claimed that the critters don't like the taste/smell of the duct tape. He puts the tape on every bag at the beginning of the season when he taps. You could do the bags ahead of time, if it works. I'm going to try it this year.


02-16-2011, 09:34 PM
Two or three of them were at the very bottom of the bag. Nice idea about the duct tape. It's certainly worth a shot. Thanks for the tip.

I wonder if there is any kind of tape that could be used to seal the actual hole that wouldn't contaminate the sap. Heh maybe the JB Weld or whatever it is that folks are talking about on here.

02-16-2011, 09:45 PM
JB weld and duct tape can fix everything:lol:

02-17-2011, 04:22 AM
When you replace bags, put the new one inside of the old one so you don't end up doing some a third time.

02-17-2011, 10:40 PM
I do realize you said this wasnt an option but I got a new 20 gauge in spring, and whenever i went up into the woods to make firewood this summer i would bring it with me and shoot every squirrle and chipmunk i saw. Needless to say the used reloader that i bought has paid for itself already. :lol:

maple island farms
02-19-2011, 08:05 AM
You say shooting is not an option but what about poison ? At our hunting camp we use a rat bait called just one bite to get rid of free loading reds.

02-19-2011, 08:54 PM
? while the sack was empty could u superglue it ?

02-19-2011, 10:00 PM
We put out over a hundred each of the last 3 years. We had only 3 to 5 fail per year. In most cases we found something sharp ... mostly bark that seemed to be associated with the leaks.

15% would make me unhappy ... especially this early in the season.

Never had reason to suspect critters. Never noticed tracks in the snow.

02-21-2011, 08:37 PM
The duct tape sure works for us, during the season ever "quadrunner" has a roll of tape on board. We leave the tape wider and longer, by about 3/4", than the bags, that seems to keep the teeth of the squirrel from reaching the bag.
We don't do all the bags, just the ones that get chewed. the tape seals the holes and keeps it from happening again. Use the better quality tape!!!!
The 12 guage seems to help in keeping this problem at a minimum.
We also saw a marten during deer season I think he helps to keep down the "tree rat" population.

02-21-2011, 08:41 PM
I posted this on the other thread, anyone ever try getting a couple of the fake owls..Just keep moving them around from time to time? Jsut curious to see if it would work, paticularly you guys that hand sacks. when you start hanging, set out the owls. Pick them up when you are done:confused:

02-21-2011, 09:52 PM
The fake owls "might" help with the squirrel problem.
But, I know we have quite a few real live owls and we still have chewed bags.
Let us know if you find a remedy for tree rat bite holes, we can't seem to stop the damage, only fix the damage. Duct tape.