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View Full Version : solution to taphole drying??

02-15-2011, 07:00 PM
So I had a thought, not sure if it would work but may help to catch the early run and not have to worry about the premature drying of tap holes.

Situation: if I have about half 5/16" spouts and half 7/16" spouts, couldn't you tap all the 5/16's early then when the season really comes around, take out the 5/16's, re-drill the hole with 7/16" bit and replace with the 7/16" spouts, creating a fresh hole, then go tap the rest with the 5/16's that you took out.

I'm not a scientist but I know that the goal is to minimize any microbial contamination, so by drilling the bigger hole and giving a fresh surface seems like it may be a solution to the problem.

Let me know what you think.

02-15-2011, 07:06 PM
i was thinking of doing the same...

02-15-2011, 07:09 PM
That might work. Centering the 7/16" bit on the 5/16" hole might be tricky. After drilling a hole try taking a saw blade and rough up the hole. That should yield more sap per tree.
Hope this helps,

02-15-2011, 08:08 PM
What you've suggested is reaming. It has limited ability to increase yield because when you ream you spread the microbes across the face of the larger hole.

Do a search and you'll find multiple threads on this topic.

02-15-2011, 09:00 PM
What you've suggested is reaming. It has limited ability to increase yield because when you ream you spread the microbes across the face of the larger hole.

Do a search and you'll find multiple threads on this topic.

Ennismaple is exactly right. Reaming will help a little, however all the studies that have been done show that the effect is very short-lived. The bacteria and other microrganisms have already spread beyond the taphole area itself and quickly shut down flow again.

02-15-2011, 09:14 PM
Done it and like already said it will get you a short period. In the past a few times towards the end of the year when the weather was not optimal and we caught a last ditch break in weather and maybe a day or two of potential sap and the holes were not producing I would ream them and get sap for a couple days and that was it. Decided long ago all the extra work and defeating the purpose of the 5/26 tap I quit doing it. And ovaled out holes tends to send more sap down the tree than in the bucket.

02-15-2011, 09:35 PM
alright thanks for the input, i had a feeling that once the hole is opened, the contamination goes deeper than just the surface of the hole... I'm battling with weather or not to tap for the warmup at the end of this week or hold off another week or two until a more sustained temperature cycle comes around.

02-15-2011, 09:36 PM
If you got vac tap them if your on buckets wait it out. My 2 cents.