View Full Version : few questions

Dean Hale
02-15-2011, 04:45 PM
#1 smallest diameter tree you would tap?

#2 diameter of tree when you would add another tap?

#3 can you utilize a tree that has split from normal growth maybe 2 or 3' up from the ground, but the off shoots are smaller than what you would normally tap? (big trunk, but not so big off shoots)

#4 would you tap trees that are good size but cores are in bad shape from being skinned up form a logging skidder? (probably 20 years ago)

#5 when using 5 gallon buckets on the ground, and you have 2 taps, would you "T" them together so you only have one line going in bucket?

Thanks for your help.

Sorry for all the redundant questions.

Bucket Head
02-15-2011, 05:05 PM
No need to apologize. Questions need answers. Easy way to remember, and better for the tree's- 12" dia. gets one tap, 24" dia. can have two, 36" and 3 taps. I never do more than two per tree, and the two-tap ones are always bigger than 2 ft. in diameter. Are the off-shoots bigger than 12"? Treat the off-shoots like individual tree's. Damaged (stressed) tree's are usually left alone. If its going to be culled soon, you could tap it to get some production out of it before hand. Although there are many damaged tree's out there that are still healthy enough to tap. The tee-method for two lines is how I did it for years. I did'nt want more holes in the lids than what was needed. Good luck with the tapping!


Dean Hale
02-16-2011, 07:00 AM
Thanks a lot, Buckethead.