View Full Version : new shed style sugar house
We are building a new sugar house next to, along side, an exisiting pole barn. It is 11' x 18' and the height is 12' on the gable end of exisiting barn and 7' on outside edge. I don't want a copula on the roof because lots and lots of snow. Would two doors at peak on either end of building be enough to vent all the steam? It is a 2x6 evaporator. Any comments would be appreciated....Thanks.....
Bucket Head
02-14-2011, 09:09 PM
I'm no expert on steam venting, but it would seem that would equal the open area of a cupola if you had one. I saw a sugar shack once, of about the dimensions of yours, that had open ends under the roof peak at both ends. He did not have a problem with steam. You need to get the steam up and out before it condenses. If not, it "rains" in the shack. I've seen that too. If your feed tank is outside, and you can make the roof "low", that would leave the least amount of space for the steam to condense in.
02-14-2011, 09:12 PM
I don't have a cupola on my sugar shack (13 x 15), just no soffit and an open window hole above the evaporator (18 x 48) and I think it works OK. Your evaporator is bigger and that could change the game, though. A lot of people on here can't envision a sugar shack without a cupola. My 2 cents. cvmaple.
02-16-2011, 08:16 AM
Could you put a fan in one of the ends blowing out?
Thanks for the replies, I'll set it up as planned with doors in each end see how that does. I'll let you know with the first boil..............
02-16-2011, 09:20 PM
I have a second floor, with four windows I open, but they are down a foot or so from the peak. That whole floor is a big steamroom when boiling! I need a better fan, hooked up to the the 7" roof jack which I do have, which doesn't exit enough steam to say so the way it is now.
02-17-2011, 05:14 AM
I started out 8 years ago on a 3x3 flat pan. then I bought a 2x6 evaporator, now I have a 3x12 evaporator.
I tried open windows, vented gables, vented soffits. even a large exhaust fan over a hole in the peak. Ive always gotten condensation and dripping in the sap house.
The only way Ive found to stop the condensation is to funnel the steam directly to the roof and out, and the only way I know to do this is with a steam hood of some kind. Even a frame of 2x2s with plastic drapped over it. SOMETHING....ANYTHING. If the steam touched the inside of the building for very long it is gonna condensate and drip
02-17-2011, 08:31 AM
I've got a 14x20 sugarhouse with a 2x4 evaporator and no cupola yet. I've got a window in each gable and open soffits. Most of the time its ok, but with a "heavy" outside atmosphere we are "fogged in" in the sugarhouse. On a clear day the steam is never a problem.
As for the image of a cupola, it surely is functional, but maybe more important to the nostalgia of old-time sugaring. If we are trying to sell a product with a good image, then we all need sugarhouses that look like a Norman Rockwell painting. I've told people that my syrup will taste better when I get the cupola done. I'm kidding of course, but there is certainly value in having a clean, well kept, and friendly sugarhouse where families like to visit year after year.
Remember boiling out of the back of a rusty van will work, but folks simply don't associate that with a high quality product like we all are capable of making. My 2 cents.
Bucket Head
02-17-2011, 10:19 PM
What are you talking about? I just bought a rusty van for sugaring. I'm going to put up on blocks down by the river. Hopefully I can get it set up there and get it level for Maple Weekend...
I agree. The traditional sugarhouse with a cupola is what I, and probably thousands of others think of when they picture maple syrup being made. Although a steam stack through the roof type shack is nice for heat retention. No jackets required in those!
I'm not sure yet on how I'm going to vent the steam in the van.
02-19-2011, 10:47 PM
We also have a 14x 20 sugarshack with a cupolla,we also get alot of snow and ice ut thus far no problem. Really neat on a cold clear nite to go outside for a minute and watch the sparks and fire fly out the stack and the steam rising up out of the cupolla. It opens two wooden doors on a pulley system.
02-20-2011, 06:32 AM
There are lots of ways to vent steam and you definitely do not have to have a cupola, but don't skip the cupola because of snow load. This year we had a ton of snow up here and my sugar house had an easy 3' of snow on it for a month. I thought of raking it off, but morbid curiosity made me want to see how she did.
If you follow basic building principals you'll be fine. A metal roof and a steeper pitch will also help if you are still concerned. I have a 9/12 with a metal roof.
maple flats
02-20-2011, 07:06 AM
We also have a 14x 20 sugarshack with a cupolla,we also get alot of snow and ice ut thus far no problem. Really neat on a cold clear nite to go outside for a minute and watch the sparks and fire fly out the stack and the steam rising up out of the cupolla. It opens two wooden doors on a pulley system.
If you see fire and sparks it is wasted fuel. Someday try air over fire. The fire at the top is unburnt gases igniting as they get oxygen. As far as venting steam, the end vents do sort of well, but to do it properly you need some sort of hood, (I even saw one made out of firing strips and plastic, it was slightly larger than the evaporator to protect the plastic and it started up a few inches. I do not remember how they did it near the stack. Any hood, however crude with a steam stack and run outside will work. The cupola however adds to the image and looks great. Lots of snow will not last on the roof when you get boiling.
03-24-2011, 11:03 PM
I'm not sure yet on how I'm going to vent the steam in the van.
Sun roof?:D
03-25-2011, 06:26 AM
Reverse the wires on the van heater and run it in reverse:rolleyes:
What are you talking about? I just bought a rusty van for sugaring. I'm going to put up on blocks down by the river. Hopefully I can get it set up there and get it level for Maple Weekend...
I agree. The traditional sugarhouse with a cupola is what I, and probably thousands of others think of when they picture maple syrup being made. Although a steam stack through the roof type shack is nice for heat retention. No jackets required in those!
I'm not sure yet on how I'm going to vent the steam in the van.
put a cupola on top :D
Flat Lander Sugaring
03-25-2011, 06:02 PM
HEY ADK1 we have your answer for your sugar house see posts above "old Rusty van"
HEY ADK1 we have your answer for your sugar house see posts above "old Rusty van"
Very funny flatlander. The only thing I own is the **** sugarhouse. its gurrently my garage and will be perfect. its 25x40 I would say. Dont store my cars in it, just a bunch of other stuff. Just needs some modifications which will get done this summer. I have it all figured out already. Has a concrete floor, electric of course and running water. Even have an older refridge in there (not frost free). All the lights I need. THe only thing I ahve to do is reaggange my workbench to another location and build a coupola. Have to move some of the plywood storage area to the front of the saphouse from the back so the steam will have a place to go. IT has high walls. I would estimate that from floor to rafters is 12'..
happy thoughts
03-25-2011, 06:15 PM
The only thing I own is the **** sugarhouse.
Then a rusty old van could make a really nice evaporator :lol:
Flat Lander Sugaring
03-25-2011, 06:18 PM
Then a rusty old van could make a really nice evaporator :lol:
OK where's 3rdgen comment:D
Could be if **** hits the fan and I cant afford one this year and you just never know. My backup plan is to still put all of my tubing/taps and fittings and tank and if need be give all the sap to my brother in laws operation.
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