View Full Version : The Woodchuck- 2011

02-14-2011, 08:04 PM
OK, time to fire up the "blog".The distant family and friends get a kick out of this............Started tapping today with help from a couple of friends. Didnt get as much done as I would have liked, but I'll use the deep snow as an excuse. Had a few wet spouts, but nothing to get terribly excited about. Warmup for the end of the week- still not panicking.........Looks like net week's warmup may not happen-


Good! that'll buy some more time!

02-16-2011, 05:07 PM
Another afternoon in the books tapping with my neighbor, Doug. No danger at all of any sap running, heck the old wash water in the drops never even un-thawed. Tomorrow looks like a one day warm up, but as cold as its been at night I dont think its going to run at all. Maybe this is the year i can get ready for sugaring in a leisurely sort of way..............

02-21-2011, 06:31 PM
Making good progress getting 100% converted over to check valves. Pretty cold today and tomorrow, so we wont be doing any tapping until Wednesday, but we'll finish by the weekend for sure.

farmall h
02-21-2011, 09:09 PM
Woodchuck, to "un-thaw" is to freeze. To "thaw" is to melt. I know, I know I have have messed it up for many years until I was corrected the other day by my former 7th & 8th grade teacher (father). Many people say "slow-down" when driving too fast. Then again some folks say "slow-up"!;)

02-22-2011, 06:39 AM
I stand corrected!..........Either way its pretty cold out this morning and I dont think things will thaw a bit.

02-22-2011, 07:35 AM
But if you say un-un-thaw I think it will be thawing again, but at 13 below this morning I think doing that soon or atleast today LOL

Chuck you might as well go back to racing the old boys and plan on April making syrup. LOL

02-22-2011, 08:26 AM
Is it your operation on the front the leader catalog?

02-22-2011, 02:58 PM
I wondered the same thing....

02-22-2011, 04:36 PM
You mean ME? On the front of the leader catalogue??? I wish! No, our place is more on the "rustic" side of things............and I've been tempted to try a race or two this winter, but I'm on a leave of absence from racing this winter- dealing with some health issues, that I wasnt really planning on- oh, but you just wait for the comeback in 2012!

02-22-2011, 05:05 PM
Thats to bad but, there will be no excuse now as you have plenty of time to get the it super tuned. Now that the hips are doing well I am thinking about making a comeback also next year. If you see a vintage sno-jet or Yamaha for sale would you give me a notice. I would like to run what I started out with in racing the old dogs back in the day.

02-22-2011, 09:52 PM
Yeah well just be careful you oldtimers (lol) bones dont heal like they used to. I raced a yamaha 800 class in my late 20's early 30's and after I nosedived a jump and landed on the right front ski and my knee buckeled I spent months in a cast from my hip down to my toes. Darn thing still aches if I stress it much. Then again those old sleds dont get 15 feet in the air either. It is alot of fun though and alot more stress on the body than motocross. My dream is to be in an open wheel big block supermodified with 900 plus hp racing at Oswego Speedway. Any donations??? I could stick 802 Maple and Wdchuck right down the side of it. LOL

02-22-2011, 11:03 PM
I left that jumping in the air stuff for you young folks. In the 70's,80's and early 90's I just raced on ice ovals and the occasional snow track. I have a quite few aches and pains from taking out bales of hay when I got launched off a sled or run over by other sleds.

As far as sticking Chuck and me on the side of a modified, I can't speak for Chuck but it would take a a lot of rolls of duct tape to hold me there. LOL

02-22-2011, 11:08 PM
As far as sticking Chuck and me on the side of a modified, I can't speak for Chuck but it would take a a lot of rolls of duct tape to hold me there. LOL
You know if I cant help or learn anything on the trader is sure is good for a great laugh. My first time wheeling a racecar was in a mini sprint and let me tell you even though I had a smile on my face for months you really wouldnt want to be ducktaped on the side of anything I drive. I must have put that car in the wall 20 times in 100 laps lol. Took along time to figure out the turn right to go left deal on dirt. But hell if you put up enough money I will buy the ducktape anyways.

02-22-2011, 11:10 PM
Man 802 Im still laughing over that one. Funny stuff.

02-22-2011, 11:27 PM
I know about that turning right to turn left thing, that is why I pull the car to the track on dirt, then we race on pavement. But sometime I do plan on getting over to Oswego to take in a race. The crew chief of a local Mod team use to build crew cars for guys out your way before he moved over here and he wants me to go there with him sometime. I don't know what your involvement or how long you have been doing it, but his name Jeff Carter, do you know him?

02-22-2011, 11:37 PM
I know a Jeff Carter but dont think it the same guy. Been going to Oswego since I could walk. Held season passes for alot of years. Its me and my daughters saturday night home. I dont race I just get to play with some cars once in awhile. But lend a hand turning wrenches in a couple of the guys garages in the evenings. If you ever get out here definately give me a shout would be great to see you there. 16 and under is free and I have 2 season passes so I could get you in for nothing. Not that 12 bucks is a big deal to get in. Track is being sold as we speak to John Torresse a multi millionare who feilds some cars there from Florida. This years schedule is the best I have seen since I was a kid. Like my kid says its not summer till you hear 900 hp thunder, smell burning rubber and methanol and eat some fries and vinegar. Good Good fun. Now Im not only anxious to get sap now I want to see some supersmods.

02-22-2011, 11:51 PM
Ahhhh now these are race cars. Wdchuck hope you dont mind I stole your thread and turned it into racing. Sorry



Flat Lander Sugaring
02-23-2011, 05:10 AM
Ahhhh now these are race cars. Wdchuck hope you dont mind I stole your thread and turned it into racing. Sorry



I feel a Car thread coming!!!!!!!! do anything from what you own to people and hobby.

02-23-2011, 07:07 AM
That would be a good idea to start a thread on cars and other hobbies we do. and what we do with them. I am also sorry for stealing your blog Chuck.

02-23-2011, 12:57 PM
I wondered the same thing....

Glad it wasn't just me. Checked my leader catalog at Lunch. Its Woodchuck Hollow Maples. Figured I'd put 2 and 2 together.

02-26-2011, 06:58 PM
........we now resume our original programming....(although that was a fun little diversion, thanks, guys!)..............Still cold out- at this rate, I'll be more ready for sugaring than I've ever been!

02-26-2011, 09:54 PM
Well Wdchuck since your back how about it do you want to get ducked taped to the side of a race car? Sorry I invaded your thread 802 started it lol.

02-27-2011, 06:11 AM
You can tape me into the seat, but not the side! Always wanted to try driving on dirt in my cousins car- maybe this summer. If I can cross arm a vintage snowmobile through the turns, I probably have that turn right to go left thing already figured out!

02-28-2011, 04:39 AM
Well Wdchuck since your back how about it do you want to get ducked taped to the side of a race car? Sorry I invaded your thread 802 started it lol.

All right, now I see what kind of guy you are, blame it on me. LOL

03-02-2011, 06:37 PM
So I've got 2 vac systems ready to go, with only some minor finishing touches to go. Now I just need some sap, but with tonights predicted -15, it might be a while before the trees finally thaw out....At least I'll be readier than I've ever been...

03-04-2011, 05:46 AM
Its still cold! I'm about to run out of things to do to get ready for sugaring.....I might even have to resort to sweeping the sugarhouse floor!

03-04-2011, 06:20 AM
Now lets not get to drastic. There must be something. LOL

03-04-2011, 07:37 AM
Come on over Chuck -I'll put you to work.

03-06-2011, 12:11 PM
Things were running a bit this morning with all the overnight rain. Still, there was plenty of crud coming out of the line, and cold weather is going to be back here at any minute. Looks like later in the week.....if we're lucky!! I'll have to go and invent some more improvements.....

03-07-2011, 01:45 PM
Yet another day that we're not much closer to sugaring season.....18 inches of snow and counting, that'll make hunting for leaks that much more difficult. Cant even leaave the house to go up to the sugarhouse- one town plow truck blew a motor this morning and both the other 2 got stuck at some point. My side street in the village hasnt even been plowed yet!

03-08-2011, 07:51 PM
So I just HAD to try going into the woods today- fired up my trusty 1972 skidoo Elan and headed across the field and into the woods. Things were fine on the main road that gets packed out the most, but still, trying to stay afloat on 20 inches of new snow is quite a trick. Headed down a side road and got thru the first 2 sharp turns before totally bottoming out on a very slight incline. got turned around and gave up. Went over to goodrich's for a few things, sorted a bunch of fittings into a repairbucket, helped move some snow. It'll get here sooner or later!

03-09-2011, 11:55 AM
I'm really tempted to try getting into the woods again today, but I think I'll just let things settle and do it after the rain. I am officially not in a panic over sugaring season- It's only the 10th of March, we never used to plan on boiling until the 20th or later. Right now, there's so much snow up against the trees, that it'll take a couple of good warm days to get them to even think about putting out any sap. So this afternoon, I'll put a few more things together, clean some stuff,blah blah blah. Hey I've even swept the floor!

03-09-2011, 03:17 PM
We have to do sap dance as this sweeping thing has got to come to an end. I have said all winter that we won't get any sugaring per say until after the 19th (being the full moon)and it is looking like it may be true.

03-10-2011, 09:19 PM
I'm really tempted to try getting into the woods again today, but I think I'll just let things settle and do it after the rain. I am officially not in a panic over sugaring season- It's only the 10th of March, we never used to plan on boiling until the 20th or later. Right now, there's so much snow up against the trees, that it'll take a couple of good warm days to get them to even think about putting out any sap. So this afternoon, I'll put a few more things together, clean some stuff,blah blah blah. Hey I've even swept the floor!

Sounds like me last month down here in NE CT. I had 3-4' in my woods and I had no idea how I was going to get out there and get everything tapped. Still not 100% done, but mostly there. Sap started slow and we were two weeks behind in our first boil (last weekend).

Hang in there! I'm sure that you'll get there. I know I have.


steve J
03-11-2011, 10:07 AM
When I left camp at 9 this morning everything had broken loose and sap was running hard both on buckets and on lines expect to be boiling tonight.

03-11-2011, 05:26 PM
Godd to know- planning on running both my vac systems tomorrow and Sunday- probably wait to boil next week with the next warmup.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-12-2011, 07:31 AM
snow still deep down here in places. walkes lines looking for limbs after last weeks high winds. Gathered 125 gal, not bad 1 gal a tap at 3.3%.

03-12-2011, 06:10 PM
Flatlander, that is a pretty good day- I'd take that sugar content of yours any day!............As for me. I had some help today from the the 2 sugarmakers apprentices as well as my neighbor and his kid. That kid is the luckiest leak finder I've ever seen- he literally tripped over a main line and found a coyote chew that had iced up! Got the better part of all the leaks found and fixed- pulling just over 20" with an SP22 on 1000 taps and 25 1/2 with the new tuthill pump on 1500 taps. About 150 more taps to go over on the sp22's side of the woods and things should be pretty tight!..........Sap's running ok, but nothing great- probably aqlmost 3 ft of snow in the woods and it hasnt melted away from the trees much! Tomorrow me and apprentice #2 move the tank over to the lease woods- another 1500 taps and finish leak patrol. Monday looks like a cooldown for us, so I'll run errands, soak the new membrane and be ready to boil aftr it warms up again- spring is almost here!

farmall h
03-12-2011, 08:50 PM
wdchuck..snow shoes and sticky snow do not make a good combination!:mad:

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-13-2011, 12:48 PM
Flatlander, that is a pretty good day- I'd take that sugar content of yours any day!............As for me. I had some help today from the the 2 sugarmakers apprentices as well as my neighbor and his kid. That kid is the luckiest leak finder I've ever seen- he literally tripped over a main line and found a coyote chew that had iced up! Got the better part of all the leaks found and fixed- pulling just over 20" with an SP22 on 1000 taps and 25 1/2 with the new tuthill pump on 1500 taps. About 150 more taps to go over on the sp22's side of the woods and things should be pretty tight!..........Sap's running ok, but nothing great- probably aqlmost 3 ft of snow in the woods and it hasnt melted away from the trees much! Tomorrow me and apprentice #2 move the tank over to the lease woods- another 1500 taps and finish leak patrol. Monday looks like a cooldown for us, so I'll run errands, soak the new membrane and be ready to boil aftr it warms up again- spring is almost here!

I was kinda surprised at the %, so I checked it twice to make sure I was doing it right.

03-13-2011, 06:31 PM
Got the tank in place over at the leased woods, and that got filled up with the day's hall from up at the sugarhouse.....Went on leak patroland go the sp22 up to 22 1/2 at the releaser- pretty happy with that!......The new tuthill pump was pulling 25 after yesterdays leak patrol, doing the same this morning. Then after finding one nore leak, i checked it at 5 pm and it was down to freaking 15!! I think a frozen section may have thawed and exposed some unfound leaks, or some vermin- either squirrels, coyotes, deer or moose are causing some problems. Maybe an inlet manifold came off- in any event, it'll wait until tomorrow- any other solutions for this dilemma?........other than assault weapons?

03-14-2011, 04:35 AM
OK vacuum fans....When I went to shut down the vac last night on the tuthill pump, I was expecting to see it at 15 still- but no, it was back running at 25! So, either a leak caused a freeze up and blocked off the leak, or previously when it was pulling 15, there was a big blockage of ice that was thawing out and letting lots of air behind the blockage through and giving me a low reading. I;ll find out tomorrow when it warms up again and I run the vac. Any other ideas?

03-14-2011, 06:17 AM
I would think it was behind door number 1, a leak that froze up the system. Good luck

03-14-2011, 08:39 AM
I found two drops pulled off taps on leak patrol last week. My releaser was still reading the same as it always does but I needed a walk. When I saw them hanging there, sap was in the lateral but no vacuum at the hanging drop. Upon futher examination, the line had frozen at the saddle! No vaccum loss and laterals downstream of the leak were still flowing. Hooked it back up and it was thawed a few hours later when sun came up.

03-14-2011, 07:36 PM
I'll have to go along with Jerry- I KNOW its a leak causing a freeze up, but I'm in denial because fixing it involves humping through rotten snow with my overused Tubbs snowshoes. ...My Dad told me it was at 18 this afternoon, but right back up to 25 at shutdown time. Back to denial.....

03-15-2011, 07:02 AM
I know how you feel Chuck, been chasing leaks for over a week. This landing gear deep snow isn't fun.

I wish I could get around as easy as the squirrels and coyotes have been.

farmall h
03-15-2011, 08:24 PM
wdchuck I found alot of woodpecker holes in my mainlines that touch against trees. I must have taped at least fifteen. I must admit they are easy to hear when the woods are quiet! Yeah, deep snow.:mad: Saps a runnin like mad today and yesterday!:):)

03-16-2011, 06:57 AM
Boiled yesterday- a drum of syrup! Still havent had time to go on leak patrol, but my neighbor volunteered to deal with it today- his son the leak finder may be using this as part of his home-school curriculum. We seem to have gotten the major bugs out of the system- the biggest problem was a non-functioning ro gauge meaning that I had no idea whatsoever what pressure I was running at. It's a new membrane, so I assume its fine.
A trip to Goodrich's should take care of that......1000 gals of sap waiting for me at the lease woods- minor amounts elsewhere, but it hasnt started to run yet............

03-16-2011, 07:26 AM
Chuck, I have had problems with the gauge in several units over the years. I have found that they sugar up and all I have done most of the time is put the steam of the gauge in boiling water for a few minutes and most of the time they start working again. I have done this twice this year.

03-16-2011, 12:55 PM
Thanks for the tip 802-although it may not apply in this case.....What happened is that somehow the needle is at below 0 when the machine is not running.Last year it was fine. Then, when I start things up, it heads in the clockwise direction its supposed to and quickly bumps the post that marks "0", only from the wrong side.Any ideas?

03-16-2011, 07:08 PM
No I haven't had that problem before, but now comes out the farmer in me. I don't know if the needle is steel or aluminum,but if it is steel try using a magnet with good pull on the front of the dial when the RO is running and see if it will pull it enough to allow it to get by the post. Or does your front of the dial come off as somehow it has slipped back by the post. Does your gauge have a flexible hose that is long enough to pull it out of the machine when the machine is running so that you can slap the face hard enough to get it to go by.

Don't know, that is a new one.

03-16-2011, 07:39 PM
Good tips Jerry! I'll try them both- and if they dont work, I've got a new gauge from Goodrich's to throw in there. Its a 3 inch gauge and the old one is a 4 inch, but it'll work with the mounting bracket and i dont want things looking too professionnal anyway.......As for my leak issues, i found a whole bunch of em- dead wood, dead trees, stubbies that didnt get tapped in. I thought that would've covered it, but vac is now running at 22 at the releaser- not bad, but i think i can get it better- only 4 more lines to chase down. ......On the brighter side, the sap ran pretty well for a cool, gloomy, day. i'm probably looking at 2000 gallons of sap, with more coming tonight, starting up again tomorrow, and looking like it'll run right through Thursday night!

03-17-2011, 06:54 AM
3000 gallons of sap at 7am and plenty more on the way! It makes that decision to buy the RO machine way back when look pretty good!

03-18-2011, 07:25 AM
Good tips Jerry! I'll try them both- and if they dont work, I've got a new gauge from Goodrich's to throw in there. Its a 3 inch gauge and the old one is a 4 inch, but it'll work with the mounting bracket and i dont want things looking too professionnal anyway.......As for my leak issues, i found a whole bunch of em- dead wood, dead trees, stubbies that didnt get tapped in. I thought that would've covered it, but vac is now running at 22 at the releaser- not bad, but i think i can get it better- only 4 more lines to chase down. ......On the brighter side, the sap ran pretty well for a cool, gloomy, day. i'm probably looking at 2000 gallons of sap, with more coming tonight, starting up again tomorrow, and looking like it'll run right through Thursday night!

Shouldn't have been sweeping the floor, I told you that would get you in trouble. LOL

03-19-2011, 07:18 PM
Cool temps today for the Cabot Vt Maple Fest- a good turnout by what little I saw....Didnt really expect much sap flow based on the forecast, but I turned on the vacuum about 10:30 - started with just a trickle and within 2 hours it was up to gusher status- best flow of the season so far and it never felt warm all day- a nice surprise. We boil tomorrow...

03-20-2011, 07:36 PM
Sap didnt run quite as well as yesterday, but I'll take it just the same..............We'll boil tomorrow because the lease woods sent 1000 gallons down the hill to the tank before going home for the week.

03-23-2011, 11:29 AM
Cold! Too cold for any sap to run, unless we get some minor miracles involving sunshine. I'll go tighten a couple mainlines and then maybe bring my 6 year old out for a snowshoe to explore some expansion options.....

03-25-2011, 05:00 AM
the sun warmed things up just enough for a short run yesterday- nothing to get excited about, but it all adds up. Took advantage of the situation to go look for leaks and found plenty. The biggest were PVC manifolds that were cracked wide open from freezing- luckily i had some spares already made up and installed them to bring the vac up to 23 at the releaser. Today I'll go pick up some more pvc and make up the new spares. The weather doesnt look too cooperative.....

03-25-2011, 06:02 AM
Rest while you can Chuck, It's coming.

steve J
03-25-2011, 06:49 AM
Yes looks like when it breaks loose mid week next it will be a huge run I expect to have more then I can boil .

03-31-2011, 11:21 AM
Ran yesterday a bit... 20 gallons for 30 taps... should keep going today. Not looking forward to more snow tomorrow, guess it could help extend things a bit on my bare hillside.

My token reds ran like crazy, overflowed the buckets ! They will bud soon though from the looks of them.

03-31-2011, 07:45 PM
Things finally busted loose today and sap ran great guns....Went into the woods on leak patrol- got the north side done, and pulling 26 at the releaser with very little air coming through. Spent a lot of time on the south side and that system is pulling 24...not bad for an old piston pump!

04-02-2011, 07:16 PM
Its official- sugaring season is back, and with a vengence.

steve J
04-03-2011, 05:04 PM
Well the good news is all the work I put into redoing all my lines really paid off i have had way more sap then i could possibly boil for last 4 days. So going to have to think hard about trading up to still another new evaporator but if I do that it may require a new sugar house so got some numbers to be crunching.

04-06-2011, 06:19 AM
Busy, busy, busy! If it freezes, the sap runs hard...If it doesnt freeze, which doesnt seem to happen too much, then it slows down, but runs all night. Not much difference in sap volume. Froze last night, boiling again today....Need to go on leak patrol again- it looks like one or two minor issues have popped up.........

04-06-2011, 03:25 PM
Still running... I am almost out of wood so taps come out this Sunday. Still may not be able to boil everything. Great year, but need to upgrade the barrel to a 3 pan setup with maybe a homemade drop flue. Need more boiling capacity to keep up !

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-06-2011, 05:27 PM
Still running... I am almost out of wood so taps come out this Sunday. Still may not be able to boil everything. Great year, but need to upgrade the barrel to a 3 pan setup with maybe a homemade drop flue. Need more boiling capacity to keep up !

where r you smokey I know some one who prob buy the sap if it keeps running

04-06-2011, 07:19 PM
Things have frozen up already- even the warmest side of the woods was running dry when i shut down anhour ago. I'm noticing that I'm getting proportionately less sap from the colder woods with all these cool temps we've been having. That could save me in the event of a warmup, when those 2 bushes really start to pump it out.....Gotta find time for leak patrol tomorrow...

04-06-2011, 09:49 PM
Same thing with us the lower elevation bush made a fair amount today and the cold bush ran about 20 gallons of sap off from 2000 taps.

steve J
04-08-2011, 08:05 AM
I am all done as I ran out of wood for the evaporator I will finish bottleing what I have but it should come in close to 16 gallons. I will finish bottleing and start pulling taps tomorrow. Seem funny to be pulling taps when you still have a foot of snow on ground.

04-08-2011, 12:19 PM
My buddy in Moretown VT had a 2x4 and also ran out of wood yesterday. Aren't there some unguarded wood piles over there you can raid?

04-08-2011, 09:23 PM
I'm holding out as long as I can- kinda have to- those store shelves arent gonna fill themselves. Warm up this week? A minor blip on the radar!....With 3 vac systems on 3 different orientations, and a foot and a half of snow still in the woods, the pumps are gonna run until the lines are sucked dry....Besides, cooler temps are forecast for later in the week!

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-09-2011, 06:24 AM
Froze again last night here in P town sap is gonna run. Wife asked me this morning "is some one stealing our firewood?"
"I'll catch them babe!":D hehehehe guess I'll have to turn myself in after tomorrow

04-09-2011, 08:03 AM
i have a bunch of pine on my prop in ma on the vt line

04-24-2011, 10:42 AM
What happened to the Woodchuck?

04-24-2011, 07:35 PM
Been busy with some other issues- we boiled for the last time yesterday after a Thursday morning freeze. Made nearly a drum of B with ok flavor, but not anything wonderful. Of course, my father the purist deems anything darker than medium A as absolute crap. He still doesnt pay attention to our sales figures that say 40% of what we sell is Grade B.........All in all a good season- no complaints here.

04-25-2011, 06:52 AM
Sounds like my dad when he was alive, if he made medium amber after the halfway mark, the buckets got pulled. Of course back then we couldn't give away dark syrup as nobody wanted it. But with enough preaching when we switched to pipeline and had a hard time making fancy, we convinced our customers that they really liked grade b., now with the bubbler we will have to convince them that they really like fancy again. LOL