View Full Version : Sugar prices going to double

02-14-2011, 05:28 PM
Just watching local news they say sugar prices will double in next six weeks. What will this mean for us maple producers? Will they start using maple sugar instead? Maybe this year I can bank some $, probably not.

02-14-2011, 07:14 PM
Well Jim -- I guess a fella can dream --- If the sugar prices double is it because there is a shortage of sugar? -- or is it because the money we have been printing and printing and printing ---is worth less and less. Me thinks the value of the dollar is shrinking --- However -- We can always use Maple to barter with - as folks always gotta have their sweets----- Mike

02-14-2011, 07:57 PM
raw sugar may 2011 contract just closed at 32cents a pound.
dont get too excited over sugar prices doubling.

02-14-2011, 08:04 PM
I heard that the latest sugar crop was mostly destroyed because of a ban on GMO sugarcane. That was the reason as I understand it, anyway.

Melody Bee Farms
02-15-2011, 03:59 PM
GMO sugarcane or sugar beets?

Bucket Head
02-15-2011, 04:47 PM
Just recently, although I can not remember where, I saw an artical about the Government allowing sugarbeets to be grown this year. I forget the exact details and rules concerning the decision, but it said that would help stabilize sugar prices. Wether it will or not is another story.


02-15-2011, 05:23 PM
Michigan has raised and processed Sugar Beets, since the early 1900's, into Sugar and Sugar byproducts. Although Sugar Cane is cheaper - Sugar Beets can be grown in many of the Northern States and is available during time of war --etc.. -- Mike

02-15-2011, 10:05 PM
I honestly don't know which it was, probably it was sugar beets. Guess I wasn't paying that close attention to it. Don't pay much attention to any news usually.

02-16-2011, 05:11 AM
what isnt increasing! News this am..."Americans are going to have to dig deeper to not only pay for the spiraling gas prices, but significant increase in food prices"..WTF...But of course, there isnt ANYTHING that isnt increasing in price period so nobody should be be suprised. But I have a thought, americans should stop buying so much junk food and stop eating such big portions! I bet the average american family could cut their grocerie bill in half if they did! The news the other day said that our meal portions are more than 2x the size of what they were on average in the 1950's. I would like to hear from those who were growing up then, although when your younger with a load of brussel sprouts on your plate it probably looked huge! haha Sorry, just venting.

02-16-2011, 05:59 AM
what isnt increasing! News this am..."Americans are going to have to dig deeper to not only pay for the spiraling gas prices, but significant increase in food prices"..WTF...But of course, there isnt ANYTHING that isnt increasing in price period so nobody should be be suprised. But I have a thought, americans should stop buying so much junk food and stop eating such big portions! I bet the average american family could cut their grocerie bill in half if they did! The news the other day said that our meal portions are more than 2x the size of what they were on average in the 1950's. I would like to hear from those who were growing up then, although when your younger with a load of brussel sprouts on your plate it probably looked huge! haha Sorry, just venting.

Hmmmmm- Off topic here - so I'll keep it short - I was a kid in the late 40's early 50's - No - we never went hungary - Family interaction was at the dinner table and you ate what was presented or else - or else was a spanking from my Dad and that really made it easy to eat brussel sprouts. Fat kids were very unusual - but kids then were very active - Mom needed to keep her sanity - so she pushed us out the door - Summer or Winter and we played with all the other kids till called home. If you irritated Mom by saying something stupid - like "I'm bored" - Dad would have me pulling and straightning nails all day long -- You get the idea. Oh - I'm not whining - My Folks were creme puffs compared to other kids parents. -- Ill stop here -- Mike

02-16-2011, 07:45 AM
Food will continue to go up. China russia and now mexico all all reporting huge losses in the growing seasons. Corn Storage as at a 15 year low. If you have the means to stock up on food (canned or long term storage) Do it while you can. Also Get your heirloom/open pollinated seeds while you can. The Gobberment is trying to outlaw them. They is already a seed shortage this year for heirloom seeds. Buy them once and get the book Seed To Seed and you will be able to harvest your own seeds for the future.

I think in the short term you will see people growing planter pot gardens in cities and anyone will a yard or flowerbed will be planting veggies instead of exotic flowers.

I should be buying more longterm storage food but i feel that maple syrup and maple sugar will be making a comback in the future. I might be able to trade for somthing that i need (fuel ammo food ect)


02-16-2011, 11:25 AM
Ausable, I totally agree with you there. I just look at my kids and when they dont eat what is on their plate, we say, well, what else would you like. Really not teaching them anythign other than they always have a choice. I should work on that. My parents never would give me a choice and I grew up i nthe late 70's/80's.