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The Butcher
02-14-2011, 02:02 PM
I have a bunch of red maples that I tap near a seasonal (this time of year) low spot that contains water. They seem to produce more sap. I do not have a sap hydrometer and was wondering if anyone has experienced this and what you have found? Do these trees just give more or is the sugar content lower because of the water near by???

Thanks for any input.

The Butcher
02-14-2011, 07:20 PM
should I have put this thread in another spot?!?!

02-14-2011, 07:31 PM
hard to say there. Many on this site tap red maples. many say that they provide alot of sap, some even say that the sugar content is equal to the sugar maples. it really depends on the tree I guess

02-14-2011, 09:45 PM
I tapped a bunch of reds last year and some where in a low spot. They ended up being the best running reds and the lowest sugar content. What I got sick of was later in the season getting the tractor through the muckhole and collecting in water knee deep. Not doing it this year I will skip them over. Oh and I really didnt care for the stagnent water smell and it didnt sit well thinking the trees are drinking that crap water and Im boiling it.