View Full Version : tappin???

02-14-2011, 08:16 AM
Anyone tappin for the warm spell coming up on thursday weather.com calling for 44 degress. Thinkin about it what you think????

02-14-2011, 09:27 AM
we started tapping yesterday only since we have so many taps to deal with. Not neccesarily because of the warm weather that is coming. Bacon Farm Maple Products sidney maine.

02-14-2011, 05:01 PM
They're calling for 40ish temps thurs and fri in Sumner, then back to cold again for a week. I think i'll hold off on the tapping, but i'll finish repairing line and cleaning equipment.

02-14-2011, 07:02 PM
We're cleaning out the buckets and getting ready next Saturday, but I think we'll wait another week because it sounds like it will freeze up again next week.

It's like a pig's tail.

It's twirly.

02-14-2011, 07:05 PM
im plannin on gettin in the last weekend in Feb.

stephen wheeler
02-14-2011, 07:58 PM
About two weeks ago we put out about 15 buckets just in case it ran. We saw there was going to be a couple of warmer days coming. Some trees did run. We found one bucket with about a quart of sap, a couple more with about a pint and several buckets with only a couple of ounces.
Most of the buckets however were dry.
Today we had more taps running. One bucket now has about a half gallon and another a quart, and so on. A couple of trees that did not run during the last little warm spell gave up some sap today. Perhaps a cup or so.:)
We will probably put out 30 or 40 more buckets tomorrow and thursday morning for the "thursday - friday warm spell" that is forcast.
Not sure why some trees are running and others did not. I believe we have all sugar maples. Our woods are mixed and many maples are shaded by large hemlocks and pines etc.

02-14-2011, 08:02 PM
Tapped 2 buckets just to see what happened there was about a 1/2 cup in each one on monday. Waiting a couple more weeks for the rest.evaporator all set up tubing dug out of the 4 foot snow drift. Just waiting can't wait to boil:

02-15-2011, 09:31 AM
Wait. Wait. ...... Go. Go. Go. Welcome to maple sugaring. Just have fun.:)

02-15-2011, 12:05 PM

Sounds like things are going well this year for you. Hope the camper is holding out the cold. Lets hope the weather gives us a good season.
Good Luck, talk to you soon.


02-19-2011, 09:30 PM
Spent way too much time today installing new stack on evaporator today and didn't get in the woods. Hopefully will get tubing finished in the morning and some trees tapped in the afternoon.

02-21-2011, 06:27 AM
Hi guys-

New to making syrup and this site. Collected sap the last two years and gave it to a friend to boil down. He really does do it inside on his woodstove- crazy coot! He keeps well over half of the syrup, but I can't complain since it is his firewood and his house that is hot and muggy for a month. This year, I'm hoping to at least do an inital boil down on a concrete block evaporator behind the garage. Less wear and tear on my friend's house and more syrup for me. Since I can't check my buckets everyday, I'm using 5-gallon buckets with tubing.

I haven't put in any taps yet, but was thinking of doing it Wednesday in anticiaption of Thursday being a warmer day. Down here on the coast it is a little warmer, and even though the thermometer only read 28* yesterday, everything was melting in the sun.

02-21-2011, 08:07 AM
Welcome DIMariner
Your weather certainly could be challenging on Deer Isle(?). Knowing how much difference the season is at the coast just from our location (10-12 miles inland) I don't envy you. I would think you can tap anytime now the weather looks good. We have several friends out there and one mentioned last summer they knew a guy that made a little syrup on the island. Good luck with the season!