View Full Version : "Sap Suckers Sugar Shack 2011"

Backyard Sapper66
02-13-2011, 11:25 PM
Don't ask me why, but for some reason I am overly excited this year. Granted it is only my third year having the "Maple Bug" but I am beside myself. I guess I have it really bad!!!

Portable evaporator is setup waiting to run the test boil through hopefully sometime this week. Buckets and spiles are sanitized and triple washed as well as the (2) 50 gallon juice drums for sap storage. Trailer to tow behind the snowmobile for collecting sap is almost complete.
Kids helped with the bucket and spile washing detail today so I know they are getting excited as well. My middle daughter wanted so desperately to start drilling and putting in the taps today. Might have been a good idea but I am just not 100% ready yet.
My mind is racing and all I can see is sap dripping from the spout!!!!!! My friends (and some family members) think I have "lost it" but I don't think I have. I hope they don't sign me up for an "intervention", I just don't have time for that when the sap starts to flow!!!
If all goes well I might tap this coming weekend unless the weatherman changes his mind again.

Good luck everyone and heres to your sap being 3%!!!!

Haynes Forest Products
02-14-2011, 12:17 AM
Sapper66 When the first bottle is sitting on the table and the flapjacks are getting piled up just place a bottle of store bought in front of them and watch them beg for yours. They will see it your way:mrgreen:

Backyard Sapper66
02-15-2011, 07:59 PM
I know you are right, but I think I will make them beg for it first. I will make them use the ole' "Aunt Jamima" syrup and then let them have a small taste of the real thing. Ha, ha, who will be laughing then???
I know sugarin' is a lot of work but like with any "addiction" there is a price to pay before the reward is realized.
Thanks for posting and I hope you have one heck of a season out there!!!!

02-15-2011, 08:24 PM

You know that corn syrup will kill you, so tell your friends that this "Maple Bug" is really a good thing. The best thing to reduce the symptoms of the "sickness" as we call it around here is to spend a few nights in the sugarhouse, with your frontside burning and your backside freeezing. When I have been drowning in sap for a few weeks, I'm usually ready for it to be over until next year. Good Luck.

P.S. Maple Sugaring is kind of like Amway, you don't make much money, but at least you get wicked excited.

Backyard Sapper66
02-16-2011, 04:47 AM
Yes I know the "corn syrup" will kill you as well as a few other things in life that I won't mention on here....
LMAO about the front side, backside comment!!!
I've never sold Amway but if what you are saying is true then I will make sure I steer clear of selling with them.
Good luck!!
I hope you get a chance to catch some of the early run sap coming our way over the next few days.

Backyard Sapper66
02-16-2011, 04:55 PM
I've been called cheap, frugal, a tightwad and a few other colorful names because I didn't want to spend money on something I could get for free. Well yesterday a co-worker asked me what I use for fuel in my evaporator, I told him I used wood. Then he gave the location to get as many pallets as I wanted, mostly hardwood!! So today (after spending 2 hours fixing my broken Jeep so I could get to work) I picked up about 20 pallets for FREE!! Ya I have to cut them up to fit in the evap but free is free. Just one more reason I'm a "backyard sapper"!
Now if I could only find time in the day to put some taps out...

Backyard Sapper66
02-16-2011, 09:08 PM
The time I was looking for earlier arrive shortly after dinner. I have 21 trees tapped with buckets hoping that I will get some of the first run sap tomorrow!!
Still have another 10 or so to tap but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
Good luck everyone, cheers to 40+ degrees over the next couple of days.

Backyard Sapper66
02-17-2011, 08:50 PM
Extra long day at work today, didn't get home until 8:30pm. Checked the 21 buckets I had put out last night and most had a few drops to a covering in the bottom. The ones that are not down in the woodlot produced about a quart each. They were still dripping when I checked them. Hopefully tomorrow will produce more sap than today. Had my wife and the youngest check on them today, they had fun checking on them but got really tired of me asking how things were progressing. I guess I am just a little impatient.
Hope everybody that has tapped got to see a little bit of a run today.
Here's to TGIF and a good run of sap!!!!!
Have a good night all..........

02-17-2011, 09:07 PM
Good to hear some sap is flowing , I put in 29 taps today after work just couldnt wait any longer, more to put in tomorrow . Im hoping that i will have enough to start a boil for sunday we will see how it flows .. Best of luck to yas!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-18-2011, 03:47 AM
Last year I got a late start, didn't start tapping until after my Birthday in March. Had just moved to a new location and didn't even have an evaporator. Ginned one up from a 55 gallon drum, not very effecient by any means but it was free materials so I can't complain.
Hope you get enough sap today to boil this weekend. At the rate its dripping here in Alexandria up by the mountain, it will be a while before I get enough to put in the evap.
Oh well, the fun has begun for another season!!!!
I will have to swing by and check out your place one of these days.
Have a good day!!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-18-2011, 05:03 PM
Done collecting for the day, total tally for the last 2 days is a whopping 5-1/2 gallons. Snow was very, very mushy in the woods today. Thanks to my wonderful wife for checking the buckets and emptying them so they wouldn't overflow. Trees in the back woods didn't flow that much, some not at all. I know they are maples as I marked them during the summer. Tomorrow I will tap another 10 or so trees to get ready for the next run. Got the "bug" real bad now, gonna have to borrow more buckets from my friend (if he still has them available) so I can have a total of 40 taps. Have the trees, spiles and hooks just not enough buckets.
We will boil the little bit of sap we have so we can get a teaspoon full for our tastebuds.
Hope everybody had a good run!!!

02-19-2011, 06:07 AM
Good to see that there's other folks from Alexandria on this site. I live at the Walker Farm. Just about to head out and start working on lines. AAAhh the warm weather came quick! Glad it's short lived, for now... Where in Alexandria are you?


Backyard Sapper66
02-19-2011, 06:24 AM
I live on Mt. Cardigan Rd about a mile before the orchard. I am new (3yrs in) to the maple syrup game but I have the bug bad!!! Not much of an operation, just a family loving syrup and working hard to get it. Maybe I will swing by if I'm down that way today. Got a few errands to run in Bristol and have to go to the dump.
Nice to have a fellow "sapper" close by!!!!

02-19-2011, 06:32 AM
Yeah Doug The "Bug" can bite bad. My wife thinks I'm crazy! I tell her there is worse things that i could be addicted to. She was helping me make drops last night. She said so is this considered date night? She lasted about ten minutes then lost interest. Your welcome to stop by. I am going to be in and out. Plan on heading to the woods. The sugar house is actually in Bristol. It's right on the Bristol Alexandria town line.

Backyard Sapper66
02-19-2011, 07:02 AM
My wife also thinks I am crazy!! She helps out too. Yesterday she collected the sap while I was at work. Lucky to have a woman like that. Our youngest is into it also, likes to see how much is in the buckets before they get emptied. We bought some snowshoes this year to make the trek through the woods easier. Yesterday was a real bugger with the soft snow but the snowshoes worked good. Well I gotta get my carcass in gear and get something done. Daylight is wasting!!!
Have a good day!!!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-19-2011, 05:50 PM
No sap running today up here on the mountain. Wind is still whipping pretty good. Went out to check and see if the buckets were still attached to the hooks, luckily they were but I had to fetch a few covers that had fallen off and re-install them. Got some inside work done today. Finished up the trailer to tow behind the snowmobile. Made a hitch to bolt onto the machine too. Now I can go and get the buckets using the snowmobile and trailer with a transport container instead of lugging it out in 5 gallon pails on snowshoes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of work but someone told me once "work smarter, not harder" so I figured I would try and heed his advice.
Hope everybody that collected sap had enough to boil and was able to get a start on their maple fix!!!
Nite all....

Backyard Sapper66
02-20-2011, 06:34 PM
The wind was still going at it pretty good this morning so my poor maples held onto their sap for another day. Worked on the temporary "sugar shack" some more today. Decided to take the coleman stove out of retirement and use it to finish off the sap into syrup. I was going to boil what little sap I had but mother nature decided to cool it off for me and boy oh boy did she do a good job, one frozen chunk of ice at the bottom of the storage container. Oh well it will thaw out and will be turned into syrup soon enough. Looking at the forecast for next week it looks like possibly Thursday and Friday are going to warm up enough to let the trees let go of their sweet addiction.
Maybe Parker can wisper to the sweet godess again so we can all sweeten our pans.
Good luck all!!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-21-2011, 07:32 PM
Stopped by Sunnyside Maples this afternoon and bought some 1/2 pint syrup containers, a sap and a syrup hydrometer and a large testing cup. Pricing seemed pretty good compared to online shops. Buy local, support local. The younger of the Moore family (Ryan was his name) was very informative about tubing, tees, y's, tubing and spouts. All of which I don't have a clue about. In the 15 minuted I was there he was VERY patient with my barage of questions and my obvious lack of knowledge. Looks like the next purchase will be some tubing, t's, y's, spouts and whatever else I would need for a gravity setup. Hope Momma doesn't get too upset when she goes out to collect the buckets and finds a maze of blue lines strung from tree to tree. This darned hobby is VERY addicting!!
Had a nice visit with a fellow "sapper" tonight. Thanks John (aka RypTyd) for letting me stop by and visit. His little helper is so much fun I can only imagine how excited he is going to be when the steam gets rolling.
Have a good night all and stay warm, going to be 6 below tonight!!!

02-21-2011, 08:09 PM
Hey Doug if you wanna go the cheaper way on setting up your first tubing setup we just re-did some lines. It has 7/16 spouts and t's on it. You could strip the fittings and re-do or whatever. Come take a look if you'd like and make an offer.

Backyard Sapper66
02-21-2011, 09:24 PM
I would very much like to do that. I am just starting out so any savings is a good thing (and it will keep my hide from getting tanned by the boss lady!!!). I work in Laconia and don't get out until 5pm usually. Not sure what the best time to stop by would be. My schedule is pretty flexible once I get back over this neck of the woods. Let me know what works for you. Thanks for the offer!!!
Talk to you later.

02-22-2011, 07:23 PM
Hey Doug, Thanks for stopping by yesterday , it was nice to share ideas with another backyard sapper. Still froze up solid hoping maby we get some thawing tomorrow.

Backyard Sapper66
02-22-2011, 07:56 PM
Today was a very productive day. Not in the sugar bush but in the world of tapping knowledge. A big shout out and thank you to Jason from Walkers Farm in Alexandria, he offered me a deal on some used tubing, spouts and tee's. The more I get involved and the more people I meet, I am just astonished how NICE the maple folk are. So now I have a bunch of spouts, tee's and line all I have to do is figure out where I am going to put them and how I am going to retrieve the sap from thr storage container up to the evaporator. Minor detail but a detail none the less.
Thank you Jason for helping get me started in the "line" world!!!
Thank you Maple Trader for having such an awesome place for people with this addiction to meet and discuss their thoughts and experiences.
Have a good night all and here is to 3 days of warmer weather!!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-22-2011, 08:04 PM
It was great to meet you and your little helper. He is going to be a maple addict you know. He was getting a kick out of making steam with the ice. Wait till he gets a load of the sap boiling and the steam coming from that. Talk about neuron overload!!!
Let me know when you think you might boil and I will see if I can stop over and visit.
Have a great nite!!

02-22-2011, 08:23 PM
Sapper, how long you been on Mt Cardigan Rd? I'm up above you 2+ miles on Knowles Hill (headed toward the AMC lodge).

02-22-2011, 08:36 PM
Yeah Doug The "Bug" can bite bad. My wife thinks I'm crazy! I tell her there is worse things that i could be addicted to. She was helping me make drops last night. She said so is this considered date night? She lasted about ten minutes then lost interest. Your welcome to stop by. I am going to be in and out. Plan on heading to the woods. The sugar house is actually in Bristol. It's right on the Bristol Alexandria town line.

Hi Jason, is that the shack at the farm? I always thought that was Alexandria.

Backyard Sapper66
02-23-2011, 01:18 AM
Your ears must be ringing!!! Jason and I were talking about you and where you were (both geographically and trader wise). Said we hadn't seen any posts yet this year. Good to hear from you.
I moved into the neighborhood in November 09'.
We will have to get together to put the name with the face.
This is just plain crazy but I love it!!!
Talk with you later.

Backyard Sapper66
02-23-2011, 07:47 PM
Lauren and I went out this evening to get the ice out of the buckets. We had about 2 gallons of ice chunks. Well one thing lead to another and here we are doing our first boil on the coleman stove just so we can smell the sweet!!! Brenna couldn't stand it so she came out to see what was taking us so long. She soon found out what we were up to and wanted to taste it. At 212* it wasn't a good idea. We are just testing the coleman stove to make sure it all works ok and so far it does. You know you've got it bad when you're boiling 2 gallons of sap just to smell the sweet!!!
Hoping the sweet godess let's her trees release their succulent solution so we can all enjoy it!!!
Good night all....

The Butcher
02-23-2011, 07:51 PM
Doug you do have it bad!!!!

Good luck. Tomorrow looks good!!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-24-2011, 05:37 AM
Last nights boil netted a whopping 3oz!!! It was enough to filter, taste test and pour into a 1/2 pint jug. Very tasty, looks like medium amber. Sap was almost 2* brix which I didn't think was too bad.
Just had to have a teaspoon of it this morning, OMG did it start my morning off right. Had to save some for Momma, Brenna and Lauren.
Feel free to laugh and shake you head at my addiction, its ok I understand.
Please sweet godess let your trees give up some of their addicting liquid.
Have a good day all!!

Backyard Sapper66
02-25-2011, 04:49 AM
No sap, no school, soon no kids and even worse no wife....
Kids are going on vac with grandparents to Florida, wife and youngest are going to visit her parents for all next week and Daddy has to WORK!!!
I guess it could be worse, I could have no kids, no job, no wife and my buckets could be overflowing with the love potion from the sweet godess. Wait, the last part doesn't quite fit in the "worse" catagory.
BACHELOR next week, yay for me!!
Now if would only warm up enough to let gravitt take affect.
I'm not so sure that Parker has been talking to the sweet godess quite the way he should be. Don't make me go out to the front yard and get on my hands and knees and hug my maples to show them I love them. What would the neighbors think??
Enjoy the snowy day all!!!!

02-25-2011, 05:49 AM
I can remember when I was younger. When every one was gone we would have a party. So saps not running everyone party at backyard sappers. BYOB and if you have sap bring it.

Backyard Sapper66
02-25-2011, 09:05 PM
Keith has a great idea, haven't partied in years!!
Guess I might have to crack open a "boiling soda". If I ever get any sap.
Keith, you crack me up, keep it coming!
I think after a 14 hour work day I'm ready to call it a night. Thankfully I don't have any sap to boil because I don't think I could stay awake long enough.
Until tomorrow folks, take it easy and happy dreams of maples dripping with sweetness filling bucket after bucket.
Over and out...

Backyard Sapper66
02-27-2011, 01:23 PM
After attending the Maple Syrup class yesterday hosted by Eric Johnson of Tucker Mountain Maple Co-op, I realized that my barrel evaporator is grossly undersize for the amount of taps I want to put out. If I modify it and build a 24" x 33" pan I would be able to evaporate 5 GPH but, if I apply the math to see how long it would take to evaporate 50 gallons (this would be an average daily run if the sap was running and I had 50 taps out) it would take 10 hours. Now I work an average of 10 hours a day so that only leaves 14 hours remaining. Somewhere in there I need to sleep to recharge my batteries. I am figuring at best I would be able to boil for 5 hours a night once things got rolling. Options: don't have as many taps, bring sap to get it run through an R/O (trucking it 20 miles away isn't very good for pure sap but is doable if needed), sell the sap to local maple syrup producer, or get a bigger evaporator. Now mind you I am the typical backyard sapper, just starting into the game and having fun. Trying not to turn a hobby into a job and get burned out. I could purchase an R/O that would allow me to increase the sugar concentration but R/O's are not very cheap especially for a backyard sapper who is doing this for fun and is NOT selling the syrup. Pondering my options without getting crazy out of control. I still have to answer to "Momma" with most of the money decisions so there isn't sliding much past her. I could also store the sap in a very cold place until I can boil it on the weekend, I have 3 50 gallon juice drums that will give me 150 storage capacity and I think I have 1 or 2 more available in the near future.
It looks to me like the logical choice is to jump to a bigger evaporator, possibly a 2' x 6' which would evaporate 25 GPH of pure sap. Now the question is, where do I find one that is in good shape, reasonably priced and available to be used for this season?
I am open to any thoughts from my fellow (and lady folk as well) sappers.
Feel free to criticize, condemn, laugh or comment. All opinions are welcome.

02-27-2011, 06:58 PM
Hey Doug, Dont miss out on the steps to get where you want to be, the journey is half the fun. I wouldnt pull out any taps if I were you it is better to have too much than not enough. The wf masons look like a good option to me , but they take a while to have built. Made my changes on my setup and cant wait to get enough sap to boil , all my frozen sap is still frozen. Hopefully get a boil going by end of coming week. John

Backyard Sapper66
02-28-2011, 04:31 AM
I know what your saying about the "journey" being half the fun. Hoping it will warm up enough to let the sap flow a bit so we can sweeten our pans this weekend.
Maybe I will stop by sometime this week on my way home.

Backyard Sapper66
02-28-2011, 10:07 PM
I finally decided it was time to upgrade to a bigger evaporator. Looking at a 2' x 4' or 2' x 6'. A friend of mine had a 2' x 6' Leader complete (minus the stack) and had offered it to me earlier this year. The price seemed pretty good but I just didn't (and still don't) have the cash to pay for it. A couple of months has gone by so I called him today and found out that he sold it to Bascom's for a better price than what I could have bought it for. Kicking myself really hard because I think I could have worked out a payment plan with a small amount down. So now its back to the drawing board. I have this barrel evaporator with (3) 12" diameter pots on it which is ok but not very efficient (a little more than 2 square feet for the 3 pots versus 8 square feet for a 2' x 4' flat pan). I priced out a sheet of 4' x 8' 18 gauge 304ss sheet today and it is just under $300. I can bend, weld (TIG weld), manufacture fittings and such for well under what a 2' x 4' flat pan with 4 dividers would cost. I am thinking really hard at modifying the barrel evap to allow the 4' long flat pan which should give me an evap rate of 15 GPH. The barrel is 33" long so I would only need to add about 16" to it (give or take a little) to allow for the use of the 2' x 4' pan. I am going to add the 3/4" NPT welded in fittings in the opposite corners of the pan so I can turn it around to reverse the flow and loosen up the niter while evaporating. It is a little late to be starting to take this project on but I just can't bare the thought of boiling with the 3 pot evaporator that I have. Wish me luck because I am about to embark onward on my journey to the world of evaporation!!!!
Maybe the missed opportunity was the nudge I needed to build my own instead of shelling out hard earned clams to be traded for sweet sticky tasty liquid, time will tell.
Have a good night all...........

03-01-2011, 04:41 AM
I thought if you when I saw this. There's pics on the add, I don't think they pasted on to this.

2' x 4' Maple Syrup Evaporator - $1150 (Spofford, NH)

Date: 2011-02-28, 10:58AM EST
Reply to: sale-j5s9p-2238887466@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


This is a heavy duty 2' x 4' maple syrup evaporator w/ two 2 ' x 2' 16 gauge high grade 304 stainless steel pans. Front pan is 2' x 2' w/ two flow dividers and and two draw offs. The rear pan is 2' x 2' w/ two cross dividers and one draw off. Both pans come w/ s/s fittings and brass ball valves. The arch is made w/ 14 gauge steel w/ a renforced 1/4" front w/ a 12" x 14" door and a 4" x 14" air flow damper. This unit will cook off about 15 gallons an hour. The 21" x 8" x 8" stainless steel pre heater goes for $ 125.00. The smoke stack is a factory stack and it is $ 125.00, if you want a thermomiter add $ 100.00. I will let the compleet package go for $ 1,300.00 that is a $200.00 savings, but you must act quick for there are only two left. Theese units are compleatly welded and are made to last, you will not find a better unit for the money. Please call 603-748-9927 and ask for Randy.
Thank you for looking.

•Location: Spofford, NH
•it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Backyard Sapper66
03-01-2011, 04:50 PM
Thanks for the info, I will check it out tonight.

This ****ed sugarin' hobby is more addicting than racing!!!! Hoping to get going on whatever the plan may end up being for the evaporation process. I do truly love this sweet addiction!!

03-01-2011, 05:01 PM
Sugaring season, can't wait for it to begin and you can't wait for it to end. (Hopefully it will begin?) Did you get all those lines and taps out? We are just about all tapped here. Just a couple small, cold places left. Craigslist is a good place to keep your eyes out for a small hobby evaporator. I'll also keep an eye out.

Backyard Sapper66
03-01-2011, 06:51 PM
Got most of the lines sorted out for size (length) and where I would want to put them. Some of the lines where to short for what I needed so I cut the fittings off and it gave me more options for tapping locations. Thanks again for your help on this. I am hoping to run a couple of lines this weekend into a 50 gallon juice drum. I just picked up a 275 gallon container to store the sap in when I collect it. I am still looking around to see what I can find for an arch/pan assembly. Thank you for keeping your eye out for me, its a big help.

03-01-2011, 08:25 PM
Sugaring season, can't wait for it to begin and you can't wait for it to end. (Hopefully it will begin?) Did you get all those lines and taps out? We are just about all tapped here. Just a couple small, cold places left. Craigslist is a good place to keep your eyes out for a small hobby evaporator. I'll also keep an eye out.

Jason, the weather doesn't even look promising until next Tuesday. Definately a late start this season.


03-02-2011, 05:21 AM
The season is surely dragging its feet getting started. My fear is a warm up and we lose the freezing nights all at once. All this snow should help though. It has made for some slow going on tapping thats for sure... The snow must be deep up on the mountain.

Backyard Sapper66
03-03-2011, 07:59 PM
Well after searching and discussing my options, I've decided that at least for this year I have to stay with my barrel evaporator but will make some changes to it. I have materials on the way to make a 24" x 32" 304 18 gauge pan with 8" sides and (2) dividers. I will have (2) 3/4" outlet ports in opposite corners of the pan. Calculations show it should boil off about 5 GPH if all goes well. I purchased some full and half bricks from Gilbert block to line the inside of the barrel to keep the heat it. I plan on putting a blower fan in the back on the bottom to use to accelerate the burn and hopefully get above the 5 GPH boiling rate. A little late to be rebuilding the evaporator but at 5 GPH versus 1.5 GPH I just had to do it. Hopefully we will get a good run this weekend into next week and I will be able to test it out.
Good luck to all and may your sap be strong and run fast!!!

03-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Hey Doug, Sounds like you got a good plan for your modification. I was wondering what you plan to use for a blower , I have been looking into putting one on my setup but have not setteled on the right blower yet.

Backyard Sapper66
03-03-2011, 09:11 PM
I have an old oil burner that I took the pump off of but left the blower portion in tact. I had it on the front of the evaporator last year but could only use it in spurts because it would get the barrel cherry red!!! I didn't have any insulation or firebrick in it last year. The design should increase the boiling rate if I can keep it all together. Hopefully it won't take off and head for the space station while I'm boiling with it. I will snap some pics when I get going on it so you can see what I did.
Hope you got the ole' girl ready to boil because it looks like its going to break loose starting this weekend!!

03-03-2011, 09:13 PM
hey..on a roughly 2x3 pan..I would highly suggest you put the blower in the back..blowing towards the door...there isn't alot of room in there and you will blow the gasses right out your stack where you will watch it reignite..looks like a 4' tall jetplane afterburner...all lost heat..just my .02 from past experience:rolleyes:

Backyard Sapper66
03-03-2011, 09:17 PM
Do you think the blower is a bad idea or maybe overkill? I'm always open to ideas so don't be afraid to lay them on me.

Backyard Sapper66
03-04-2011, 05:45 PM
No sap running here in Alexandria, dry as a bone!!
Momma is home from her weeks vacation so its time to hang with her tonight. Tomorrow am (5 or earlier) the building will commence. All the materials have been gathered to build the new evap pan (24" x 32"). Have some mods to do to the barrel arch to accomodate the new pan. Will need to get out during the day tomorrow before the rain comes to run some lines and tap some trees. Very excited about this as it is my very first set of lines I've ever run. Looks like the only thing ill need is some insulation to go between the pan and the arch. Didn't get a chance to go to Sunnyside today.
Tomorrow can't be here soon enough......

Backyard Sapper66
03-05-2011, 05:01 PM
Ok so the big warmup forecasted by the weather people didn't happen. Didn't get above 32* here today. No sap running....
On the up side, I have completely welded the 24" x 32" flat pan. My hat is off to those guys that weld 18 gauge or thinner stainless steel, until you have done it you don't know how easy it is to blow big holes in the weld seams. Pan is full of water and will set overnite to see if there are any leaks. So far, so good. Tomorrow is arch modification time. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have a completed evaporator ready to rock and boil!!!!
Hope someone is getting some sap today.
Good nite all.....

Backyard Sapper66
03-06-2011, 05:43 PM
I collected about 12 gallons of sap tonight. Checked the concentration and it was just a hair under 2 on the hydrometer.
The new sap pan held water all night without a single drip!! The barrel evaporator is almost done. Added the blower connection to the back, made some better and stronger grates and worked on attaching the framework for the pan. Should have it done sometime this week and hope to be boiling this weekend.
Hope everybody had a good day.

03-06-2011, 07:54 PM
CLEAR THE DECK AND BATTEN DOWN THE HACTHES!!!!! Hammering over here!!!better get the rig together and boiling!!!!

Backyard Sapper66
03-08-2011, 06:58 PM
Went to Sunnyside on Monday and got some goodies. Needed some pan to arch insulation and some insulation to put inside my barrel arch. Picked up a cone filter and paper prefilters also. Got to get the barrel arch completed so I can boil not that I am going to boil any time soon. All the sap that I have collected is frozen in a 55 gallon juice drum. No fear of it going bad. Rather it be frozen than to spoil. Emptied the buckets tonight, mostly ice with about 2 gallons of sap. Total with ice was about 5 gallons.
Hope everybody is making some headway!!!
Have a good night.....

Backyard Sapper66
03-10-2011, 07:21 PM
Only in NH can we have such crazy weather. I work about 25 miles away from where I live, it rained all day there but when I got to within about 2 miles from home it changed to snow. Got about 3" of snow at the house.
Got out of work a little early to go and run some tubing and tap a few trees. So now I have 35 taps out and if the weather holds out on Saturday I will run more tubing and tap more trees trying to get a total of 50 taps out. Small potatoes compared to other backyard sappers but its a start. Hope to have the barrel arch done tomorrow night and be ready to use it on Saturday or Sunday. Sap is still frozen in the juice drums so its not going bad anytime soon. Hopefully the next week will produce some sap so things can get underway.
Good night all!!!!!

03-11-2011, 04:35 AM
Doug- so you were planning on 30 and now your up to 50 taps...yep, the diagnosis is confirmed. Addict. I've got a t-shirt for ya next time your in the neighborhood...

03-11-2011, 05:04 AM
Only in NH can we have such crazy weather. I work about 25 miles away from where I live, it rained all day there but when I got to within about 2 miles from home it changed to snow. Got about 3" of snow at the house.

Doug let me offically welcome you to Alexandria

You know the town motto right?

"It's always snowing in Alexandria"


Backyard Sapper66
03-12-2011, 05:15 AM
Thanks for the official welcome!!
Let's hope we get some kind of a run starting this weekend. Still want to put out another run of tubing to try and gather more of the sweet juice when it starts to flow. My wife asked me why I had to go and complicate our sugaring process? I asked her what she meant and she said you know, bigger storage tank, plastic tubing, bigger evap, yadda yadda yadda? I just looked at her and said "MAPLE BUG".
Don't think she gets it. Oh well I could be into something a heck of lot worse that produces no rewards. Well its time to get my carcass up and enjoy the sunlight and warmer temps.
Happy sappin' everybody!!!!

03-12-2011, 05:34 AM
That's why I live in South Alexandria! HaHaHa. Sap has finally started to loosen up a little around here. Have about 500 or more gallons to work through today. Guy from CDL is coming back today to change out column for RO. Brand new machine and a bad pump. Let's hope today goes better than yesterday. Finally looks like we may get some sap weather, as long as the forecast doesn't change.

Doug just keep tapping.... Then when it really starts running you'll say oh no! need bigger evaporator! Ahhhh, the cycle has begun.

Backyard Sapper66
03-12-2011, 07:32 AM
You are so right!!! Not that I had a big budget for this year but what little I had is GONE!!! Little does Momma know I had a little extra stashed just away for the season and thank god I did.
Was out in the woods at 6:30am collecting the buckets. Got 11 gallons with an average of about 2.3% I was concerned as some of the buckets where almost full and thought it might have been rain water but it wasn't. Some of the taps were dripping already this morning. Going to run some more tubing today to try and get to 50 taps. This will be a lot for me and my little 5GPH evap but I'm ready for the challenge!!!
Hope the sap is running for everybody today.

Backyard Sapper66
03-12-2011, 04:57 PM
I am 5 taps shy of my goal of 50 taps. I have 32 buckets and 13 taps on tubing. Not sure the max amount of taps on one 5/16 line is but I have 9 on the line I just put in. No vacuum, gravity only. I collected 3 more gallons of 2% sap this afternoon from the buckets. The tubing is new so don't have anything doing with that yet. Going to get the barrel arch finished up tomorrow so maybe I can boil and sweeten the pan just a skosh tomorrow afternoon.
Have a good night all and keep praying to the sweet godess so she will release the liquid gold we all so much desire.....

Backyard Sapper66
03-14-2011, 08:57 PM
I officially have 52 taps in as of 9pm tonight. I was able to score (6) 5 gallon food grade at the local grocery stores and have used them to add to my already 46 taps I had in. My goal was 50 and I reached it!!! Now the fun begins to collect all the sap when it really starts to run. Got another 12 gallons today off of the 46 taps. I don't think the trees have really warmed up yet. Didn't get a chance to finish the barrel arch yesterday, had family commitments that took up a good percentage of the day. Hopefully I will get a chance to finish it tomorrow night and be ready for the first big boil.
Have a good night all!!

03-14-2011, 09:34 PM
I don't think the trees have really warmed up yet. ....Hopefully I will get a chance to finish it tomorrow night and be ready for the first big boil.
Have a good night all!!

watch out. It's gonna be the Mother of all runs tomorrow. (course, I've been wrong before)

03-15-2011, 06:48 PM
Oh yeah, we had a decent run today. Doug, you must have done well filling the buckets.

Backyard Sapper66
03-15-2011, 06:56 PM
Momma texted me at work today and said she had to empty some buckets early this afternoon because they were close to running over!! Most of these are out in the open in the sunny areas. The trees down in the woods still have a pretty good snow ring around them but they did run a little. Got a total of 22 gallons off of 52 taps. Not complaining at all. Hoping to boil tomorrow night for a little bit. Supposed to go below 32 tonight so maybe it will refresh the trees. Not sure about the rest of the week if we don't get the freeze up we need.
Good luck all!!!

Backyard Sapper66
03-16-2011, 08:56 PM
Ok so I didn't have Momma check on the buckets and pails today figuring that if its snowing to beat h**l and its only just above freezing, the likely chance of sap running was minimal. WRONG!!! Stopped at a few locations on my way home and got some more 5 gallon pails used for frosting and whatnot. Came home and washed them out good and set them up to dry. Slammed a couple of tuna melts down the hatch and proceeded to dress for the outdoors. Momma said "where on earth do you think your going at 8:00 at night?", I said "gotta go talk to my trees and tell them how much I love them". Well she laughed just about as hard as I've ever heard her laugh!! So off I go with snowshoes on trudging down into the sugar bush. OMG!!! The first pail I came to was 3/4 full and so was the next. Back to the house to get the 5 gallon pails with lids and down to the sugar bush again. Who would have thunk that I would collect 28 gallons of sap on a snowy, 35* day!!! I guess I have a lot to learn about my trees and the whole process!!! Hopefully a good freeze will reset the trees and we will be off and running again tomorrow.
Good luck everybody, hope you have your sap waders warmed up because I have a feeling we are gonna need them.
Night all!!

03-17-2011, 08:06 PM
Doug, I fired up the tractor to plow up the hill around 4:30p yesterday and my road buckets were going to town. Good steady drip drip drip.

We've got 400+ gallons sitting in the shack and at least another 100 in buckets and barrels. Gonna fire up first thing tomorrow am and not stop until it's gone.

Take a spine up if you've got a few mins.


Backyard Sapper66
03-17-2011, 08:18 PM
I will try and swing by. I have about 80 gallons stored in the 275 gallon tank with some ice in for good measure. I plan on finishing up the barrel arch and going to town on the boiling sometime on Saturday. Glad to hear its finally running for you up there!!
Collected about 40 gallons today off of the 52 taps. I think some of the trees deep in the woods aren't quite ready to play the sap game yet. Not sure what tomorrow is going to bring if it doesn't freeze up and reset the trees. I guess I will find that out tomorrow.
Have a good night all!!!

Backyard Sapper66
03-19-2011, 09:16 PM
Well it took a bit longer than I expected to finish up the barrel arch but I'm glad I incorporated the changes that came about midstream. Started boiling at 12 noon and as of 10pm I have boiled off 50 gallons!! 5 GPH on this little 24" x 32" homemade backyard evaporator is not too bad. The sap has averaged out at about 2.3% from the storage tank. For some reason I only though I had 80 gallons in there but the graduations on the side of the tank showed 125 before I started drawing off. Must have miscalculated somewhere along the line. Going to boil for 2 more hours to make it a 12 hour boil and call it a night. Hope to get out and visit some people tomorrow for Maple Weekend. Hope everybody had a good day!!!

03-19-2011, 09:22 PM
wow thats a pretty good rate,after a slow boil last weekend I made some modifications to my barrel arch and upped my gph from about 2 to almost 4

Backyard Sapper66
03-19-2011, 09:31 PM
Last year I had a combination of 3 stainless steel pots linked together with copper tubing and boiled at about 1.5 GPH. Very slooowww!!!
This year I built a 24" x 32" pan with dividers and 2 draw off spouts. I added a blower to the back with a 3" diameter tube going to the front with a series of holes in it to allow force more air to it. Boy does it force air!!! I had to throttle it back so I wouldn't burn the door off the arch!!! Finally got it fine tuned and its working awesome.
What kind of evaporator do you have?
Good luck and have fun!!!

03-19-2011, 09:38 PM
now i'm a little curious how you have yours set up? do you have any pics and what er you using for a pan?

03-19-2011, 09:40 PM
well basicaly you answered my q as I was asking. what size stack do you have?

03-19-2011, 09:48 PM
guess i didn't read your whole post, ive got a homemade barrel arch with a 2x2 pan on it, no partitions and a 4 inch stack, i know it to small but I had it kicking around and had to do it on the cheap, wanna get a new pan for next year,was thinking about making one cause new are a lot of $ but not sure how hard it would be, i got a buddy who's a welder but hes pretty busy...

Backyard Sapper66
03-19-2011, 10:12 PM
I have a 6" stack. Much like you, I had it kicking around so I used it. Contemplating changes for next year which would include a bigger stack and possibly make an arch fabricated out steel instead of the barrel I an using. All depends on $
4 GPH isn't too bad with a 4" stack and a 2' x 2' pan.

03-19-2011, 10:23 PM
what did you make your pan out of? I was told it is extremely hard to bend four sides together, and where did you get the material, def want a bigger stack next year and a bigger, partitoned pan

Backyard Sapper66
03-19-2011, 11:04 PM
I bought the material sheared to my dimensions from Cohen Steel in Concord, NH. I used 18 gauge (.047" thick) 304 stainless steel. I checked around and most of the place by me where going charge me an arm and a leg and probably all of my syrup production just to bend it up so I welded it all together. Didn't come out too bad for the first one. Pan is 8" tall with 2 dividers that are 4" tall sectioning the pan in 3. I cut notches at the bottom in the corners of the dividers to allow the sap to flow from one side to the other (well at least that is what the idea is). I tig welded the pan complete so it took a while longer than if I had to only weld up the 4 corners.
Hope the info helps.

03-19-2011, 11:53 PM
just curious how much did cohen charge you for the material? I talked to guys at a local fire engine builder shop and they said it would be $150 for a 4x4 sheet of 14 guage stainless, ( I figured that would be about what it would take) i didn't think about welding the whole thing, if I had the pieces all there I bet my welder friend would bang it out for me

Backyard Sapper66
03-20-2011, 12:49 AM
I bought a 4' x 8' sheet and only used 48" x 40", including the shearing charges it cost me $276. I still have the rest of the sheet (48" x 56") that I may use at some point in time for another pan. I went with 18 gauge because one of the posts I saw on Maple Trader talked about not being to thick so that there wouldn't be a heat transfer problem. I also figured it would be easier to bend. Not that difficult to weld. Your welder friend probably already knows this, he needs to gas back the opposite side of where he is welding with the Argon sheilding gas or the weld on the inside will look like globs of sugar. Its not a big deal for a maple syrup pan but in the aerospace world, sugar globs are a no-no. You might want to get pricing on what it would cost to bend the 14 gauge versus the 18 gauge, it might help with your descision.
Either way you go I am sure you will be fine.

Backyard Sapper66
03-20-2011, 06:44 PM
What a great weekend, boiled 100+ gallons of sap with the newly revised evaporator. Got it up to 6 GPH this afternoon but I had to stay right after it. Was firing about every 8-10 minutes. The oil burner fan that I attached to the back made all the difference in the world. Tomorrow night I will finish boiling the syrup and package it. Collected another 25 gallons of sap this afternoon.
Sorry to all the local sugar houses, I had the best intentions to visit today but once I got boiling this morning I just didn't want to stop.
Hope everybody had a succesfull Maple Syrup Weekend.
Its nappy-nap time for this sapper....
Night all.

Backyard Sapper66
03-23-2011, 05:46 AM
Put the finishing touches on 2 gallons of syrup last night. Have 16 1/2 pint containers jugged up to give away to family and friends and the balance in mason jars. Syrup ended up darker than I expected. Wonder what I could have done differently to make a lighter grade. Have 62 gallons in storage that I've collected Sunday night through last. Run pretty good yesterday which was a surprise. Well its time to go to the paying job.
Have a great day fellow sappers (and lady sappers too)!

maple rook
03-24-2011, 08:45 PM
i have been told that if you let the syrup cool down before you finish it, the colour will be darker,

by the way do you have any pics of your evaporator set up? i have read all these posts and am curious what your set up looks like,,,,
fellow rookie maplier

Backyard Sapper66
03-25-2011, 05:30 PM
Maple Rook,
I think you might be onto something with the color thing. I drew it off and brought it into the house and put it in the refrigorator until I could finish it off. Only my 3rd year doing this so I don't know much about it and am always willing to learn. As far as the pictures, I will up upload some more of them. I have some pics of the pan but I don't think I have any of the barrel arch setup.
Great to hear from a fellow maplier!!!

03-25-2011, 08:15 PM
Doug I see you've got a trailer full of pallets for this weekend.

Burn baby Burn

Backyard Sapper66
03-26-2011, 07:26 PM
Ya baby!!! Gotta love free dry wood! Local business has to pay to have them removed, I get a trailer load from time to time. Labor is labor whether its full trees or boards.
And thanks for stopping by!! We are still boiling as of 8:30pm tonight.
Lost the blower fan at 3pm today so now we are down to 5GPH evap rate. Oh well its all good.
Will update later or tomorrow some time.

Backyard Sapper66
03-27-2011, 05:28 PM
All the storage tanks are empty, buckets are empty and we are boiling down the last of the sap. Another hour or so to go and then its time to go in and finish up the rest of it. Rig has been averaging 5GPH ever without the blower. Finished off about 3/4 of a gallon this morning not counting what we used for maplesicles and on our pancakes. Good weekend even if the sap didn't run. Looks like next week might be another stretch for a good run. Good luck to those still working at it!!!

Backyard Sapper66
03-31-2011, 06:44 PM
The last 2 days have been pretty good so far. Have 87 gallons in storage and hoping that I might get more tomorrow and definately Saturday and Sunday. Got to get more pallets on Saturday to cut up for wood. Hoping to boil on Saturday afternoon and maybe Sunday if I get more sap. Have made about 3-1/2 gallons so far this year. Goal is 5 gallons.
Good luck to all that are still being smiled upon by the sweet godess.

Backyard Sapper66
04-01-2011, 06:40 PM
Collected another 37 gallons of sap today giving me over 125 gallons to boil this weekend. I guess I better get the evap boiling at a rate better than 5 GPH if I want to finish it up before the paying job starts on Monday. Pan is sweetened and should be able to start drawing off shortly after I start boiling.
Good luck to all those still at it!!!!

04-01-2011, 07:16 PM
Have at it Doug.

We've actually had a pretty good run despite the snow. Head tank is full and so are all the barrels. We'll be starting early and ending late this weekend.

Backyard Sapper66
04-02-2011, 06:45 PM
It doesn't get much better than the sweet smell of maple steam filling your nostrils on a Saturday night in New Hampshire. Listening to old tunes, plunking on the harmonica and boiling away. Now as long as I don't drop my harmonica in the evap I will be all set. Good luck to all that are still plugging away!!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-03-2011, 03:43 PM
Glad I didn't consider giving up my day job and take predicting when the sap would run. I really didn't expect the sap to run yesterday so when I checked at 3pm they were less than half full so I figured I'd be good until morning, WRONG!!! I went out at 9am today to collect and 3 buckets that were overflowing and one tree that I have a 3-1/2 gallon pail to catch the sap was full as well!! I know it did get below freezing on Friday night but the wind and the overcast conditions thru me off. Happy to have collected 42 gallons of sap but sad that I lost some on the ground. Next year that WON'T happen!! Fired up the evap at 11:30am today and will be boiling for a while.
Good luck to all that are still being shined upon by the sweet godess.....

Backyard Sapper66
04-04-2011, 05:52 AM
Finished off what I drew off yesterday and came up with a pint shy of 2 gallons. Boiled 100+ gallons throughout the weekend. Sap didn't run much yesterday, mid 40's but the wind kept things chilly. Not sure how much longer we have up here in Alexandria.
Good luck to those still at it!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-05-2011, 07:10 PM
Collected about 15 gallons today. Weird thing is that a couple of the trees with 2 taps had yellowish sap in one bucket and crystal clear in the other. I dumped out the yellow sap which gave be about 12 gallons of clear sap. Supposed to be in the 20's tonight and 40's tomorrow and a repeat for a couple more days if the weatherman is right. Hoping to collect at least another 50 gallons of sap before I call it quits for the season. Been a good one for me so far, made over 5 gallons of syrup with the grade being mostly dark. Already have the thoughts running thru my head for next year. I just hope I get started earlier next year than I did this year.
Good luck to all who are still going for it!!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-06-2011, 07:13 PM
Had a good freeze last night, down to about 26 degrees. Today I collected 28 gallons of sap which I thought was pretty good considering the snow showers and overcast conditions. I guess it got to the low 40's today. Glad to have collected as much as I did. Have 75 gallons in storage waiting to boil on Saturday. Hoping to get another 25 or so tomorrow and maybe even on Friday. Looks like after Friday it will be the end. Forecasting 55-60 during the day and low 40's at night.
Good luck to everybody who is still hanging on!!

red maples
04-06-2011, 07:22 PM
still going huh!!! We got a brief freeze more like a frost. Finished finishing and bottle syrup today. Afew things to do in the AM then to the woods to pull taps. Suppose to get warm this weekend. So I am sure the peepers will start very soon I am guessing this weekend, if not tomorrow.

Backyard Sapper66
04-06-2011, 08:25 PM
Ya Brad I'm still at it. Sap was crystal clear today, smelled and tasted good. Was still dripping when I emptied the buckets. We are just north enough of you that the season might last a bit longer. It has been an awesome season for me, never expected I would make 5+ gallons of syrup!!! Being a small tater's operation, 5 gallons is a lot. I almost came down for a visit last week, a buddy of mine went down to Kingston to get a motorcycle. We were going to go down on Wednesday but he upped it by a day and went on Tuesday. Couldn't get out of work early enough to go down with him. I will have to swing by next year and check out your operation. Glad you had a good year!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-07-2011, 06:14 PM
Good run today on my little gravity system. Collected about 45 gallons and put it in storage. Have 120 gallons to boil off. Guess I will have to start boiling some tonight so it doesn't take me all weekend to do it. Supposed to go below freezing again tonight so hopefully another round of collecting tomorrow. Good luck to all you crazy sappers out there still boiling away!!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-08-2011, 08:59 PM
Well the marathon boil has started as of 7:15pm!! Plan on boiling as long as I can stay awake. Have 125 gallons in the storage tank to boil off before it goes bad. Lucky to have lasted as long as I have. Might freeze again tonight so maybe there will be a run tomorrow. Better get the coffee pot going with high test and a big ole' dose of maple syrup to sweeten it up. Plenty of wood (free, dry pallets both hard and softwood to cut up and use) and plenty of sap to go the distance. At 5 GPH average boiling rate its going to take me 25 hours to boil off the whole 125 gallons. Not quite the "Jerry Lewis" marathon but hey it works for me!!!
Good luck to all that are still harvesting the nectar of the sweet godess.

04-09-2011, 02:02 AM
Good luck on the long boil......

Backyard Sapper66
04-09-2011, 06:36 AM
The 12 hour threshold has come and gone, boiled off 60 gallons so far. Had to cat nap inbetween filling the preheater and re-filling the arch. Had the rate up to 6.5 GPH but just couldn't keep the eyes open. Froze last nite pretty good so it looks like today will be another collection day and tomorrow I will be pulling taps. It is wonderful how nice and quiet it is at 3:00am, just the boiling of the evap and the birds singing their songs. Lucky to have had this experience, couldn't imagine living cooped up in the big city, YUCK!!!
Bill, thanks for the well wishes, I'm sure it is helping!!!
Good luck to everybody that is still able to make steam!!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-09-2011, 07:20 PM
Boiled 126 gallons in 24 hours. Now this is small potatoes compared to the big boys toys but I am happy with the rig I made this year. Hoping to finish off at over 7 gallons of syrup for the season. First ever year making over 1-3/4 gallons. Ended up with a total of 57 taps out this year. First ever year using tubing (thank you J Walker for your help with the tubing) and it worked really well. Didn't have a lot of lines out but used the tubing and taps and the free 5 gallon pails I got from Shaw's, Hannaford and Market Basket to tap the trees. I had at least 4 trees that religiously filled the 1-1/2 gallon alum buckets so I pulled the spile and put a spout and tubing setup into a 5 gallon pail and it worked kicking!! I guess I am rambling, sorry....
24 hours straight will do that to you!!!
Have a good night all.

04-10-2011, 10:29 PM
Doug, Sounds like you may have a long day tomorrow at work. Thanks again for those pallets you gave me they really are like putting gas into the firebox, got her just a hoppin of the arch!!! Took in all my buckets and got 60 gallons left to enjoy boiling. I bet that 24 hour batch is the best tasting one you made so far!!! Crazy Sap Sucker!!!! Glad to hear you had such a good season!!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-11-2011, 05:37 AM
I'm glad the pallets worked out, thanks for the barrel. Dragging a little bit today but what the heck its what I live for. I have 25 gallons of sap on ice to be boiled tonight. Well off to the paying job I go.
Hope everybody has a good day!!

Backyard Sapper66
04-11-2011, 06:46 PM
20 gallons left to run through the evap tonight and the season will be officially over for "Sap Suckers Sugar Shack". Its been one heck of a year. Have to run the totals for the year in a day or so but it looks like I'm going to be over 8 gallons of syrup (only expected to get about 3!!!!). Thanks to all that have visited and commented.

04-11-2011, 06:59 PM
20 gallons left to run through the evap tonight and the season will be officially over for "Sap Suckers Sugar Shack". Its been one heck of a year. Have to run the totals for the year in a day or so but it looks like I'm going to be over 8 gallons of syrup (only expected to get about 3!!!!). Thanks to all that have visited and commented.

Congrats Backyard Sapper66!

Backyard Sapper66
04-11-2011, 07:40 PM
Thank you Grama Cindy!!!! Hope you folks had a good year as well. Certainly one to remember that is for sure.
Take care,

Backyard Sapper66
04-13-2011, 06:52 PM
Had a great season!!
Here are my totals:
560 gallons of sap, 57 taps, 9.82 GPT
560 gal sap, 12.5 gal syrup, 1.91 % sug content
560 gal sap, 105 hrs boiling, 5.33 GPH avg
12.5 gal syrup, 57 taps, .21 GPT
Only expected to make about 3 gallons of syrup so the 12 gallons is 4 times what I expected. Definately a season to remember!!
Not sure who is still at it but good luck to you if you are.