View Full Version : copper pot for evaporating??

02-12-2011, 07:47 PM
My first year trying to make syrup. Trying to borrow a stainless pan for evaporating, but not sure if it will come through, not willing to invest in anything yet. I'm not planning on trying to cook down more than 40 gallons this year, strictly small time.

I have a large (10-15 gallon) copper cauldron, old family thing, I use it to store firewood next to my woodstove. Was thinking about trying to use this for evaporating. It is not soldered, made of one piece of copper. Probably worth some money to the right person I imagine

Is this safe to use? I have heard that copper is not good for acidic stuff, but assuming I could use for sap, with only concern being lead solder of which there is none. Thought I would clean it up and give it a try. Any thoughts? I'm not concerned about getting it dirty, more with safety.

Thanks for the help.

02-12-2011, 07:52 PM
Yes by all means get your trees tapped, Set up the copper kettle, have the wood handy and get to making syrup.
Let us know how this comes out. Pictures would be great!

02-12-2011, 07:58 PM
thanks for the quick reply. I'll definitely take some photos, hope it works out...any other advice or thoughts appreciated!

02-12-2011, 08:39 PM
Copper is all good. Get it cleaned up and put some fire under it. You will get some scorching on the sides where the sap splashes up. That's no big deal, but it'll make for a good deal of work cleaning the pot. Keep the level pretty low to get a ripping boil if possible. A full pot will make for a really long day.

Have fun

maple flats
02-12-2011, 09:33 PM
Leader at one time made copper evaporators. It will boil real well. Your method will mirror what the early settlers did after being taught by the indians except you will have a lot faster heat exchange.If you come up with a way to just have fire under the bottom and not up the sides you will be almost perfest.