View Full Version : Run in the cold

02-10-2011, 10:56 PM
It has been so cold here for the last 24 hours that the hens eggs were freezing soon after they were in the nest, but the trees were still trying to run! That surprised me!

02-11-2011, 06:33 AM
It has been so cold here for the last 24 hours that the hens eggs were freezing soon after they were in the nest, but the trees were still trying to run! That surprised me!

Howdy highland03 -- Guess Ya gotta listen to what the hens eggs are telling ya - so darn cold they wished they had stayed inside of Ma. lol --- I'm afraid the old rule still holds --- gotta have a thaw during the daytime and a freeze at night - for the sap to flow. Of course I have had many times - when everything was just right and the trees didn't cooperate --- Well starting tomorrow - according to the weather guy - In my little area of Michigan - Supposed to get a week of above freezing during the day... So this old boy is getting a little anxious to start some tapping -- Have a great Maple Syrup Year --- Mike

02-11-2011, 07:21 AM
Hey Ausable,
I agree, those egg were sorry they were laid! So, I was very surprised when I checked some near by taps that were catching direct sun and they were trying.
We will have a week of temps. climbing into the high 40s & 50s, might shut down the run being that warm!
Have a great season, Lisa

VA maple guy
02-13-2011, 09:55 PM
I had the same thing happen with some of my trees. It only got up to 29 the other day
and some of my trees ran pretty good on the sunny side. I sweetened my pans today
and drew off about a gallon of light fancy, first time i ever made light fancy. Weather looks
to warm this week. Need some cold temps, my season usually ends around 3/1.

02-13-2011, 10:21 PM
Same here in NY state...only it was 9 degrees out...yes, 9. It was pretty windy, but sunny. The taps that were in direct sunlight dripped a bit and formed icicles on the taps. Sure surprised me

02-15-2011, 03:04 PM
Va maple guy,
a gallon of light fancy is far more then I have made, think I got about a pint last year! It was the very first small batch & all the rest was dark. Because I cook off my sap over a wood cook stove, I believe my syrup is darker.
200+ taps, it is really, REALLY time for an upgrade to a real evaporator!

02-15-2011, 03:06 PM
Same here in NY state...only it was 9 degrees out...yes, 9. It was pretty windy, but sunny. The taps that were in direct sunlight dripped a bit and formed icicles on the taps. Sure surprised me

I think when trees run at that temp., they really want it to be spring already!

02-15-2011, 10:13 PM
I think when trees run at that temp., they really want it to be spring already!

lol, same as the rest of us!!!