View Full Version : New to sugaring

02-10-2011, 11:55 AM
I am new to sugaring and new to this site so I appoligize if this is not posted to the right forum. I have been investigating the posibility of developing a commercial sugaring operatiion on our northern michigan property. We have over 400 acres of sugar maple trees in the 10" to 18" dbh range at our disposal that have been previously managed for high end saw timber.

I am looking for some contacts in the industry that would be willing to share their expertise with me on the necessary steps to develop a first class operation that is geared to commercial size production. Any input would be much appriciated. Thank you.

02-10-2011, 12:38 PM
wow, I envy the potential that you have. I am sure that you will have plenty of suggestions. The only thing I woudl suggest is to hire a professional who deals strictly in forestry for syrup production. I am sure they are out there, particularly in Canada

02-10-2011, 07:52 PM
If they have a local sugarmakers association in your area try tapping into that as many large producers are members in most areas. also try consulting with some of the maple equipment dealers as they could give you some references as well. most foresters will provide info also, sugar works timber at large scale is just as important to manage as saw logs and these days just as competitive so most will be more than willing.

Rossell's Sugar Camp
02-10-2011, 08:39 PM
If you purchase a significant amount of equipment from leader or Cdl they will come to your property and help you set up. Leaderevaporator.com is leaders website. their phone number is 1-802-868-5444. Call them and tell them what you want. They have always been wonderful to deal with in my past experiences. Good luck. Thats amazing potential Go for it