View Full Version : I need advice on purchasing a used evaporator.

02-09-2011, 07:34 PM
I don't want to make the information public. I am looking at a used evaporator. I would like someone with experience to look over my shoulder. If you have been it the game awhile and wouldn't mind helping a beginner, I would greatly appreciate that. All follow-up's to this post will be handled via PM. I bet after two PM's I would have all I need to make an intelligent bid. Thank you in advance.

02-10-2011, 01:21 PM
there is a 2x6 on ebay 20 min south of cincinatti. it was posted in the temporary ad section. if you get it, i'll bet they will answere any questions you have. i almost bid but i'm going to hold out for a bigger one next year. would have had a good enough excuse for a road trip anyway because my youngest son is attending NKU and can probally see thier farm from school. good luck...nace