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02-09-2011, 05:23 PM
I have upgraded this year to a 3x8 flue pan with 2-3x2 front pans and i have a question, on the flue pan there is 2 possible draw off taps, one being towards the bottom of the pan (same side as float) and the 2nd being about even with the top of the flues (opposite side of the float box) which tap do i draw from the flue pan to the front pans with?

02-09-2011, 06:26 PM
Is this a drop flue or raised flue pan? What about your front pan - where are the inlets?

Sounds like a raised flue pan. If that's the case, the one that's opposite the float and about the same height as the flues. But, more info would be best.

02-09-2011, 06:50 PM
I have attached a photo in the far right corner you can see the hole how ever the man who had the pan before had it set up to draw off the bottom valve what exactly is the difference

02-09-2011, 07:08 PM
Looks like a raised flue pan. On ours we use the bottom one to drain the pan out and the one at the top level of the flues to conect to the syrup pan.

02-09-2011, 07:08 PM
That's a raised flue pan, so it uses (or, should use) 2 floats - 1 on the flue pan for cold sap coming in, and 1 on the front syrup pan for hot sap coming out of the flue pan. That's why I asked about your front syrup pan. It should be set up with a corresponding hole the same hieght as the hole in the flue pan. What brand is that flue pan? Different makers used different plumbing for their float boxes. The hole nearest to the bottom of the pan is for completely draining it.

02-09-2011, 07:21 PM
Ok it is a Small brothers pan but it does not have a float box on both ends just one for cold sap. Also the front pans do have a hole the same height as the tap.

02-09-2011, 07:33 PM
The flue pan should only have one float box (on the rear). The syrup apn has the other float box. Does this flue pan have the cold sap coming up through the bottom of the float box? Small Brothers changed to bottom feed in the 80s. It works well. Don't expect the float to ever completely stop the incoming sap. It will always trickle in. Parts (floats, arms, packing) are all still available from places like Bascoms. I think I still have the parts diagram from SB for the floats. PM me if you'd like a copy.

02-09-2011, 08:46 PM
I think its a drop flue myself but could be wrong. If it is the top hole is to feed the syrup pan and the bottom is the one the float box connect to for incoming sap into the flue pan. But to clear this up answer this question. DOes the flues start at the bottom of the pan and go up into it or do they go down into the evaporator?

02-09-2011, 09:07 PM
Looks like it's raised because the space between the outside flue and the wall of the pan drops down in. If it was a drop flu that space wouldn't be there. It would be flat across from the outside flue to the wall of the pan. The hole in the back corner is for a float box to feed the flue pan. That's why it's even with the top of the flues. The hole(s) in the other end to feed the syrup pan float box should be lower. That's what I think you have there. More pictures would help.


02-09-2011, 09:11 PM
Overlooked that brian, Now that you said that its looks to be a raised flue. Im thinking someone is missing the second float box.

02-09-2011, 09:27 PM
Overlooked that brian, Now that you said that its looks to be a raised flue. Im thinking someone is missing the second float box.

After reading back through the thread...I see that he has a float box on the flue pan. So, the hole in the photo would be the one to feed the syrup pan I would think. The one in the bottom would be the drain. You should always have a drain. If you were to use the low one for feeding the syrup pan you would be without a drain. Not good.


02-09-2011, 09:46 PM
I have upgraded this year to a 3x8 flue pan with 2-3x2 front pans and i have a question, on the flue pan there is 2 possible draw off taps, one being towards the bottom of the pan (same side as float) and the 2nd being about even with the top of the flues (opposite side of the float box) which tap do i draw from the flue pan to the front pans with?

Yeah Brian I agree after rereading yet again it gets more obvious. The exit from the flue pan to the syrup pan is on the opposite side of the float box for the raw sap. So the one at the bottom of the pan on the same side as the float box is the drain. Lol that was alot of thinking. But it still leads me to believe he is missing a floatbox to regulate the height in his syrup pan.

02-10-2011, 05:18 AM
But it still leads me to believe he is missing a floatbox to regulate the height in his syrup pan.

The second float box (for hot sap) is on the syrup pan on Small Brothers raised flue evaporators.

02-10-2011, 05:28 AM
Ok here's a pic from the web (sorry if it's your rig and I'm not giving credit). It's a Small Brothers rig. Look towards the back of the rig and you'll see the float box for cold incoming sap. At the front of the flue pan, where the two pans meet, is the float box for hot sap going into the syrup pan and you can see the plumbing coming from the flue pan.

02-10-2011, 05:58 AM
Okay I understand it now. And you guys are correct I apparently am missing a 2nd float according to you guys which mounts on the syrup pan. Any ideas on where to purchase one? Thanks for all the help guys!

02-10-2011, 06:10 AM
Bascoms usually has them.

Try calling them. Sometimes they have some good used ones on the self and not in the online catalog.

02-10-2011, 06:45 AM
If you have one float box on one of the syrup pans in addition to the one on the flue pan, you can run it just fine. You just won't be able to reverse flow. It will maintain the level in both syrup pans as they are connected. You'll just have to watch for niter build up near the draw off and clean as need.


02-10-2011, 08:29 PM
Small Brothers offered several different models. With only one outlet on your flue pan, it may have been designed for use with cross-flow front pans. Does your flue pan float box have a 1" copper pipe running from it or a stainless box with 2 outlets (one on each side of the pan)? Any pictures of your front pan?

02-10-2011, 08:35 PM
sorry no pics of the front pans yet but yes it does have a copper pipe which can be used on both sides. Used to kinda preheat the cold sap correct?

Ed K
02-13-2011, 03:08 PM
My 2x8 has the float box on the left side middle of pan.It has another box inside the sappan with a pipe going into the outside box,there's 2 holes you plug one with a long handled stopper.there's 2 holes either side about 1/2 way down the flue.depending on which side I'm drawing off, the sap comes in the opposite side.I have had lots of problems with the front float.So I put gate valves in the the tubes between the 2 pans.The float sits on the shelf,and I adjust the gatevalve as needed.When I used the float I could never get enough sap into the front when I really needed it,now I can just open valve and flood if need be.