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02-09-2011, 08:55 AM
so this is my first year, and its getting close!! anyways I have a 2'ish by 3'ish barrel evap and I want to set up the supply with a five gallon bucket with a 1/2 or 3/8 copper pre heater around the stack. So my question is where is the best place to get the fittings to set up the bucket? I'm guessing I need a bulkhead fitting?

My second question is I have a SS pot that I would like to finish/bottle from. Is there any way to set up a valve on that to make the job more easy?

Thanks for your time

02-09-2011, 02:40 PM
hellom palmer: go to "tappin in kentucky" thread and look at "first boil" by af retired. what you are describing sounds like what he has done. any hardware or plumbing supply should have fittings, tubing and cutoffs. nace

02-10-2011, 08:04 AM
Hey thanks!! I know I have seen similar set-ups on here before, and I a party for like an hour with the search bar will no luck! so thanks for the help!

02-10-2011, 08:53 AM
hey palmer: glad i could point you in the right direction. all of the traders have been amazing with the amount of information and eagerness to help any one, from guys like me who had two taps, turkey fryer and roasting pan to folks with over ten thousand taps. i didn't put enough effort in aquireing an evaporator this past summer (alot to do with my wifes health) but i plan on this year being a whole 'nuther outcome. i've been scoping out my neighbors woods to find leasable sugarbush, drooling over a used 5'x14' evaporator, bought some used cv's and tubing and am determined to make a trip up north by fall to purchase everything. may be too big'a'step from roasting pan to a couple thousand taps but with all the help and encouragement from the traders i believe i can pull it off. happy sap'in...nace

02-10-2011, 06:05 PM
Ya I was going to start this year (1st year) with a double LP burner but I came across a barrel evap. I know how I want to have the stuff set up I just need to find all the parts and pieces to make it happen.

02-11-2011, 06:15 PM
So I found a picture from "valleyman" of how to set up a copper pre heater around the stack. I really want to get to putting it together but I just thought about two options and I need help! So I can put the 1/4 turn valve by the tank or just before it goes into the pan... if its close to the tank there will only be a small amount of sap in the line where as if the valve was by the pan more sap would be heating up...... Would the sap be more prone to burn one way of another? I need some tips if you don't mind