View Full Version : Henniker Regional Meeting
Amber Gold
02-08-2011, 07:05 AM
Anyone going tonight?
I'll be there.
Tonight? Darn it, I have a selectman's meeting I thought it was Thursaday so I could skip my planing board meeting.
Amber Gold
02-08-2011, 11:03 AM
Just checked. Tonight's is in Henniker, Thursday's is Westmoreland.
Hop Kiln Road
02-08-2011, 11:26 AM
Josh - I'll swing by. Bruce
red maples
02-08-2011, 12:59 PM
I want to go but tonight is the town deliberative session which I need to go to. We are trying to get an agriculture commission for our town. We have a warrent article up for the town election next month and I am on the steering committee so kinda have to go to show my support. I'd rather be at the henniker meeting though.
Good luck, if you want any info, I just set one up in town this year. But it sounds like your all set.
red maples
02-08-2011, 04:40 PM
yeah we have a pretty good crew. It should get voted through pretty easy as we put into the wording of the town money to be used...and not a governing body!!! 2 things that can usually get you through.
red maples
02-09-2011, 08:14 AM
How was it???? more Discussion about grade changing and McD's oatmeal???
I would rather have sat through that than what I went through last night at the deliberative town meeting...Someone put in 18 yes 18 petitions. we think in order to disrupt the meeting it went more than 3.5 hours. 2.5 hours to the 18, I have to say, stupid petitions. the person that Submitted the petitons was not even present at the meeting!!! Did not do any research on the petitions, and the people present had to painfully amend all 18 of them so as not to hurt the was just aweful!!!
The whole time I was thinking man an hour there and hour back and the meeting I would be getting home alot quicker and I would have my hydros tested and be hopefully even more excited about tapping!!
Russell Lampron
02-09-2011, 06:40 PM
The meeting was a good time. They did talk about the new grading standard and Mickey D's oatmeal but they also talked about other things as well. One of the subjects was the up coming maple weekend and the promotions for it. If you haven't sent in your participation form yet it is due tomorrow so get it in the mail soon. The date and place for the governors tree tapping ceremony was also mentioned. It will be in the next news letter. The snacks after the meeting were good as well.
red maples
02-09-2011, 07:44 PM
I got mine in when I got the last news letter....oh man I so would have liked the maple meeting way better. stupid town meeting anyway.
02-10-2011, 04:38 PM
One interesting note about this meeting, my wife added up all the taps that the members mentioned at the begining meeting and the total was 40,770 taps!
Russell Lampron
02-10-2011, 05:26 PM
That is quite a few taps. Just think of how many there would have been if everybody that wanted to go to the meeting had been there.
Amber Gold
02-11-2011, 07:31 AM
40,000+...I wouldn't have thought that. There was the guy up front w/ 9k (his name escapes me) then there's Pearl at 7500k, then a 4-5 at a 1k or so, then a few hobbyists. I'm surprised it added up that much...pretty cool. I wonder what the tally at the other regional meetings is, not including repeat members.
I noticed there were a lot of producers from Warner. Does Warner have a pocket of maples like Loudon does?
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