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View Full Version : Anyone use the TreeSaver 5/16 taps

They Call Me Pete
02-08-2011, 06:59 AM
Say's you only drill 1.5" and install them 3/8 to 5/8 into tree. From what I've read on here doesn't seem deep enough. I like the idea but bark can be thick on bigger trees. May just go with traditional 7/16 tap and the 2-2.5 rule

3% Solution
02-08-2011, 07:29 AM
Hey Pete,
We use the tree savers
Don't have a problem with them, just use them as any other tap.
Definately will not go back to the 7/16" taps.
The buckets don't come off in the wind and they are better for the tree too.
Hope this helps.


red maples
02-08-2011, 08:47 AM
I used them they work good!!!

If your using them for vacuum go 1.5 to 2 " into solid wood and tap until the the sound changes which you know.

If on gravity 2.5 to 3 " and the same follows

But I agree with 3% don't go back to the 7/16 too hard on the trees.

hope this helps

02-08-2011, 08:48 AM
I agree, I will be using the 5/16" for sure. 1/2 the damage. I will also still drill at 2".

02-08-2011, 09:06 AM
I have one section of tubing on 5/16 health spouts. The first year they ran well the second was terrible. They are getting cut off and being replaced by stubbies and 5/16 reducers.

Dave Y
02-08-2011, 09:23 AM
if you are not going to put on cv's dont throw away your spouts. just get adapters and use them with your current spouts. less work less money.

02-08-2011, 09:30 AM
I'm actually going with CVs this year. If you go to Leader's clearance section last year's model is 25 cents. I should have 450 or so on gravity. Some on over done 5/16 tubing and some on my first experiment with mainline.

02-08-2011, 09:49 AM
I personally wouldnt drill 3 inches in any tree and especially and old one. I stick with 1 1/2 and 5/16 and still phasing out some old 7/16 for some of the buckets. But heck I have trees that have been tapped 100 years with 7/16 and will tap them again this year.

They Call Me Pete
02-09-2011, 06:07 AM
Thanks for the feedback. Will be ordering them today. This will be my first time and I'm very very excited to try this.

red maples
02-09-2011, 07:09 AM
I personally wouldnt drill 3 inches in any tree and especially and old one. I stick with 1 1/2 and 5/16 and still phasing out some old 7/16 for some of the buckets. But heck I have trees that have been tapped 100 years with 7/16 and will tap them again this year.

That was actually dr. perkins recommendations for gravity and or buckets. with and older, larger tree you might have 1 + inch of wood so drilling a 3 inch hole produces approx 1.5 to 2" into solid wood.


02-09-2011, 10:10 AM
Red I did read that the other day and I cringed then too. 3 inches in my opinion is too much especially if a guy is still using 7/16. If it was a 1/4 inch tap I might consider it. I would rather not kill an old tree for optimal sap when I can still get some drilling shallower. Just my opinion no offense meant to you at all.