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02-08-2011, 05:47 AM
tried making homemade yogurt......it was a success :) then i added a cup of granulated maple sugar.....it is wonderful!

Amber Gold
02-08-2011, 10:59 AM
How did you make it?

02-08-2011, 04:45 PM
Interesting, I may want to try. Can you provide your recipe, and steps.

02-08-2011, 07:46 PM
Heated the milk to 180 and tried to hold it there for a 1/2 hr.( it did cool some below 180, this is to make it thicker) cooled it to 110, then added a starter yogurt, i used dannon plain yogurt,(it need to be plain and to have live cultures) then i stirred this in and put it in a thermos,i placed the thermos by the wood store for a while, then wrapped it in a warn towel and let it sit for 5 hrs.......they recommend 7 hrs the picture i posted is when i opened it up, then i put 1 cup of granulated maple sugar in and stirred. put in the fridge over nite......AND THEN THE BEST PART........EATING IT!!!!!!!

02-08-2011, 08:14 PM
Heated the milk to 180 and tried to hold it there for a 1/2 hr.( it did cool some below 180, this is to make it thicker) cooled it to 110, then added a starter yogurt, i used dannon plain yogurt,(it need to be plain and to have live cultures) then i stirred this in and put it in a thermos,i placed the thermos by the wood store for a while, then wrapped it in a warn towel and let it sit for 5 hrs.......they recommend 7 hrs the picture i posted is when i opened it up, then i put 1 cup of granulated maple sugar in and stirred. put in the fridge over nite......AND THEN THE BEST PART........EATING IT!!!!!!!

this was to 2 quarts of milk,and this made 2 quarts yogurt

Frank Ivy
02-09-2011, 02:08 PM
Homemade yogurt is awesome and cheap.
We make it out of our Jersey's all-natural milk.

My understanding of the 180 temp is to kill most unwanted, competing organisms prior to putting in the yogurt cultures.

Have had very good success. Very easy to make, and I recommend it to all.

02-09-2011, 06:45 PM
I have been playing around making cheese and yogurt, it is fun and pretty easy. I get supplies from New England Cheesemaking Supply. They have several different kinds of yogurt cultures. With cheese though it is hard to find suitable milk unless you have your own cow or goats.

Frank Ivy
02-10-2011, 10:36 AM
DNAP - we HAVE our own milk cows, and it's NOT child's play! My first attempt at Mozz did not go well.

Ed K
02-13-2011, 03:51 PM
Frank,any swiss in your herd?
Formaly Maple Shade Farm,90 milking.

02-17-2011, 08:05 PM
no swiss that i know of............milking 18 now........36 when their all fresh.......