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View Full Version : "New"(?) 5/16 Tees?

Clan Delaney
02-07-2011, 07:27 PM
I swear I talked to a guy at one of the booths in Verona who told be that there would soon be available a new kind of 5/16 tee fitting that didn't use barbs, but had ridges, like on the seasonal spouts. Easier to get the tubing off, he said. So new, he didn't have any with him. I think he said they were from CDL. I've visited their site, (and I'm sorry but, it's horrible. Half of the products available online have no pics, and navigation is painful :mad:) and can't find a thing.

Did I dream this? I can't find these things anywhere. I need to buy new tees, and I'd like to get these if they're available. Anyone?

02-07-2011, 07:47 PM
no, you didnt dream them. i think what he was talking about was tees that make it possible to change the droplines yearly. i spent a lot of time talking to dealers at he trade show, since i helped set it up a lot. there were a lot of new spout and fitting designs this year, im testing a few different brands.

02-07-2011, 08:16 PM
I saw those tee's in the RMG maple catalogue. They are like the quick disconnects so you can change out the drops without cutting out the tee. I tried to find them on there website but was only able to see them in the mailed catalogue I got a few weeks ago. Nice looking fittings.