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View Full Version : Tapping Philosophy

02-06-2011, 08:36 AM
I am an amateur when it comes to all this compared to you all and I would really appreciate you advice on two different methods. The picture below is how I tap a tree. The 5/16 tubing comes off the main line with wire to keep it tight. That is then split by a t which has a line with a tap on one side then a tap on the other side.
I you all run a 5/16 to the tree and use what I call a Y. The 5/16 line will then go all the way around the tree to keep it tight and then you all use a t somewhere around the tree that will run up to one tap. http://s213.photobucket.com/albums/cc279/mapletime/
Does this help the sap go one way and air go the other way? I do not have a vacuum and will not for a long while. But I notice sometimes my lines are just stagnant with sap sitting in them and air between pocket. I'm trying to increase sap flow without spending a 100 on a vacuum. Help!

02-06-2011, 08:10 PM
I just finished my tubing this afternoon.I also used the y's to go around the tree and on this loop I cut in 1-3 drop lines I am on gravity with a 4-10% slope with any where from 10 to 15 taps per lateral line w/ 3/4 main line they say you need this many taps on gravity to create a nateral vacume when the lines fill up this is my first year with tubing I hope it works as they say we'll cross our fingers we'll start tapping next weekend if the weather breaks still 1-2 feet of snow in the woods boy was that fun today

02-06-2011, 09:13 PM
I didn't quite understand all of your post. From the photo first thing I see is your drop is way to short (looks like about a foot?) Most of ours are all 30" to have plenty of reach to spread out tap holes over the coming years. I see the wire on the 5/16 lateral line. Not sure why you have it. Normally the lateral line is stretched tight to the main line wire with a hooked connector. I use an end line ring which gives some tension adjustment as well instead of a y or tee at the last tree. Some of the photos in the potobucket link show a nice setup. Looks like Maplecrests?