View Full Version : September Journal
Hi all, Fall is almost here and still have alot more projects to go. Although they don't seem as important today as they did yesterday. Those poor people down south need alot of help. Help when you can. Prayers are a good start. Take care,
09-04-2005, 07:00 AM
I had about the most productive day ever yesterday. I spent about 4 hours hauling dirt yesterday and got my wood storage area built up and leveled up. Just got to put about 3 inches of gravel in there and it will be ready to go.
About the time I finished that, my youngest brother showed up and we set up the evaportor and install the pans and put gasket under them and under the evaporator on the floor. After that, I installed my steam stainless roofjack and then the stainles steam stack. I had an Amish build it for me when he built my hood and it worked great, especially considering it was $ 40 and looks about the same as my heat roofjack that costs $ 250+. I had him to design it about 1/2" to 1" larger in diameter to where the steam stack would slide up inside it even with the top. It worked out great yesterday because when I put on three 4' sections of steam stack, it came out within 1/4" of the top of the roofjack. :D
About the time we got this done, my other brother shows up and we then installed my smoke roofjack and adjusted the length of the stack. After that, I was able to get my brothers to install all the ridge cap on the roof and get the building closed in finally.
Upon completion of that, we all jumped in and started nailing the siding. About six hours later and 2,000+ stainless nails by hand, we were finished. :D :D
I am hoping to go over for 3 or 4 hours tommorrow and spray the building, but I'll have to see if the wife allows. I am leaving early Wed morning for Mobile, AL to work Catastrophe duty for 3 or 4 weeks. Fortunately, I was able to get most everything done before I left and I hope to get my electrical service into the building and my well drilled while I am gone. I already have the entrance cable, mast and switchbox installed and I am just waiting on the electric company. :D
09-04-2005, 06:17 PM
Bottled 50 gallons in various sizes, made cream an sugar, and been selling, selling, and selling. No fishing this week, I'm staying home and splitting wood for 2007 season. I can't bring my self to pay so much for gas when the oil companies are making record profits. Wonder if they've given to hurricane relief. I know I did!! A f-5 tornado in 74 destoyed my hometown of Xenia, Oh and that's still fresh in my mind after 21 years. Lets do all we can to help the folks down south!!
09-05-2005, 03:10 PM
Talked my wife in to going over and helping me today and was able to get my sugarhouse sprayed. The spray really brought out the beauty in the wood and I am kicking myself for not taking the camera and getting some pics before I leave. I may sneak over there tommorrow and get some pics as I am also supposed to mail some to my insurance agent also. :D
36 hours until I head to Mobile or Orange Beach Alabama for about a month. :( Glad to help others, I am not used to being away from the family especially for that long. :cry:
09-06-2005, 10:31 AM
The sugarhouse sounds Grand Brandon!! you be carefull down there, they will be glad to have your help down there. give us a hollar and keep us updated.
09-06-2005, 05:46 PM
I added several pics under the construction folder on my website if anyone is interested!
:D :D
09-06-2005, 06:54 PM
One of the locals in our town has family down in New Orleans area (lost everything) and is attempting to raise some much needed cash for her family. So we did what we know how, we sold syrup and donated all profits to her family directly. I am always suspicious of all the $ donated to Red Cross, I feel like "does it really go to the people affected or Red Cross' bottom line?"
Anyone else doing similar things?Good luck Westvirginamapler. Thank you for helping out!
09-06-2005, 07:04 PM
Your right about the Red cross and all of those other money collecters. Just ask the 911 people. millions raised -pennies handed out.
09-06-2005, 08:13 PM
Sugarhouse looks good. One thing I noticed but can't tell from the pictures is that your smoke stack looks very close to the trusses. With your hood taking out most of the steam it will get very dry and I hate to see anything bad happen. There are too many sugarhouse fires every year. I was lucky many years ago my stack was 6" away from any wood but it still got so hot that it started to burn a little and that was with no hood and all the steam rising up.
Maybe you can put some heat shield up around that area.
Take care down south and be safe. Take lots of medicine with you in case you get sick.
09-06-2005, 08:44 PM
You are right about the stack. My trusses are on 2' centers and the 10" stack is about 5 to 6" from a truss on each side. I am going to wrap the stack with ceramic blanket completely as next year I am going to put a wall up behind the evaporator where the truss is. I am a big stickler for being over cautious as I wrap everything around the underside of the roofjack also with ceramic blanket. The way I look at it, better safe than sorry. :)
09-06-2005, 09:16 PM
The new house .. I mean sugarhouse :wink: looks awesome, if you ever need to move that thing is big enough to live in !!!
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
09-07-2005, 08:31 AM
The hurricane relief effort is starting to sound like the Jerry Lewis telethon. About like themapleking said- Jerry lewis is about a pencil length shy of helping find a cure so if you send your money the'll be that much closer to gettin' it done? They been doing it for decades and still are workin' on it?????. If i had the time i would personally go down south to lend some of those folks a hand-Better then sending the cash as you won't personally know rather it ended up in the right pockets or not-
I thought about bottling up 100 - 1/2 Pts.of syrup to be send down but then again will it end up to those people that need food?
09-07-2005, 02:58 PM
I'm not real religious but the salvation army gets good reviews as far as spending the money on actual charity and not overhead.
09-07-2005, 08:28 PM
Yes, the Salvation Army is A1 when it comes to disaster relief. They have already served thousands of free meals.
I am thinking of saving my donations until a month or two from now. I think this effort will need donations for a long time and people tend to have short memories and the donation monies dry up after a short time.
09-07-2005, 11:25 PM
If you want to give, can't beat the salvation army. :D
By the way, I did make it to Orange Beach Alabama after being in the care for around 15 hours. :?
09-11-2005, 07:45 AM
Well It's supposed to be a super nice day today so I guess we'll have to try a cycle ride.Called Joe(Mapleking) and some others and it sounds like we should have a group of around 8 or so. Could be a fun ride.
09-11-2005, 12:07 PM
Hmmph... wish I could go.. got back a bunch of my parts I had chromed and my buddy called me this morning and told my tank and fenders are painted!! :lol: sweet, with the extra parts I bought the bike should look awesome!! I'll be riding again soon!
09-11-2005, 07:16 PM
Well it turned out to be a terrific day. Ended up with 4 bikes and 6 people. Mapleking,Cousin Davey, Mike(a Pyro buddy) my wife,my daughter and myself. Cruised down to Pennsylvania and scoped out the Kinzua Reservoir and dam, then cruised to the Kinzua Tressle State Park. The tressle crosses over this HUGE gorge, but in 2003 an F1 tornado and several micro bursts knocked it into the gorge. What used to be the longest and highest train bridge in the US is now reduced to a pile of rubble. Who would think that a tornado could knock over something that weighed 6,725,000 lbs or 3,362 tons. 8O n So after 245 miles round trip, back cheeks are stiff, we figured out we need more conditioning. Wish Mapleman lived closer :cry:
09-11-2005, 07:38 PM
245 is a good amount of miles especially with a rider on the back!! I worked on the bike some more.. it's looking good!!
I worked on another load of wood. Sure do miss the father-in-laws splitter now. Getting the area around the sugarhouse groomed up for company. Got more plans for the sugarhouse in the spring. Another addition is on the way. Have all winter to save! :D Warren and I had a great kayak trip yesterday. Hit some bever dams and saw alot of fish. It was a little chilly so brought along some of Grandmoms quilts for Warren.
A great day over all.
09-12-2005, 03:05 PM
you'll need the room for the 3x10 you will need for the extra 400 taps :wink:
09-12-2005, 05:10 PM
Well after Rick taked me into a little ride sunday. :P It was either work in the woods or ride the bikes :wink: I'm back to maple stuff.
A gotta open up another drum and bottle it up. It started selling fast again.
The old saying must be true. (if you make a good product they'll come from miles) 8)
245 miles +25 getting to Ricks and back. the big V-twin only used 5 gal With Ricks daughter on the ride back. Shes only about 90 lbs . Her butt was sore riding on Daves Ninja the fast half. Gotta do it a few more times before old man winter shows up :wink:
Only about 275 more!!! :D :D That will put me up around 450 taps. We're putting an enclosed 12x10 woodshed on next year. Jim have you heard from Brandon? Just wondering how he's doing?
Oh about those taps. Gotcha!!!!!! :D :D :D This is one guy who's small and is going to stay that way! 150 taps top. With prices skyrocketing unless your already established it will get harder and harder to justify the cost to profit ratio. Seems like alot of people lately around here are getting into for the money end. It will take along time to pay off that new stainless and unless you enjoy making syrup it can be frustrating. That's according to my neighbor who got into just for the profit. Of course I guess it wouldn't matter to me since I'm a small hobby non-profit guy. :D No pressure to pay the bills makes it alot more fun to me. I just like to make good maple products,enjoy the challenges that come with it and talking about syrup.
Take care,
09-13-2005, 03:05 PM
I'm just teasing :wink: I'm hoping with not adding any equipment or accesories this year just taps that I can actually get ahead this season... although thats what I say now.. who knows in a few months I still may build the hood and pre-heater 8O I really should to keep the efficiency up while I'm on oil :?
I havn't heard from Brandon, I'm thinking of calling his cell on my way home later, see how he's doing down in the deep south. hopefully it isn't too bad where he is.
09-13-2005, 08:19 PM
It don't help when you are sinking all the $$$ into the bike 8O 8O 8O 8O . Hood sure would help more than all that chrome. 8O 8O Can't see chrome helping gas mileage any unlike a hood saving oil 8O 8O 8O .
:lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:
09-13-2005, 08:26 PM
Thanks for all your concern. I am working out of Jackson, MS after being on the coast the first couple of days. Sure have been doing a ton of driving. 8O Probably somewhere around 2500 miles in the last 7 days and 3 of those days I hardly left the motel.
Take care and I'll check back in a few days.
09-13-2005, 08:46 PM
as They say... Chrome won't get you home ! but in my case the chrome and paint is all free!! bartering works wonders... designing a website for the chrome shop.. and a friend is painting the bike .
as for the hood... well I just may have a way to get that low cost also, just working on it :wink:
Glad to here your doing ok down there after our phone conversation.. hopefully the time will fly by for you and you will be home before you know it!
Jim, Are you going to be at the Big E next week??? I should be there tuesday or wednesday.................
I have two big halogen work lights that I run in the sugarhouse for lighting. Boy do you get light!!! Want to get rid of them because the meter really runs when there on. Any reccomendations for lighting? How far away from a open evaporter would you put your bulbs? Maybe track lighting is the way to go. Just remember I run off extension cords. After the woodshed electrical is my next project. :D (2years)
Take care
09-15-2005, 08:50 AM
Hi Mike, I'm working the booth on Sunday the 25th and fri the 30th. thats about it.
09-15-2005, 01:50 PM
I use flouresent lights, 4 foot shop lights. I have used them for over 25 years with no trouble. Steam and moisture don't seem to bother them.
The only thing is that you need to get the one capable of working in colder weather otherwise when you turn them on they don't work that good. They definately will use less electrcity than regular bulbs or halogen.
Father & Son
09-15-2005, 07:10 PM
Is it the light itself or the bulbs that are made for colder weather? I'm also trying to figure out what to do for lighting this year.
09-15-2005, 07:40 PM
I have regular bulbs in my sugarhouse, I just don't have them directly above the evap. flourescent are fine but they flicker when cold and it may take awhile to warm up... I like full light when I walk in or am doing work in there without regular bulbs and cheap single bulb holders work great.... I am still on a 20amp 12-2 extension cord from the barn.. and I have the sugarhouse wired as if it was normally with a panel, except where the panel will be is a plug for the extension cord. and I run lights oil burner, tv strereo all of it without a problem :D I will dig in a line next spring and put a sub panel out there. I wanted to run a whole new service of it's own to it from the street so it could be exclusively for the sugar buisness... some day!!
09-15-2005, 10:10 PM
Father & Son,
The ballast itself needs to be rated for cold start. normal start temp is around 50 degrees. Most of mine are rated for 0 degrees start. I bought mine at true value hardware store. If you have 50 degree start ups then they will flicker for a while when they turn on or if its real cold they won't come on at all. If you have a small sugarhouse then regular incadesent bulb would be good. But if you have a large building the flourescents will save alot of electricity.
09-16-2005, 07:44 PM
I don't have the shatter proof plastic shields on mine but probably not a bad idea. Although I can't remember ever breaking any.
09-17-2005, 05:49 PM
Took advantage of the rain today and took a break from building the new sugarhouse. I did get the trusses ordered as well as the metal roofing and some more lumber. The Lumber prices are rising everday and squeezing the heck out of the budget! At the rate I am going its going to take another 10,000 taps and 5 years to break even!!! The trusses should be on site by Thursday and hopefully the people I asked to help out will be able to show up next weekend to have a raising the roof party. After that it should not be long before the building is closed up and tight for the winter. I got some pictures posted on a yahoo photo album, with more to come with the progress.
09-17-2005, 09:42 PM
Pics of the building are great! Sure looks like it is coming right along. Keep the pics coming and good luck next weekend! :D :D
Parker. It was nice meeting you and your little girl! Sounds like you had a nice trip...I finally picked up my 2 bulk tanks i bought last month...Two 500 gal tanks. One round one square with no top...That one will be in the woods...Will start running 1600 more ft of pipe soon. Hope to add 200 or so more taps.......Hope to have the new tractor in a couple of weeks also......Who said this was suppose to be a fun hobby 8O 8O 8O
Gee Mike, looks like you need to do a open house next season. What'd you get for a tractor? 200 more taps takes you to how many now? Saw a 6 pointer and a 4 pointer together this weekend. About 60ft. from the house. :D
Have a great day!
09-19-2005, 04:28 PM
they way some of you guys :wink: are growing , you'll make us smaller guys real jealous :wink:. I think I'll have to find a stay at home job where as I can set my schedule to be open most of sugarin time... then add another 500 taps and run with it 8O :wink:
09-19-2005, 06:22 PM
Finally. Done with cutting out and thinning the sugar bush sections. I'll get the last of the crap dragged out this week after work. 30 gals of chainsaw gas 10 gals of bar oil. 1 smashed saw ****! :evil: And hit 3 x's by trees TIMBER run faster :wink:
This weekend I'll start running 2100 ft of new 1" main to start with. And start hanging up all the others lines that I took down. 700 taps going for 200 + gals syrup.
Wow 200 gallons. :D Good for you. I've been cutting wood lately too and I've also had some choice words for a log or two. 8O One thing about maple syrup. It will always take manuel labor to get to your product. :D That's why I enjoy maple so much because as a sugarmaker you know what go's into a good product and that makes it that much more special.
Take care.
09-19-2005, 09:13 PM
Come on Joe put a good vacuum system on it and get 350 gallons on 700 taps. At the very least you would get 275 to 300.
09-19-2005, 11:28 PM
Joe couldn't afford to make 300 gallons of syrup. He would have to have me over when he is at work to boil. Thats alot of beer eating into the profits. :lol:
We also played in the woods this weekend. Had the old Ford 8N grunting tops out over the ridge. Not really a heavy enough machine for some of the ones we brought out. Had to keep chaseing the tractor and buzz off a limb or two when we got to the bottom of the meadow in order to pull the hill. Roy figured out that his F250 (with a couple good yanks) to get em going, would power out over the ridge and blast out of the bottom. Sure looks sassy when you see brush,briers and slinging mud 300' away shackin and rattlin and a truck bounces over the top. 8O Alot of back and forth trips but we finished our sugar wood for the season. Now we have to start on dad's 15 cord to keep his boney fanny warm this winter. And maybe a batch for our Adirondack trip ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
09-20-2005, 06:55 AM
It is interesting to hear all the preparations going on so long before the sap runs. We are procrastinators and have done very little. Out steam hood is about ready and will pick it up in early October. We have some wood cut but need to do more. I picked up a pump on eBay and have my eye on a 350 gal vertical fiberglass tank that will be free if I get it. Hopefully we will get around to expanding our evaporator building in October and November.
This Friday My brother Richard and his wife are heading north through Niagara, Mt Washington and making their way to Hampton Beach NH - to take a chair making class. May be they will make one we can use in the sugar camp.
Father & Son
09-20-2005, 07:06 AM
Is it true that there is a short run in the fall? How long does it last? Has anyone ever tapped or is it more work than it's worth cleaning all the equipment again?
09-20-2005, 09:13 AM
Keith, Joe is on Vac, he should make m ore than that.
Rick, I can bring some wood up to the "dacks" also, still not sure if I'll sleep in the trailer with you noisy boys...... Hey forget all the wood your cutting, BUILD THE **** SUGARHOUSE !! You have that nice rig that needs a roof over it to boil... lets go!!
Jim(Father&Son) Yes there is a run in the late fall supposedly, but I wouldn't tap and stress the trees, remember, you want to have the holes heal, and have room to tap... if you tap fall too you run out of tappable tree space . and the risk of the holes getting disease
09-20-2005, 11:23 AM
Sugar house has been in the drawing stage since spring. :roll: Picking up the poles we had sawed to posts this friday. Pig roast to go to this weekend so i can guarantee there wont be a shack going up this weekend. 8O There is a shanty on church property that the preist wants removed, so we looked at that and are thinking we can pick the roof off in one piece and use for the shack. Only been up for 7 yrs and the shingles look good yet. The roof should cover 3/4 of the desighned plans we have. The other 1/4 we can build our own trusses and finish off the rest. Just so happens i know a place that has a boom truck for the project. Slings and all :wink:
09-20-2005, 06:24 PM
Your right about the vacuum system. Thats way I'm changing the 3/4" all over to 1" main and adding some more to cut the latuarls down to 50ft or so. Higher cfms threw the system. I should of said 200 gal min. 350 gal max.
My conde' pump manual says 20" vacuum continuous, Last season it was set at 17" Switching over to all Saddle manifolds they seam to hold vac. with no leaks better than the mlti-fitting ones.
I gotta drop off your 2 stainlees steel 7 1/2 ft shelves. When Roy sees them he'll get his butt going on the shack :lol:
I also gotta pick up a few more dr pepper drums so I don't run out like last year.
09-20-2005, 10:55 PM
If any of you get bored, I haven't gotten any of my wood in yet. 8O I normally have it all in by June, but due to not having any place to stack and store it, it still hasn't gotten done and won't until I get home from Mississippi. My wood storage is complete other than adding gravel on the floor. I hope to work on it some during hunting season and have it finished up in a month or so. I mainly only cut locust that has been seasoned for 5 to 10 years, so it is already dry as it is so hard, it won't soak up any water! :D
I'm not bored. Father-in-law just called and has a bunch of 16' 2x8's he wants to get rid of, some tin roofing and several telephone poles. :D Looks like I'll be ready for sure now.
I'm also looking for a wood cook stove. 8) Nothing fancy. Yes it's for the sugarhouse. Trying to get more use out of the building. Can you imagine pizzia from a wood fired oven while your boiling? Man I'm hungry all ready. :D Now if I don't burn one or the other I'll be fine. :D
AL, Im looking at a Massey 2210....53 hp with a bucket and a cab... :D ..A can with a heater and air.... 8O .....Dont like picking up sap when its cold and raining.............
09-23-2005, 10:40 PM
Mike Thats what I have Kids for :wink:
LOL.........I know Jim, But mine are older.....dont like outdoor work....I have all girls.... :lol:
09-29-2005, 05:09 PM
I did make it back to WV today from MS. Thanks to mapleman for his calls and the others who checked up on me. I am taking it easy this afternoon and again tommorrow just spending time with the family. :D
I hope to get a full day's work in on Sat on syruping stuff! :D
Welcome back Brandon. Windy here today so I can't put the roof on my new addition. Oh well always the weekend.
Take care.
09-29-2005, 07:36 PM
Glad your back safe my friend, I'm sure your family missed you ... don't work too hard on the sugarin stuff... enjoy being home!! :wink:
I'm just here sittin watchin the darn sox piss away their chance at getting even for fist before the final series with those **** Yankmees :evil:
09-30-2005, 01:04 AM
Guess you'll just have to watch those darn Yankees in the series AGAIN up in the Adirondacks when we go. :lol: T - 21 days till the road trip :P
09-30-2005, 07:03 PM
Looks like we should have the roof on the wood shed early next week,,,DRY WOOD!!! well,,,next year anyway....
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-16-2005, 05:01 PM
post edited
Father & Son
10-16-2005, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the reply Kevin. Being new at this and hearing all the different stories I was just wondering if it was worth the time. From the replies I received between stressing the trees and what you said about lower flows and sugar content I guess I'll just wait till spring. Thanks again and hope all your trees and equipment survived the weather.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-19-2005, 07:22 PM
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Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-02-2005, 09:53 PM
post edited
11-03-2005, 07:25 PM
there are a few rockies that I have bumped in the woods (taken the bark of) They run some,,it not too sweet or very much,(my unscinetific observations)
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-03-2005, 09:02 PM
post edited.
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