View Full Version : epa wants milk spills considered hazordous

02-05-2011, 08:07 PM
can this be for real????

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20110205/pl_ac/7790580_epa_to_regulate_milk_spills_just_like_oil_ spills

02-05-2011, 08:17 PM
yes, its true.............the oil companies can get away with it........so they want to go for someone they can get!!!!!!! the farmers.......we are jersey farmers so are milk is at a higher risk with the high butterfat..........AND TO THINK, WE ARE PAYING THESE PEOPLE TO COME UP WITH LAWS LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!

farmall h
02-06-2011, 11:43 AM
I can understand milk processing plants having to undergo EPA regulations on milk and it's by products in case of a spill (they are dealing with thousands of gallons daily) but the individual farm....more small farms will be going out of business. My folks are considering retiring from the dairy (Dad will be 70 this month). He needs to spend more time in the sugarbush anyway. (My thoughts anyway.:))

02-06-2011, 11:59 AM
I can understand milk processing plants having to undergo EPA regulations on milk and it's by products in case of a spill
I agree but... containment fields? Really? :confused:

There are a lot less regulations on many more caustic substances than moo-juice.

02-06-2011, 01:15 PM
this is for the large, milk factories they call farms......they should leave the smallfarmers alone.........

02-06-2011, 02:32 PM
When this administration gets done in hopefully two more years who knows what the damage is going to be. Many millions of Americans have died from poisoning from where MILK has contaminated the soil and all our drinking water.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-07-2011, 07:20 PM
can this be for real????

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ac/20110205/pl_ac/7790580_epa_to_regulate_milk_spills_just_like_oil_ spills
I thought it already was. While I was on FD I recall of a another FD going on a MVA involving a milk tanker. They didn't think anything of it put the engine in pump gear and cleaned off the road of all the milk. Well it was washed down into a creek or river and the next day people started finding dead fish in the river down stream of the accident. Fish cant breath through milk.

Haynes Forest Products
02-08-2011, 01:13 AM
Lets be fair I dont think Obama woke up one day and said We need to regulate milk as a crude oil. NOW I do believe that the EPA is out of their minds when it comes to over reaching. I also believe that who he puts in charge of these agencies and there staff will be our downfall. OK so some fish dies from milk. Coors kills fish with beer spills to and so do oil tankers going in Clear Creek every so often Life goes on.

02-08-2011, 01:24 AM
Yeah and so does cow sh!t from runnoff into a stream. Black River in NY just went through this 2 years ago and the farmer got one heck of a fine. Killed something like 100,000 fish. So we spread the cow sh!t in the fields so we can get milk and then we spill that in the streams and kill even more. So what it all boils down to is like everything with the EPA one dude messes up and the rest have to pay for it to insure it doesnt happen again even if it happened only once in like 1000 years. Some people lack common sense and that is our biggest downfall. If it wasnt we wouldnt need all the regulations put in place. And if we as sugarmakers dont use common sense as well it will come back and bite us in the pants as well. Time to make syrup boys this thread is going nowhere.

02-08-2011, 03:20 AM
Some people lack common sense and that is our biggest downfall. If it wasnt we wouldnt need all the regulations put in place. And if we as sugarmakers dont use common sense as well it will come back and bite us in the pants as well. Time to make syrup boys this thread is going nowhere.

Yes....lack common sense to not put up with this chit! I'll have to ask my brother if he knows anything. I thought this blew over last fall.
I'm pretty sure we ain't gonna build a berm around the bulk tank!!!

It boils down to they will keep pushing until and prodding til there is a full-scale revolt and this one will make Egypt look likes childs play. And its coming, just don't know when.

When are people going to realize that this is not about left/right, Demorat or republicantton. Its a globalist elite banking cartel that has bought our government off and they are trying for their one world government no matter what!

And the phony terror card they always play works hand in hand with this.

02-08-2011, 09:46 AM
Mark Im not saying what they are doing is right at all. Just saying that it all started somewhere and I bet that some dude messed up somewhere and it tripped the red flag and gave the initial push for most these regs. and the excuse to control our lives in yet another way. I guess some people dont have the brain power to live a decent life so they become con-artist and go work for the government.

02-08-2011, 05:15 PM
didnt meant to start such a political debate here, altho i suppose any word from the goverment has that conotation to it. but i just wanted to get the word out there incase others hadnt seen it, and was curious if there is any real danger to spilled milk, ie if a milk tanker wrecks on your corner will your well no longer be drinkable or your fields be contaminated for long term???? thought it would kinda spoil and biodegrade, might smell funky but seemed thats about it. that is interesting about the fish dying tho

02-08-2011, 05:45 PM
From a news story on my local tv station...

"The point might be "moot." The EPA saying late Tuesday afternoon via e-mail that they plan to take action this Spring to exclude spilled milk from their proposal."


So stop cryin' over spilt milk! :lol:

02-08-2011, 05:59 PM
well thats good news, somehow i can see us being next on the list if that had passed, look at all the piping and barrels we have, surely we could have a sap or syrup leak and we must be watched and have a plan they will tell us!

02-08-2011, 08:37 PM
well thats good news, somehow i can see us being next on the list if that had passed, look at all the piping and barrels we have, surely we could have a sap or syrup leak and we must be watched and have a plan they will tell us!

Are the barrels you have for "sap" actually storing plutonium? Careful. They may make us wear hazmat suits while boiling! :D

02-08-2011, 11:13 PM
Finally a reason to cry over spilled milk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

02-08-2011, 11:42 PM
I forgot to ask my bro. today. As I mentioned I thought this blew over. Actually nothing ever blows over it just gets tabled until a better time to ram it through.

You all probably heard how the EPA wants limit "dust" from doing farming activities.


I tell you these things don't just happen. This is a designed plan to bring this country to its knees. The same with the epa regulating coal plants to the point that hardly any can obtain or afford the permits. Yet in Mexico and China it is said they build 2-3 a week (with NO SCRUBBERS at all) yet the US isn't able to build 2-3 clean plants a year.

Obama is on record saying that new coal plants will be charged to the point of bankruptcy because they won't be able to meet the emissions standards.

51% of total US energy production comes from coal!


02-09-2011, 10:26 AM
Local news had the milk deal on the news today. Some interesting bs for sure. Part of it involves farmers must use double walled stainnless steel storage tanks and have some kind of emergency containment put in place for the spill. Guy on the news was basically calling it bs as milk is 97 percent water to begin with. Another sad note he added was that in 2009 not a single dairy farmer showed a profit and in reality if the EPA gets their way the vast majority of dairy farmers will go out of business. Im thinking that all the small guys on their just dont donate enough money to political campaigns and fund the government enough so yet another push for big business in this country. Just a way for the annointed one to show a phony stat on how he lowered unemployment and created more jobs for his relection. Hmm get rid of the small guy, demand will go up for big industry and they will hire more people. Lets keep voting for those Dems. and then complain about how this country is run.

02-09-2011, 12:06 PM
all we have to do is get enough $$$$$$$$ and buy out the gov...........sad thing is..........they won't pay enough for our product so we can!!!!!!!!!!

02-09-2011, 12:19 PM
I tell you these things don't just happen. This is a designed plan to bring this country to its knees. The same with the epa regulating coal plants to the point that hardly any can obtain or afford the permits. Yet in Mexico and China it is said they build 2-3 a week (with NO SCRUBBERS at all) yet the US isn't able to build 2-3 clean plants a year.

Obama is on record saying that new coal plants will be charged to the point of bankruptcy because they won't be able to meet the emissions standards.

51% of total US energy production comes from coal!


Actually GE is excempt from the coal regulations. Who was just appointed to Oboma's team? It's bad news and will only get worse.


02-09-2011, 01:34 PM
Just watch as the progressives and other big gov types slowly take over the food industry. They got our medicine, they have our energy and soon they will control our food. I just can't wait to by Government milk, I am sure it will taste just as good as Government peanut butter from a 2 quart can.

02-10-2011, 07:39 AM
Actually GE is excempt from the coal regulations. Who was just appointed to Oboma's team? It's bad news and will only get worse.


Oh yes....GE and select groups are exempt, basically you have to be on the white house list to be exempt. A total highway robbery going on.

Same thing with the health care.....McDonalds (one of many) gets a waiver and doesn't have to fund health isurance for their employees. Mom and pops hamburgers down the road.....they do not get a waiver and must comply. Total CRIMINALS!!!!!!!

02-10-2011, 09:16 AM
Yep true, The great annointed one was in NY a few weeks ago giving some big wig at GE a promotion and a speech followed it.

02-10-2011, 03:45 PM
Yep true, The great annointed one was in NY a few weeks ago giving some big wig at GE a promotion and a speech followed it. That would be GE, & only because he's kissing up with Jeff Immelt. Can't wait for 2012.

02-10-2011, 05:54 PM
Government ideas just keep getting better. In January the State Fire Marshals office told all the Ag fairs in the state that all tents and EazyUP's need to be fire rated material and have a fire extingusher in them. I can see that in a larger tent but an eazyup is a 10'x10' cover with 4 posts and nothing else? Where do they think the exstinguisher should go? maybe hang it on a chain from the center provided the manufacture provides an engineer report cover the load?

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-11-2011, 05:24 AM
Government ideas just keep getting better. In January the State Fire Marshals office told all the Ag fairs in the state that all tents and EazyUP's need to be fire rated material and have a fire extingusher in them. I can see that in a larger tent but an eazyup is a 10'x10' cover with 4 posts and nothing else? Where do they think the exstinguisher should go? maybe hang it on a chain from the center provided the manufacture provides an engineer report cover the load?

big gov protecting us from ourselves, don't they do just a fine job. Just because gov officials don't have any common sense doesn't mean that we don't!!!!!!!!! Tell the fire martial to move north across the border they can use them up there.

02-11-2011, 05:43 AM
Yep true, The great annointed one was in NY a few weeks ago giving some big wig at GE a promotion and a speech followed it.

And you should have seen the traffic jam in Schenectady! What a mess. It's as bad as when Hiliary stopped by the area for a visit. I stayed in my basement when she came here.

02-11-2011, 09:32 AM
And you should have seen the traffic jam in Schenectady! What a mess. It's as bad as when Hiliary stopped by the area for a visit. I stayed in my basement when she came here.

Yeah she who must be obeyed was in Schenectady for a Hockey Tournament with the boys when he arrived and said it was awful. I have a buddy who lives in Marthas Vineyard and said the whole place shuts down just for his vacations and it is awful said beaches and everything close just so he and his family can have it to themselves. He is Human for crying out loud.