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View Full Version : Leader Patriot 2x6

Brian Ledoux
02-02-2011, 11:11 PM
Thought I would post some positive news. Did a test fire on my new to me Leader 2x6 Patriot on Monday and was absolutely amazed at how well it worked. Compared to the old lapierre 19"x36" I had last year, it boiled so well, I could not believe it. Was much easier to regulate the level in the pans than I thought too. I had a lot of uncertainties that made me unsure about how the whole system would perform. All the uncertainties turned out far better than expected though. I am especially glad that I went with arch board before the bricks. Makes a huge difference. I could touch the arch with my bare hands even when it was firing full steam.

Point of my post, though, is just to say that all the info I received from this site is what made the difference. All the advice and suggestions I read from everyone's posts were right on the money and very helpful. I am very glad this site exists! I appreciate all the folks willing to share info.

02-03-2011, 01:18 AM
Are you going to put that Patriot 2x6 into your mobile Sugar Shack?

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-03-2011, 05:36 AM
Thought I would post some positive news. Did a test fire on my new to me Leader 2x6 Patriot on Monday and was absolutely amazed at how well it worked. Compared to the old lapierre 19"x36" I had last year, it boiled so well, I could not believe it. Was much easier to regulate the level in the pans than I thought too. I had a lot of uncertainties that made me unsure about how the whole system would perform. All the uncertainties turned out far better than expected though. I am especially glad that I went with arch board before the bricks. Makes a huge difference. I could touch the arch with my bare hands even when it was firing full steam.

Point of my post, though, is just to say that all the info I received from this site is what made the difference. All the advice and suggestions I read from everyone's posts were right on the money and very helpful. I am very glad this site exists! I appreciate all the folks willing to share info.
thats cool, if I would build one like that it cant be taxed as an out building because its moveable

02-03-2011, 07:02 AM
And I am glad that guest can log onto this site and see info, research and learn without having to join unlike other maple site(s)

Brian Ledoux
02-03-2011, 01:25 PM
The 2x6 is in the mobile sugar shack. :) It's a 7x14 shack. So far everything seems to fit. Have to use a really small head tank, but even with the patriot boiling full steam, everything goes out the cupola no problem! Was pretty worried about the steam not escaping. And yes, no taxes that way.

The town of Hooksett, NH would not let me build the sugar shack on the piece of vacant land I was planning to put it on. Thus the need for the trailer.

02-03-2011, 06:08 PM
in nh can they stop you ?? state law for right to farm may over ride if most sap come from your land. if sap is product on your land is not commercial for got the rsa but came across it last year

02-03-2011, 08:04 PM
You don't actually have to own the land. Any premise that you rent or lease in NH counts as well. Another interesting tidbit in NH. If 35% of what you sell in your farm stand is produced on your farm. Your not a retail operation for the purposes of town zoning. Also you can farm in any zoning unless there is a specific exclusion to an operation, ie no pigs, however growing crops can not be excluded.

Dave Y
02-04-2011, 05:57 AM
Glad your test boil went welland the info from this site was helpful.You will find the bigger the evaporator the easier they are to operate. I have found this to be true in my own expeince.
However, I am floored every time i read when one of you are prevented from building a building or prevented from sugaring by your local goverment. I have a sugar house attached to my house in the middle of town. I have been making syrup there for 8 yrs and not one word negitive has been said !

Brian Ledoux
02-07-2011, 01:06 PM
I can't understand the negative response from the town either. about 1000 feet from my sugarshack, the same town approverd a super walmart and a Lowes. Those guys were approved to build. My sugarshack was not. It is absolute ridiculous irony how they work.

02-07-2011, 03:24 PM
My mistake.