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04-04-2011, 09:15 PM
Just got in from boiling, drew off about 4 more gallons tonight. looks to be A Med - A-dark. Still not making b grade. Also bottled 9.5 more gallons Last week we made dark this week back to med. Great season so far. Just fueled the vac up so she can pull an all nighter.


Low budget maple
04-05-2011, 02:05 AM
Pulled taps. Boiled 140 gal of sap plus the sweet. Cleaned up shack. Out of wood and I mean out of wood. Pans clean left 1 beer as seed beer for next year. This boy is done. Stick a fork in me cause I am crispy !! Hahah. Work at 8 am and it's gunna be a long day !!! I don't know why we do this but man what a ride !!!! Year next year my suck hobbied freinds I bit you a safe and prosperous 10 months till we share our adventures again !!!!!

Low budget maple
04-05-2011, 02:17 AM
Ooops I should proof read before I submit. I ment till next year my sick hobbied freinds I bid you a safe 10 months. Sorry folks !!!!!! Didn't mean to sound bad. Boil on !!

Gary R
04-05-2011, 05:54 AM
Don't worry Low Budget, my vacuum sucks real good.:) I'm going to have to dig into the wood I just cut for next year. I got about 20 gal. of Birch sap last night and boiled it. It was a nice quick night. They are funny trees. One gave me over 3.5 gal. overnight. Some a quart or so.

Dennis H.
04-05-2011, 06:30 PM
Gary what do you do with the birch syrup?

PA mapler
04-05-2011, 08:12 PM
Just finished boiling a tank of sap... it got a little cloudy because I couldn't get to it yesterday. It was DARK stuff, but wow did it have some good flavor. I'm at 60 gallons, hoping for a few more to top off my one drum! :D Sap should run tomorrow.

Gary R
04-05-2011, 08:38 PM
Dennis, I won't have much, sap tested at .6%. I'll probably bake with it.

I just sold the last syrup I made to Jim Brown. Made 5 1/2 gal. over the last week or so. I should be able to post some numbers tomorrow.

04-06-2011, 07:22 AM
Still making Med here and made Med almost the entire season. Took off 50 gallons the last 3 days. Froze up tight about daylight yesterday and is still froze. One more big run this week and looks like it will be all over by the weekend.

04-06-2011, 07:36 AM
Boiled about 10 gal off last night. puts up around 40 for the season so far. We are froze up and my vac pump is down (swamped by the rain) Got it running and then the pulley on the motor came off (thing it's telling me she is tired this year). Worked on it some this morning before work and my father said he would finish it up. Hoping for 1 last good run. Haven't made anything below a-dark yet.


04-06-2011, 08:02 PM
Anyone from PA making the trip up to the leader open house next weekend (15 & 16)?

Gary R
04-06-2011, 08:04 PM
I was finally able to get my numbers together.

I tapped tubing (104 taps) 2/13 and first boil was 2/14.
2893 gal. of sap was collected. 905 was sold or given away. 100 was dumped.
I shut off the vacuum on 3/31.
My releaser malfunctioned twice during the season. Both times during the highest flow period. The float did not operate, water trap filled and vacuum was shut off to tubing. Missed some good sap then.
Average sap per tap was 27.8 gal./tap.

On 3/12 I put up 31 buckets on sugars. I was trying to get a better grade of syrup. I pulled the buckets and had my last boil on 4/3. I collected 262 gal. of sap off the buckets.

I made 28.5 gal. of syrup from the sap I boiled.Almost all was "B". I made some dark A from the buckets. The last 5 1/2 gal. was "C" due to too dark or slight off taste.
My numbers get skewed for syrup per tap due to bucket syrup added to vac syrup. If I back out taps by using the average per tap and amount not processed, I come out real close to .4 gal. of syrup per tap. I think this is very good since almost all of my vac sap was 1% sugar.

I'd rate the season as very good . Only down side was the sugar content. I'm also on my third vacuum pump. The best I can boil is 15GPH. I don't like the long boils. I'm looking for an evaporator that can do 40+ GPH. If anyone has some leads, please pass them along.

Tax refund check came the other day. The second thing my wife looked at was the Leader flyer:) Too bad trout fishing is next weekend. I'll be in Kane for a few days.

PA mapler
04-06-2011, 08:58 PM
Anybody still boiling in NW PA, check your tanks... despite the snow, the sap is starting to run pretty good just now.

04-07-2011, 06:05 AM
Anyone from PA making the trip up to the leader open house next weekend (15 & 16)?

Yes we are.

04-07-2011, 09:10 AM
You have been very quiet on the trader. Now I see why still making syrup in Russell.
Your season must have been good to great?

Can you give us a idea how the Taste and Tour went for you? I know it was your first year. You can P.M. me or post here. We have a board meeting next week and would like some input from you and the other folks near Russell.

04-07-2011, 09:37 AM
Gary check out A&A metal in Ulysses pa. I bought my pans from them and couldn't be happier. I built the arch myself using AOF but they also build arches. I am doing around 65-70gph on my 30x8 raised flue. So much better than last year on my 3x4 flat pan.

We are still pulling the sap in. Ran the pump yesterday and through the night. Work up this morning to 150g more sap and no time to gather. My father is gonna gather once he gets done plowing. The sap is starting to get very cloudy. Looks like we will be making B and C again.


Gary R
04-07-2011, 12:04 PM
Jason, I've been to A&A. I'm the one who started the thread on them (shame on me:))They are on my list. If I find a good used name brand I'd go for that. I called Sun Rise? in Indiana this morning. Sorry, but I could almost buy a new name brand for what they are asking. $4471 for a 2X6 raised flue. No stack and no bricks. They are welded 20ga. but, B2 finish, not bright annealed.

PA mapler
04-07-2011, 10:03 PM
Done for the season, ran out of firewood. The last lot was pretty wet. Still have sap, but it's getting cloudy and is making DARK stuff. Not nasty yet, but strong.

04-08-2011, 12:33 PM
We still have wood and sap :-). Collected over 200 gallons off my 110 vacuumed taps. Best run yet. Sap is cloudy here too but still making nice stuff. Bottled another 5 gallons of a-dark last night. Figure I'll be making b tonight and maybe c by the weekend. Hoping for some to sell bulk.


04-08-2011, 07:41 PM
Gathered 900 gallons of crystal clear sap today the clearest it has been all season. Took off 20 gallons of light syrup.

04-08-2011, 08:02 PM
Pulled that taps today when I got home. Most were dry with the exception of a few that were still slowly dripping. Made more maple candy tonight, only a pint haha. Tomorrow will be another clean up day, wash tanks, buckets, and tubing. Then the planning and upgrading can begin for next year.

04-08-2011, 08:14 PM
Wow suprised you got that much clear sap!
Gary nice number! that new rig will look real good:)
I got the Sunrise info today too. A&A numbers are laying here plus prices from Leader on new pans too.
Nice to here that folks in NWPA held on as long as they could!

04-08-2011, 09:27 PM

You need a set of max revolution pans on that arch. With the WRU you could crank off 200 gph.:)

04-09-2011, 04:31 PM
Just got the price for Leader Max Revolution style pans 6 foot flue and 4 foot front.
I am sure they are nice pans. I am not sure I can afford them right now. Nice to dream! Darn steam away is only 5 foot too.
I spent most of the day watching master machinist Daryl Sheets work his majic on my gear pump for the cream machine. Now have new 400 stainless gears replacing the plastic ones that kept breaking! And he did a complete rebuild.
Thanks Daryl! I think he might fire up the sportsman with that sap that was flowing in when I left:)

PA mapler
04-09-2011, 07:00 PM
Finished the season with 66 gallons. Cleaned the evaporator today and starting taking out taps. The sap in the buckets I dumped was still crystal-clear, so the cloudy sap in my bulk-tank must be a bacterial pipeline issue. I dumped about 400 gallons of sap today, so I was really close on the firewood. All in all a great season!

04-09-2011, 07:12 PM
Wow great season for you! I have dumped sap before, kind of a sad feeling when you cant get it all into syrup.

Just ordered the small Lovejoy coupling for the cream gear pump machine and should have that operational next week. Most of this stuff comes from McMaster Carr. They do a nice job of getting stuff out quickly! I will try to post some pictures when its up and running.

Still lots of tubing waiting to be cleaned.
I am moving a little slow over the last few days from some minor surgery. Mending quickly and feeling better each day. So a little more time will be spent on the trader and resting. Back to work Tuesday!

Dave Yokuim and his dad stopped in yesterday and discussed all things maple in their world. I think Dave has made over 70 gallons of syrup on the 3 x 12 and is looking forward to many improvements in the coming years too.

Hope things are good in the sugarhood!

Gary R
04-09-2011, 08:18 PM
Some advice, don't go to the dealers at the end of the season. Went to Evans, Gingrich and Cermack. No one home. Karl was there but he was closed and busy. Good thing is he wants some more pans from me. Ray didn't have any A&A evaporators in the shop. I finished Birch today. Nice color for my wine. I also had enough heavy sweet for a quart or so of syrup. Working on density now.

Lots of dreams here:)

04-09-2011, 08:24 PM
Gary I was at Jim Brown's today to sell my syrup. Sorry I didnt make it to your place. Jim is a great guy and has a very nice operation. Seeing his set-up with a 2x6 reassures me that I dont need to look for a bigger evaporator just an ro.

04-09-2011, 09:23 PM
Canned the last of our B grade stuff today. Making C grade now. Syrup is still comming in but cloudy and or yellowish. Probably pull taps on monday/tuesday. Beth wish i could have had that sap :D I'll take all i can get at the end of the season.


PA mapler
04-10-2011, 01:24 PM
Wish I could've gotten that sap to you, Jason, just about broke my heart to pull the plug... and darned the sap is running (onto the ground) pretty good again today. Note to self: more firewood next year!

04-10-2011, 01:44 PM
Washing tubing in the mid 70 degree temps about 50 % along with that project. May pickup some more jugs for syrup. Out of gallons and half pints.
Yes new maple equipment is on our minds. Dealers are trying to recover from a banner year also I guess.
Time to get on to things other than maple too, like trimming apple trees and tending to the bees.

Gary R
04-10-2011, 06:47 PM
Trimming apple trees? That was two months ago:) Dormant oil spray done also. Gotta get that stuff done between boils! Haha!

Chris, on a serious note, I was thinking. What about a set of A&A pans. Don't have them solder the copper fittings on. Buy the stainless (sanitary clamp type) fittings and have someone tig them on.

Cleaned the pan and hood real good today. Need to clean up the arch and put the rig up for sale. Going to look at a rig Tuesday and a building on Friday.

04-11-2011, 09:24 AM
OK maybe I wont get the trees trimmed:) We haven't gotten any apples for the last three years due to killing frosts after the blossoms are on.
Yes the A&A pan might be a good fit for my antique low budget system:). Since that's what I am running now it would not be a big change. Haven't thought about the fittings but that would be a good improvement to attach the pans together. Did I say I was cheap?
I took the pan off last night to review options.

04-11-2011, 09:09 PM
Well were done. Pulled all the buckets tonight and shut the vac down. I was still getting sap but at the point it was costing me more to gather/run the pump than i was making from syrup. I don't have final numbers yet as my father is still boiling but looks like around 55 gallons for the season. thats only .2/tap not so great but considering i was still adding taps and tubs for the first 2 weeks and had several issues with my vacuum system ranging from broken pullies, swamped motor from rain and bender milk releaser i'm happy. Now for next year :evil::evil:


04-11-2011, 09:22 PM
Dave Y- We need a status update! You cant boil till July! We know your tough, hang it up and get back on the trader and give us an update so we dont feel so bad about ourselves. Theron

04-12-2011, 10:12 AM

What is your status update?? Are you done and what about your totals for the year??

04-12-2011, 05:57 PM
Brandon- Done as of yesterday. Made 2400 gallons total. The guys on gravity said it was a little better than an average year but on vac we got a lot of sap. Most of it wasnt real sweet though. My buddy brought me 10000 gallons of sap and it wasnt probly two percent but well call that 250 gallons so I ended up doing at 2150 on 5300 holes, that would be 4 thenths but really I got all the sap from 4600 taps on the house pump in reallity so that would be .45 so call it whatever theres a heck of a pile of 55 gallon drums in my garage for sale. Im officially TICKLED TO DEATH!!!! Next year If I can just do a little better job and try to make my syrup better, make it cheaper and still treat everybody right and make it easier thats my goal. If I never get anymore BIGSAP than I got this year thatll be just fine. Theron

04-12-2011, 08:53 PM
That's a pile of syrup! Nice job young man, you made us proud!
Take a needed break and enjoy.
I'm sure Dave Y is still boiling:)
Dave you out there?


04-12-2011, 08:56 PM

Sounds great and you have such a great attitude that everyone needs your attitude about syrup and life. Average year or little below average here and worst sugar content on record. Made most syrup I had ever made but had 125 more taps since last normal year. I would say in reality we were about 80% of a normal crop but I was happy because the weather was completely uncooperative.

Dave Y
04-13-2011, 05:00 AM
The season is officially over! I chased the sweet out of the pans last night. 1080 gals. of syrup. That put me at a qt a tap. which is pretty good i guess. considering over half my taps where buckets or gravity tubing. Feel that I could have done more if i wouldn't have had so many equipment issues. But that's what I made and am happy for it. will try to do better next year.

Dan W
04-13-2011, 06:06 AM
Way to go Dave. How did the buckets run after reaming?

Gary R
04-13-2011, 06:17 AM
Start dumping Theron:D

Dave Y, you hung in there a long time. I'll be driving by Friday, late afternoon. If I see you around, I'll stop in.

I visited Tapper yesterday. Nice clean operation. He was bottling and still needed to finish the last boil. I also stopped at Firth's for a few minutes. The syrup maker was just leaving for the day. I got to see the steam powered finish pan. They are at 12,000 taps and expect to add 15,000 more within the nest couple of years. I then stopped at S Durfs. Checked out his sugarbush behind the house. Looks like 100 or so taps, nice grade, plans on vacuum tubing to the sugar house! Then Scott and I went to Edinboro to look at an A&A evaporator. For the price, they sure are looking nice.

04-13-2011, 11:40 AM
Finished pulling taps last night. Also finished the c grade in my finishing pan and put it in the drum. Got 11 gallons of c and a total of 56gal for the season. Soaking my pans in snotty sap now. Allot of things learned and planned for next year.


Father & Son
04-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Gary R,
Did Firth's have a buy date or prices decided yet?


Gary R
04-13-2011, 04:04 PM
Jim, I never asked. Mines already sold to Jim Brown. Shouldn't you be retailing all that fine stuff?:)

Dave Y
04-13-2011, 04:59 PM
Reaming the holes helped the reds a lot. Don't know if it was needed on the sugars though.
Gary, I stayed till the end of the season. Most everyone else quit half way . Only the last 15 gals may be commercial. not due to color but due to taste. I may make enough to get rid of the buckets next year. Still have to get them brought in. I am resting for a couple of days first

04-13-2011, 09:36 PM
Gary R
Where do they make A&A evaporators?


04-13-2011, 09:39 PM
Who has the A&A in Edinboro? I would like to look at one close up too.
Dave Y, yes you can rest now its over!

Gary R
04-14-2011, 06:23 AM
Andy, there made in Ulysee's PA. They can also be bought at an Amish dealer in Ohio near Karl Evans. Here's a thread I had created. I guess I got him in trouble with the elders for putting him on the internet. I guarantee he's going to the bank more often:)


Chris, the guy lives about 1 mile south of 6N, on fry rd. He is a friend of Scott's. I know you'll be right by there tonight, but he's out of town for a while. I'm thinking about a 2X8, raised flue. $2500. You get 2X length smoke stack and either brick or blanket inside. If I add hoods, steam stack, jacks and air tight front, about $1000 more. How can you pass that up?

04-14-2011, 06:31 AM
That would be a good value on the new rig. You could make syrup eaisier and considerable faster too.
Maybe I will see you tonight!

04-14-2011, 07:52 AM
Chris: I'm in the same boat as you, my flue pan is just about done .I fixed it twice last year, and one of the seams on top of the flues split this year. It was ok if you didn't have to drain it ,but when you did and filled it ,we flooded the floor! Also the float box is about gone.

Gary R: Do you know how deep the flues are on the drop flue pans A&A makes
mine are 7 1/2 inches. I went back and read that thread and you thought they were getting around 90 gph on a 30x8 with mods ,so I would assume that's how deep they are.

I've been tossing around what to do since maple season. I've even figured a way to make 7 1/2 flues but ,thats a long way from my head to actual pans.
I thought about using tube,but the ramp in my evaporator would only allow
4' tubes,and I'm not tearing it apart and reramping it after just insulating and bricking it.
The struggle goes on!

Gary R
04-14-2011, 04:46 PM
A month or so ago, I asked if anyone would like to get together for dinner. A few expressed interest. The season is over and we've got the time now! A couple of years ago we did this at Hoss's Steak and Sea House near the Grove City outlet malls. It seemed fairly central to accommodate some of our southern and eastern syrup makers. I called Hoss's, we can get a private room. I was thinking about Sunday, May 1st about 5PM. This is between Easter and Mother's day. Being later on Sunday it shouldn't break up everyone's weekend. I do need a head count. I need to place a deposit to reserve the private room. It is refundable as long as most of us show up. Please let me know your thoughts. If we need to reschedule for another date that can be done.

PS. Everyone is welcome, any state.

04-14-2011, 06:55 PM
Does anyone have a picture they could post of an A&A evaporator? I would seriously think about selling my Phaneuf 2x6 for about $4500 and buy an A&A 2.5x8 or 10.

04-14-2011, 07:32 PM
I have the pans sitting on an arch i made myself. I can get a pic if you want?


04-14-2011, 07:39 PM
Jason that would be great.

04-14-2011, 07:51 PM
I've got a complete 2 by 8 from A&A with hoods. I'll try to post some pics later tonight. I was quite happy with it this year.

04-14-2011, 09:11 PM
Heres a few pics.

04-14-2011, 09:29 PM
Gary R
Thanks for the info on the A & A that sounds real interesting. I'am not sure yet what I'am going to do. I have been thinking of buying a used one,or building an arch and have someone make me a set of pans,but for the price of a new A&A that might be the way to go.I will let you Know in a couple of days if I can make it to the dinner.It sure would be nice to see everyone again.


Dennis H.
04-15-2011, 01:33 AM
Man waysidemaple you still have that fancy lamp in the sugarhouse!!:D I remeber that thing in a prior posting sometime last year!

I like the hoods, does he make and sell just hoods??

04-15-2011, 06:36 AM
Yes Cheryl and I would be interested.
Sign Us up.

A month or so ago, I asked if anyone would like to get together for dinner. A few expressed interest. The season is over and we've got the time now! A couple of years ago we did this at Hoss's Steak and Sea House near the Grove City outlet malls. It seemed fairly central to accommodate some of our southern and eastern syrup makers. I called Hoss's, we can get a private room. I was thinking about Sunday, May 1st about 5PM. This is between Easter and Mother's day. Being later on Sunday it shouldn't break up everyone's weekend. I do need a head count. I need to place a deposit to reserve the private room. It is refundable as long as most of us show up. Please let me know your thoughts. If we need to reschedule for another date that can be done.

PS. Everyone is welcome, any state.

04-15-2011, 07:44 AM
I pretty sure he does make just hoods but not positive. That lamp puts off a heck of alot of light for being so small. :lol:

Dave Y
04-16-2011, 05:56 AM
I would be interested.

Dennis H.
04-16-2011, 06:44 AM
Gary is there any place to stay nearby, like a hotel?

I would like to finally put a face to the names, but for me it would be about a 5-6 hr drive up there so I would want to spend a night then come home.

Gary R
04-16-2011, 02:03 PM

There are a few hotels right there. Search for "Grove City Outlet Mall". It's a big place, right on Interstate I-79.

I'll going to PM some of the locals. They may be doing spring chores already. I'll be mowing grass in a few days.

04-16-2011, 07:41 PM
Sign Kendra and I up.

04-17-2011, 08:08 AM
I plan on being there.


Dan W
04-17-2011, 09:04 AM
Already RSVP'd in PM it will be nice to put faces with names. See you there.

Dennis H.
04-18-2011, 01:28 AM
Gary add me to the list for May 1st.
I found a place to stay that is right next door to Hoss's!

Gary R
04-18-2011, 05:56 AM
Dennis, it will be great to meet you. If you get into town a little early, you could stop at my place. I'll give you the tour of my small setup. I'm about 10 minutes off of I80 on the the way to Hoss's.

04-18-2011, 05:08 PM
Wow suprised you got that much clear sap!
Gary nice number! that new rig will look real good:)
I got the Sunrise info today too. A&A numbers are laying here plus prices from Leader on new pans too.
Nice to here that folks in NWPA held on as long as they could!

Any chance you could scan your A&A price list and post it? I have the one from 2010 but not a recent one. Jason

04-18-2011, 08:32 PM
I only have the 2010 sheet that is on the trader. I would expect a 10% increase for 2011???? Maybe more?

Any chance you could scan your A&A price list and post it? I have the one from 2010 but not a recent one. Jason

04-19-2011, 01:00 PM
Picked up a 400 gallon bulk tank today. Looks like we are headed to an auction this weekend.

04-19-2011, 01:43 PM
Picked up a 400 gallon bulk tank today. Looks like we are headed to an auction this weekend.

Scott, the last I knew there was a 400 gal or so tank in the fallen down barn just south of Sugar Creek at West Burlington. I talked to them about buying it but it's too far from home plus I need bigger tanks. There's also a small one inside a milk house up by Wetona on the right side of the road.

04-19-2011, 03:50 PM
Was it an Amish place...if it was they sold the tank. I called on It but it didn't last 12 hours sitting on the side of route 6. If not I will be checking into that.

04-19-2011, 03:56 PM
Was it an Amish place...if it was they sold the tank. I called on It but it didn't last 12 hours sitting on the side of route 6. If not I will be checking into that.

The last I knew it wasnt amish, turn right in West Burlington, cross Sugar Creek, first farm on the right, the barn's falling down.

04-19-2011, 04:16 PM
Okay I know them...we use to live in the house if you stay on 6 instead of turning right....it would be the little grey ranch house on the right with the big red metal barns just past that intersection. We used to play paintball in the woods just across sugar creek on the left before you get to the sheep pasture.

Gary R
04-19-2011, 06:06 PM
OK, we're on. I reserved the private room. Sunday, May 1st, about 5PM, Hoss's, Grove City outlets for dinner. I wouldn't show up too early. Another group is supposed to be out by 5PM. We have about 15 people who replied. Should be a great time!

04-19-2011, 08:04 PM
Gary R,
Sounds like a good time, looking forward to putting some faces with the trader names. Thanks in advance for setting this up!

OK, we're on. I reserved the private room. Sunday, May 1st, about 5PM, Hoss's, Grove City outlets for dinner. I wouldn't show up too early. Another group is supposed to be out by 5PM. We have about 15 people who replied. Should be a great time!

04-20-2011, 07:01 AM
Sold my C grade yesterday to Iansons. I only made 114lbs but got $228. So i figured it was $2/lb.. He said it was C-11? Not sure but they said it was the better of the C grade.


Gary R
04-21-2011, 06:07 AM
I finally got the new evaporator figured out.

I want to thank Monster Maples and Dave Y (Lapierre dealers) for their efforts. They had a great deal on a 2X6. It is a nice looking rig. I have decided to buy an A&A, 2X8. The thing that really made my mind was boiling rate. I have already decided to add at least 20 vacuum taps and keep the 30 buckets up. I figure the 2X6 will get about 40GPH. I'm hoping after I add AOF I'll get 60GPH out of the 2X8. My wife and I are going Saturday to buy the evaporator and a new sugar shack!

04-21-2011, 07:20 AM
Congrats. You'll like there setup. I used 2"x4" box tubing for my AOF. attached are some pics. The entire link is here (http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?t=11774).

Jim Brown
04-21-2011, 08:19 AM
Well Gary you just went from a backyarder to producer!! A new sugar shack also. Stepping up to the big time . Looks like I better put in more taps so to make up for all the sap I'm going to not get next year(LOL)
Talk to you later

Gary R
04-21-2011, 01:09 PM
Sorry Jim, you might have less syrup to buy also. My parents seem to think they could sell all the syrup I could make in Florida.:)

Jason, what type of GPH did you get on this rig? Did you brick the fire box area over the blanket? I plan on adding the AOF on their arch. He has a nice air tight front and base stack support. I have all the stainless to make an entire arch, but I figured on saving some hassle and convert his.

04-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Are you getting the 2x8 from Ray Gingerich? Does he have any in-stock A & A evaporators or are they all special order? I might be interested in a 2.5x10 or 3x10.

04-21-2011, 06:37 PM
Gary as close as we can figure 70gph maybe a little more a couple days when everythings was perfect. I only bricked the bottom and left it open between the bricks for the under air to blow up through. I also bricked up to the AOF bump in the sides and back (simply to protect the blanket).


04-21-2011, 09:45 PM
Congratulations! Cant wait to see pictures of the new rig and sugar house. All that tubing vacuum and sap this year pushed you over the edge, but you have been building towards this for a while. Well next year will be different story with the new evaporator AOF and new sugarhouse. You will be cranking out some syrup!
Will this sugarhouse have wheels too?:)

Gary R
04-22-2011, 05:43 AM
Thanks guy's, I walked around last night and found 30 more taps to add to vacuum without any mainline additions. Sorry, but no wheels on this one. It is coming on a truck with wheels, does it count:)?

Heus, Gingtich's is probably 15 miles from you. I'd recommend stopping in and see what he has to say.

04-22-2011, 07:57 AM
Is he open by chance or does he have regular hours?

Gary R
04-23-2011, 08:42 PM
We made it to A&A today. 3.5 hours one way. If anyone is thinking of buying his equipment, I'd recommend writing him to call you. We got up there and he wasn't home. He was at a gardening seminar. We drove to that. When it was over, we talked to him and even drove him back to the shop:) If you know exactly what you want it would be best to visit him and discuss what you want. He is very flexible to changes. I ordered a raised flue 2X8. It will have a 30" deep fire box, 30" syrup pan, 66" flue pan. Draw off and float will be on the side I will do all the work on. He will provide 1" blanket for the entire arch. I will purchase split brick and install in the fire box. 48" preheater. The syrup pan hood will be attached to the flue pan hood. The bottom of the syrup pan hood will be 12" above the top of the syrup pan.This is custom order at no extra cost. Be aware of that if you want your hoods to look just like the big manufactures profiles.

Delivery is supposed to be August. I hope he makes it. If anyone is thinking of one I would act fast.

I heard from Father and Son today. I thought he fell of the face of the earth:D Looking forward to talking maple with him and Terry next Sunday.

04-24-2011, 05:47 PM
Do you have his name and address or a phone number?


Gary R
04-24-2011, 07:58 PM
Andy, I'll PM you his address. Call me if you like. I can give you an idea of what's available.

04-24-2011, 08:46 PM
You are persistent!
Sounds like a real nice custom rig.
Your going to like the way that boils sap!
Are you going with a air tight front on the arch?


04-24-2011, 08:54 PM

Where at in PA is A&A located at or you can PM me with additional info.


04-25-2011, 12:59 AM
could you also send me this guys adress and info? seems farely close to me.

Gary R
04-25-2011, 05:45 AM
A&A Metal Shop
464 Collins Hill rd.
Ulysses, PA 16948

I hope this does not get him in trouble with his elders.

Maplekid, A&A is probably 4 hours from you. His dealer in Ohio is Ray Gingrich. Ray lives one mile from Karl Evans (Leader dealer). Go see Karl and he will get you in touch with Ray. Ray has no evaporators on site. He sold out of them and A&A is making more.

He is now making a nice filter tank. It has a screen on top to support the flat filter.

Chris, I did get the air tight front. The rigs usually come with brick in fire box, blanket in flue area. I asked for all blanket. I will buy splits locally. This way I can fabricate an airover manifold on top of the blanket and brick around it. You've got to plan ahead:)

04-25-2011, 06:53 AM
do they have a dealer in NY by any chance?

04-25-2011, 03:01 PM
thank you very much

04-25-2011, 04:48 PM
I knew you were on top of it!

Gary R
05-02-2011, 06:05 AM
Thanks everyone who attended dinner. There were 16 of us. That was almost four hours of non stop maple talk! Good luck with additions and improvements.

05-02-2011, 07:09 AM
I would of liked to attend last night ,but personal matters, and 3 hr. drive each way kept me at home. I really wanted to meet all you traders from Pa.
that I've been interacting with over the past 2 yrs.
Next Time!

Dan W
05-02-2011, 08:16 AM
Thanks for pulling it together Gary. Had a great time.

Jim Brown
05-02-2011, 08:25 AM
Gary; thanks for the invite but Kim graduated from college on sat and Darlene had a party scheduled for her yesterday afternoon

Next time!

Dennis H.
05-02-2011, 09:03 AM
Wow, what a great time I had yesterday talking Maple. I will have to do this again. It was great to put faces to names.

Got home right at midnight! Daryle I did it the trip in 3 hrs 20min. I was trucking!

Gary thanks for putting that all together, and thanks for the Hospitality, I think that is how you spell it! Great place you got there even though I heard banjo's off in the distance.:o:D

05-02-2011, 09:08 AM
It was good to meet some new to me Traders. We had a ball. It got a bit loud but didn't bother us. We exchanged a lot of ideas and upgrade plans. Any one that didn't come sure missed a GREAT time.
I can't wait until we meet again. Thanks Gary for setting it up.

05-02-2011, 12:07 PM
It was great to put a face with some of the names on the trader. Had one heck of a good time. The time just seemed to go to fast. Thanks again Gary for putting it together.

05-02-2011, 07:58 PM
Dan W.,
I got a chance to look at your pictures. Nice sugar house! Did you build your own auto draw off? I think you will be able to make a lot of good syrup and good times in there! Cheryl had a great time visiting with Drew.
Looking forward to seeing that new cream machine too.

Dan W
05-03-2011, 07:26 PM
Chris, Thanks for the compliments. We really enjoyed chatting with everyone too. Gary is getting a building from the same Amish guy that built mine. Mine is 12x20 Gary whent with 12x24. I wish I had as well-that extra 4 feet would be handy. Yes, I put the auto draw-off together. All I had to buy was the PID controller, temperature probe, and solenoid valve. The rest I scavenged from work. I am thinking about incorporating a stack temperature display into it also. Right now, I cant see past the hood from the front to check it. My goal is to sit on a rolling chair, roll from the wheelbarrel full of wood to the arch to fire, and never get up except to get more wood and replace full syrup containers. HA HA-if it was only that easy!! I could put together a motor with the pump I have, but you really got me thinking about the mixer/cream machine combo. Tell me again how you coupled the pump to your mixer. Thanks for the tubing tips as well. Looks like I'll be knocking on a few more neighbors doors this summer with bribe syrup in hand. We'll have to stop by some time and check out your operation. It really looks nice.

05-04-2011, 08:46 PM
Dan I will try to get some pictures of the gear machine for cream.
Have a great day.