View Full Version : August Journal
08-01-2005, 08:54 AM
This is what I have done so far... Nothing!! Once the summer weather got here, my future sugaring improvements are on the back burner!!. I had good intentions of putting a new roof on the sugar house and making a maple cream machine, but other projects have gotten in the way!! I hope to get something accomplished this fall. Hope everyone else is busy and enjoying the summer!!
One final note, Empire farm days are August 9,10,& 11. There a few maple equipment dealers at the show. We are going on August 11th. Does any one else go to this show?
2x6 Gas Fired D&G Dropflue
We're not going this year. My son has swim lessons that week. Same thing has happened here. Not much sugaring work but plenty of other projects to work on. Still need to do a woodshed, replace a window, put a wood floor in the back room and move my tank outside.
Oh well plenty of time except for volunteering at the Franklen County Field Days and the Champlain Valley fair at the sugar houses.
Take care.
Oops!! Forgot to put this in my previous msg. Reading a book on the history of Vermont and found this little poem. Written by John Godfrey Saxe,
"Men, women, maple sugar and horses;
The first our strong, the latter are fleet;
The second and third are exceedingly sweet,
And all are uncommonly hard to beat!"
Maple trivia and history for today.
Have a great day!
08-03-2005, 05:56 PM
Still cutting wood. The shack is full, next seasons wood to fill the shack after sugaring is done. Thats about 700 gals of syrup worth. Bob got his 15 cord out and Ray got 32 cord out and I have about 3 years for the house done.
Took out 4000+ bd ft of hemlock to a buyer. Have about 5000+ bd ft piled up. Just cleaning up the limbs and the mess down their. Should be done buy September and will start fixing the lines. After Ricks Labor day partty.
Botteled up some syrup tonight. Boy did that smell good wish you guys were hear to smell it. Sold 8 gals in July not bad for 100 degree weather.
Bought 2 more S/S tanks...A 500 gal and a 450 gal.....need to run 1600 ft of main line move the vac add 350 more taps and build an addition on the sugar house for my generator and future RO.....Hey AL, where having a big seminar at camp Aug 20th for Deer hunting. QDM will be there as well as the Federal turkey federation...Talks on food plots,apple trees ect....Door prizes and a raffle for a Omega muzzle loader....Will be selling food from the sugar house.... Hey Rick, sorry I missed your bash, I had surgery around that time.......
08-04-2005, 08:18 PM
Finshed the haying :D :D . Started cutting wood, should hopefully have that done by Sept, then it's on to line repairs. Would like to get a working vacuum up in time for a test run before freezeup. Still have alot to do.
08-04-2005, 09:28 PM
Got the other side of my metal roofing on this evening and hung the other entrance door. Also hung my 2 windows. I hope to be able to work several hours on Sat and finish up the OSB on the outside and the framing for my garage door. I am hoping to get my garage door installed sometime next week and it will be completely closed in other than the ridge cap. I have to install and cut the roofing for my stack and my steam stack, so I will wait until after I do that before I put on the ridge cap. :D
Hi Mike, Sorry can't make the 20th. Thomas the Tank Engine is coming to Portland. :D We're taking the boys and going to the Navy base at Brunswick. If you hear of a 350-400 gallons stainless tank let me know.
Thanks and take care
08-08-2005, 07:43 AM
Yup, Still ducking my head under the pipline when I mow :wink:
Borrowed my father-in-laws wood splitter. :D So guess what I've been doing and is it hot. I can see were one of these could really spoil a guy. Been clearing out the sugarwoods on a regular basis now. Opened up some more room. Getting ready for pipeline in a few years. Of course it also means alot more brush hogging to keep the floor open. Worked the field days and had alot of fun. Only two of us on Friday night talk about busy. :D Now I'm done until the Champlain Valley Fair.
Take care
08-08-2005, 06:34 PM
I finally got my building permit, and the excavator contractor lined up to start construction of a new sugarhouse. 24x30 with an attached 24x24 workshop. The plan is build a "commercial" kitchen to be able to sell jams and jellies and cakes and other maple goodies as well. I was wondering if anybody knew what is required to have a kitchen pass the test and be certified commercial. The few things I do know is plenty of stainless and a good supply of hot water to wash down everthing. I think the hardest part of a project like this is just getting started!
08-09-2005, 06:28 PM
I would start by checking with your local health dept. or check with the state health dept. Your local board of health should be able to steer you in the right direction. I'm sure there will be alot of code requirements.
Good luck in your new sugarhouse.
08-10-2005, 04:00 AM
Marty- Call Vikki Smith, she is the state syrup inspector,,came to my place yesterday,,she is very helpful,,271-2753 or271-3685 Parker
08-10-2005, 05:07 PM
I was thinking a call to the state inspector would be the way to go. My latest mission is trying to find trench drains for the cement slab. Its seems all the building supply centers around here have no idea what I am talking about. Has anybody used these type drains, and where might I find them?!
Also has anyone had problems putting drains in for a there sugarhouse? My contractor told me that floor drains are not allowed in garage floors because of possably contamination going into the ground. I am planning to install a large greywater tank and leach field, so I am hoping there will not be any problems.
08-10-2005, 10:15 PM
I know what you're looking for, its called "NDS Spee-D Channel". I used a couple sections in my sugarhouse heres a link to a picture
The last time I checked Lowes stocked this channel and all the fittings cheaper than anywhere. Any local plumbing supply house can get it.
If you use it do yourself a favor and pour a little cement around each channel before you pour the floor or they will move.
Good luck with the build
08-11-2005, 10:36 AM
Well I bit the bullet and traded in the ole sap truck for a newer one. my old 93 2wd 6cyl.Dakota just was getting old at over 183,000 miles. so I bought a 2001 4WD Quad Cab Dakota ...with a V8, it should haul the sap just fine, now to look for a sporty looking pickup style sap tank for it insead of the boxy cage tank I have. anyone bought a pickup tank recently??? where is a good place to buy them
08-12-2005, 04:11 AM
Last year Danforths had some really low prices on truck tanks,,Recently I heard that Danforths was bought out by Glenn Goodrich,,so Id try the traders first then Glenn,,,
I could not stand it any longer,,I played hookie yesterday and went thinning at rte.11 yesterday,,releasing a bunch of pole size rockies,,when I burned the gallon of gas I brought with me I went home and worked up evaporator wood,,,going to go and finish loading the truck now,,I would like to have 36 cords stacked for this year,,,,I hope Ill need most of it,,anyone have a line on reasonably priced stainless barrles?? Parker
08-12-2005, 04:45 AM
Mapleman3 the best prices I have found is at Even with the included freight they have the best deals. The horizontal leg tanks are the way to go, easier to clean and are not as bulkie as the pickup tanks.
08-12-2005, 12:38 PM
Marty is right about the horizontal leg tanks. I have one and wouldn't use anything else as far as plastic tanks go. They are round and are easy to clean and keep sanitized! :D
08-12-2005, 07:09 PM
I heard that Glen Goodrich is buying out Danforths sugar house and moving every thing to his place and going to be a CDL dealer and have more inventory.
08-13-2005, 06:38 AM
That's absolutely true from what I heard. Remember my prediction about Danforth's this spring? And thanks for the tip on the labor force! He's working out well.
08-13-2005, 08:47 PM
Ok ..anyone else sick of these "dog days" of summer yet??Man I wish this heat and Humidity would break, just a week of dry cooler air would be nice, you go out and try to get something done and you sweat out 10 gallons of water in the first hour 8O sure do love sugaring weather !!! nice n cool, and low humidity(cept in the sugarhouse) when you get too cool just get closer to the evaporator!!
08-13-2005, 09:35 PM
Yeah, serves me right for waiting until now to cut wood and use the log splitter! That sawdust sticks like glue!
Just started doing a little packaging of syrup in anticipation of selling the rest of my syrup for the holidays. Helps with the modivation on getting the wood cut anyway.
If I could just quit my day job...yeah right.
Good luck all!
08-14-2005, 10:28 AM
In Mass. floor drains are not allow with out being permitted with DEP and also they have to be tied to a "tight tank" or a public sewer system. Quite frankly not worth the hassle to do it . If you were not going to be inspected i would say just put one in. Definately getting more and more complicated to build anything these days to completely abide by the law.
08-14-2005, 11:47 AM
I did get my garage door installed on Friday and it looks and works great and makes the building look a ton better. I finished installing the rest of the osb yesterday on the outside and the building is now completely tight other than the ridge cap.
I also spent most of the day yesterday with the assistance of my brother and I installed pine siding on half of the building. It was a huge job, but went really fast considering every piece had to be cut twice due to it being rough cut lumberm and the building being about 13' high on the back. Hope to get the rest of it on next weekend and then I will let it dry for about a month and then spray it and nail all of the bottoms of each piece. Now I am only putting small stainless nails in the top about every 32". Just enough to hold it securely into place so it can dry really good and then I will go back and secure the bottom of each board in every stud with stainless nails.
I normally have all my wood cut, split and stacked way before now, but I have all that to do. I have about 1/2 cut and piled close to the sugarhouse, but I have to split it all and cut the rest of it. I should be able to cut the rest of it and split and stack most of it in a days time. Time is running short with hunting season starting the 2nd Sat in Oct and a baby in November! I should have some new pics posted soon! :D
Larry Harris stopped by for a short visit yesterday and it was good to see him and chat for a couple of minutes. He stops and checks on me when he is up this way and it is always enjoyable to see him and/or his brother Richard.
08-14-2005, 07:12 PM
Wow, Brandon...stainless nails? They'll definately outlast the siding. :wink:
I put board on board siding on my sugar house three years ago with galvanized nails (not sure what type, just the round head type that fit my nail gun from Lowes).
Whatever they were, not a speck of rust in over 3 years.
Congratulations on all your modivation! Sounds like it will be really nice when finished. I enjoy reading all your updates.
08-14-2005, 08:55 PM
From what I have heard from probably a dozen or more people, everyone says that the galvanized nails will leave a streak everywhere they are driven into the siding. Wouldn't be a problem if it was dark like Joe's(mapleking), but I am planning on keeping my wood close to natural as possible.
Wish I could have gotten by with galvanized as I have two air nailers. I bit the bullet and spent $ 114 for 16 lbs of stainless nails. They are specifically designed for siding with blunt points and are ring shank. I got three different sizes due to different needs. From whatever everyone has told me, it is the way to go. Guess better safe than sorry. :?
08-15-2005, 05:07 AM
If you are still looking for a tank you might want to check out Tractor Supply Co. They just opened a store near me and have a variety of sizes and styles, and the best prices I have seen.
08-15-2005, 07:52 AM
I put galvanised nails on my cabin I built 30 years ago. They haven't streaked at all on board and batten. I didn't stain or paint the wood at all. I did have a helper who didn't understand my instructions and used common nails. Those streaked. This was on hemlock, jack pine, red pine and white pine. Maybe they would streak with other wood?
08-15-2005, 08:33 AM
My thoughts on Galvanized is they are probably fine as far as whats in the wood, BUT you compramise the "hot dip galvanized coating " once you smack it with a hammer. some may hold up and not rust at the head and some may. all depends on if the coating on the head gets chipped from the blow from the hammer. if you can afford to go stainless thats the way to go
Father & Son
08-15-2005, 09:09 PM
Here's some info on tanks that might save some money. Last year when I bought a 210 gal pickup tank, the Tractor Supply price was approx. $210.00. At a local building supply I bought the same tank for $145.95. The brand of tank was NORWESCO. Their web site is
See if anyone in your area carries this brand of tank and hopefully their prices will be close to what I found.
Packaged some syrup to enter in the local fair today and did it ever smell good. Can't wait till spring!
08-21-2005, 02:35 PM
Spent about 12 hours yesterday working on siding on the building. With the help of my brother and uncle, I was able to completely finish all the siding on the building. It looks really nice at least to me. I am going to let it hang for 3 or 4 weeks to make certain it is good and dry and then I will go back and nail it and then spray it. Still have to finish leveling under the woodshed and several smaller things to do, but it is getting closer! :D
Well just got back from Maine. Stopped in an saw Bill Mason and family. What a nice family. Wanted to stop by a couple of other places but ran out of time. Called on a used 500 gallon bulk tank before I left. Got the message, $850.00 8O 8O Boy that one's staying were it's at. Was looking for a 3-400 gallon tank but there hard to find. Had a great time in Maine. Not as many sugar houses as in Vermont. :D Of course I would of properly had to get off the main road to find any. :D
Take care
08-24-2005, 08:54 PM
How was Thomas??
I know my son would love to see him some day.
Hi Keith,
Thomas was great. Both boy's had a great time. Thomas has a permenant park in Pennsylvania. He was just visiting Portland for his 60th birthday. I bet your son would enjoy it.
Take care.
08-25-2005, 07:49 PM
Are you referring to Thomas the train?? 8O
Al, Rene Founier's auction tomorrow has a 433 gal SS tank......Check it out....
08-26-2005, 12:06 PM
Tractor supply has a 225 gal poly leg tank (enfield CT) they want 297.00 for it, prices must have jumped due to stinkin oil prices. but thats the sike I will most likely get.
08-26-2005, 12:23 PM
My little boy would love to see Thomas. He watches him every Sunday before church! :D
Well worked the Champlain Valley Fair yesterday. Met some nice people and made a zillion maple shakes. To top that all off I went an volunteered for Wednesday evening. Hope not to get the creemee machine. :D Still splitting and stacking wood. Half looking for a new 400 gallon tank. Might have to wait until after Christmas thou. Didn't see the evaporator dealers at the fair. May have to try harder next trip. See if I can get a free spout or something. Looks like I have clearance to up my tap count. :D
May want that 2x8 upgrade any day now. :D NOT but am thinking about forced air.
Take care,
08-29-2005, 06:58 PM
By this time next week we should have a nice new shiney concrete foundation for a new sugarhouse. Lesson learned, its not a good plan to trench and build forms for a 24x54 slab by yourself! Been at it for 3 weeks now and the end is almost in sight. Found some nice channel drains at Home Depot. NDS ez drains. Took a while to figure out how to install them so they won't move when the concrete is poured. It seems that it is "against the law" to install drains in a slab. The guy that is going to do the pour said to leave them 1/4 below the finished surface and seal the tops good and after the inspections I can open them up. I just got done having the power company upgrade the electrical service to a 400amp service. Lots of power for the new r.o. Which should be ready to install by the end of Sept. Lets hope the building goes up faster then it took me to dig the hole! I have been taking digital pics of the process and I might start a photo album like Westvirginiamaple, just have to slow down long enough to post them.
08-29-2005, 07:38 PM
Sounds like a good idea and I can't wait to see the pics. I need to take pics of my building now that the outside is nearly complete.
One thing you should know is that the floor drains will likely be visible even with concrete over top of them. What happens is that the concrete dries really fast due to air over and under it and it sorta leaves a visible impression of something different. Might be a way to work around it, but better know exactly what to do before you do it. :?
08-29-2005, 10:37 PM
I can see drains in a garage being illeagal due to fuels and oil, but a sugarhouse is nothing but organics(unless you run oil) so what if you hose down the floor and "sugar and dirt go into the ground???? can't understand some of the thoughts of the enviromental wackos... hey I love the land tree's and forests but gimme a break ... I would definately put in the drain!!
08-30-2005, 05:39 PM
OIL :cry:
I'm glad for a wood evap. I'd be selling out if I had to boiled with OIL :x
08-30-2005, 09:34 PM
well we'll see this year how it goes, I locked in around $2 , I may go up 1 to 2 $ per quart and gallon we'll see, I'm sure everyones prices will go up, jug prices due to oil also. I kept evrything for wood just in case! :?
don't forget, gas to get the wood, gas to cut it, and if you use a splitter, gas to split it. and time to do it all, still oil isn't that bad when you consider time and efficiency of the boil.
08-30-2005, 10:22 PM
I pre-paid oil for my house @$2.02 for the winter supply but wouldnot been able to afford another $2,000 bucks for the sugarhouse. Glad I have wood.
No fair work tonight so entered a couple of pics in my album. Mature content!!!! Some ugly old navy guy in the picture. :D
Take care,
08-31-2005, 08:59 PM
Looks like I am going to get sent to Mississippi for 3 or 4 weeks for catastrophe duty, so I guess I won't be getting any more done on the sugarhouse for a while. :(
Anyway, others need my help more anyway. :D
09-01-2005, 04:07 AM
Ill bet the sales of R.O.'s will be way up with the much higher energy costs,, Good luck brandon
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