View Full Version : maple syrup antioxidants info

01-27-2011, 07:45 PM
Does anyone know if any of Canada's research on this has been documented yet? Have we here in the USA documented anything? I have a customer who is interested in this.

01-27-2011, 07:59 PM
Does anyone know if any of Canada's research on this has been documented yet? Have we here in the USA documented anything? I have a customer who is interested in this.

Very little has been released on this topic as yet. There is some negotiation going on at the moment within the IMSI and the Quebec Federation. Hopefully we'll know more soon. If you have a spare million $ or two, the research could be replicated.

01-27-2011, 08:02 PM
research made by Navindra Seeram of Rhode Island University in 2010,
and an article of Journal of medicinal food

"Antioxidant activity,inhibition of nitric oxydeoverproduction andin vitro antiproliferactive effect of maple sap and syrup from acer saccharum"

i found those informations on Upa site, who regulate production of maple syrup in Quebec ( sorry, info in french)

01-27-2011, 08:20 PM
You could have the complete article on the web site of Journal of medicinal food april 2010 article 460-468

01-28-2011, 08:55 AM
You could have the complete article on the web site of Journal of medicinal food april 2010 article 460-468

We have the two articles in question (we have electronic library access to journal articles). The issue in question is how the funder of the research wants to have the findings publicized and attributed. Should be resolved soon.