View Full Version : How much to charge fundraising group using and promoting your syrup?
01-24-2011, 07:59 PM
We are often approached by groups looking to have a pancake breakfast fundraiser -- school trips, scouts, church trips, etc. Sometimes their events are arranged around NY Maple Weekend in March, which allows for tours, tasting, and more sales at our location. Other times, it's just a fund raiser happening some other time of year.
How much would you charge the group for your syrup when there's a chance for more sales due to additional traffic from the pancake breakfast?
A. Donate the syrup, you're gonna make more on extra sales
B. Sell it at less than market value
C. Sell it at market value (assume this is your normal price/gal)
D. Make a little, just above market value
E. Make even a little more
Interested in the responses!
01-24-2011, 08:25 PM
2 ideas:
you could give it to them, and ask to set up a booth at their event so you both make money.
2: sell it half price, then figure out how much it costs to produce that syrup. then try selling some, and help out by giving them some of the profits.
somehow, it will repay you later on and they may send business your way
oh and theres #3: if you have a large quantity of buckets im sure they would be happy to gather sap in exchange for syrup
01-24-2011, 08:25 PM
I would do D and then have product for sale at the event at market price or a little more because they have the flavor in the mouths and impulse bye $$$ Then promote your sugar house to get the to come over after $$$$$
Thompson's Tree Farm
01-25-2011, 04:23 AM
Last year I was approached for syrup for such an event. The sponsoring group was going to buy a half gallon. I ended up donating a half gallon and they purchased another half. I asked for (and got) a blatant plug for my products.
01-25-2011, 06:43 AM
I have considered things like this. Ive thgout about either donating it, or selling it at the cost of store bought syrup. The condition would be that my name and phone number is on every serving container. Thats gotta be less expensive advertisiing than newspapers, phone books, etc.
Is it always about the money??? I`m sure these events are in your community and are being done for a good cause, so why not just give it up? Will it break you to give a 1/2 Gal to a good cause.
Personally we always give syrup, so long as it is for a good cause. last season we canned 160 3.4oz containers for an organization that sends care packages to our troops over seas.It`s a Good Karma thing do good things and good things will come your way.
01-25-2011, 08:33 PM
Thanks for the feedback so far. I should have said that the events tend to consume 3 to 4 gallons. We suggest to the hosts that they control the serving size to 2 to 3 ounces and serving warm syrup so that it goes further. Of course, anyone who wants more gets it, but most get by with 2 ounces for a serving.
01-27-2011, 06:53 PM
Call me a big sap, no pun intended, I just give it to them. So far it has come back around in sales. I can't say I have made a killing so far but I have gained a few repeat customers. Looking ahead it has been a good investment so far.
01-28-2011, 08:20 PM
We have an open house every year and serve free pancakes and syrup and usually have some ham. Yes, it costs in syrup, but gets new customers and educates people on how syrup are made. Where I am, probably 97% of the people don't know how real maple syrup is even made. We didn't have one last year due to the disaster of a season but two years ago we had just over 100 people come thru in our second year of doing it.
We serve coffee, hot chocolate and water for drinks.
Flat Lander Sugaring
01-30-2011, 06:10 AM
We are often approached by groups looking to have a pancake breakfast fundraiser -- school trips, scouts, church trips, etc. Sometimes their events are arranged around NY Maple Weekend in March, which allows for tours, tasting, and more sales at our location. Other times, it's just a fund raiser happening some other time of year.
How much would you charge the group for your syrup when there's a chance for more sales due to additional traffic from the pancake breakfast?
A. Donate the syrup, you're gonna make more on extra sales
B. Sell it at less than market value
C. Sell it at market value (assume this is your normal price/gal)
D. Make a little, just above market value
E. Make even a little more
Interested in the responses!
according to your profile you tap 500, that approx. syrup is 125gal in a good season. I would give them the 4 gal I'm you could make it up in sales. If the local paper does a little article on the fund raiser see if you can get your name mentioned at donating the syrup and how and where people could contact you to purchase some. Good PR goes a long ways.
01-30-2011, 06:34 AM
Don't forget that donations to organizations are tax deductible write offs.Just ask them for a receipt for the donated syrup. Any syrup sold to there customers is a bonus to you.
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