View Full Version : Oil reclaimer

01-24-2011, 01:46 PM
Trying to get the vacuum pump set up before the season starts, (a little happy it is still staying cold, because i'm not redy to go yet). after reading some other posts, I'm Planning on running 1.5 exhaust pipe from Deleval 73 to a 5 gallon bucket. In the 5 gallon bucket planning on putting in steel wool. How much steel wool wool do I need to put in? ALso plan on putting some type of drain valve in bottom of bucket and I also need to put some type vent holes in top of bucket? How big do vent holes need to be? I was planning on making the venthole just as big 1.5 also? Should this work. Any othe suggestions would be appreciated.

Haynes Forest Products
01-24-2011, 11:09 PM
Try and fill the bucket so that you have more area for the oil droplets to form on. As far as vent holes the slower the air leaves the bucket the better so I would put smaller holes but have them spaced around the upper lip so as the exhaust enters the bucket shooting down the oil will stick to the bottom and then the air will flow up and out. The longer it flowes around the inside the better.

01-25-2011, 02:10 PM
After discussing this idea with a co-worker, he brought up the problem of heat. How hot is this exhaust going to be, Am I okay with a plastic bucket, or does it need to be metal? I will probably end up going through about 6' of galvanized pipe before I get to the bucket. Thanks once again.