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View Full Version : drawoff help

01-22-2011, 11:52 AM
Hi, I know this subject is old but I need help. I am trying to make a auto drawoff. I have a syl-2362 pid contoller, a RTD pt100 sensor, a 3/4" ss valve and 2 alarms. I have power in hooked to screw 1 - 2 on the controller, and pt100 hooked to 8-9-10,. Now where does the alarms hook and the valve??? I called the company and said something about running a jumper from 1-14 for the valve ect., but he lost me. The whole system is going to be 120 volt. Any help I can get would be great. Thanks

Haynes Forest Products
01-22-2011, 02:50 PM
gi53 A few things What do you want the alarm to do? Tell you when its dumping put it with the valve. Second alarm is for 3 points over ???????????? read the instruction manual. I goggles sly-2363 pid controler and SHAZAM all you want to know Have Fun