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01-18-2011, 02:45 AM
Started putting up laterial over the weekend? But didnt get very far due to they had sags in them so i stopped. How do i get them tight do i use the same mythed as the main line and ratchet tight?Please help small lot of trees and they will be gravity. Trying it for this year and see how well it goes maybe next year vac. but i would like a canner/filter first before that. thanks cpmaple

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-18-2011, 04:23 AM
Crown Point,
Start at the top tree and work back toward the mainline. Use your weight going down the hill and really pull on them. Use a LaPierre slip hook connector to hook to the mainline wire. When you hook it, push the mainline wire toward the lateral so the mainline wire side tension puts additional tension on the lateral.

01-18-2011, 04:31 AM
You can use hollow bried rope as tension device as well I will try and find a picture of it or send me a pm and will give you my contact info and I will explain it to you.

01-18-2011, 04:35 AM

Here is a picture

01-18-2011, 04:41 AM
thanks for the pic it looks like poly rope which is doable for me.

Thad Blaisdell
01-18-2011, 05:31 AM
This time of year it will be a little difficult to get the line really tight. No matter what next summer it will sag for sure. My suggestion would be just to get it up the best you can and then tighten it next fall. When the pipe is warm it will have some give to it and will tighten fairly easily.

red maples
01-18-2011, 05:50 AM
2 things

1. Even though your setting up for gravity this year and going to vac next year, set up your laterasl for vacuum. I set up my system for gravity last year with an average of 10 taps per lat. and then ended up getting a vacuum. So I want to maximize my tubing system so it was a lot of work re-running laterls to get the desired average of 4-5 taps per lateral. You might get a little less sap this year but it will save you many hours of work next year.

2. Yes there is less stretch to the tubing this time of year not much you can do about it now. but 1 thing to make things easier is to use the lappierre endline slide. just disconnect pull it tight and re attach around the end tree. when the weather wams. use them at both the end tree and the mainline.

but the rope is a good option right now.

just my 2 cents

01-18-2011, 05:32 PM
Chad- If you are using rope just get it as tight as possible. If you are going to use the hook connecters get your line as tight as possible, find out where you are going to enter your mainline, cut the lateral about 4 inches short and connect the hook to the lateral and put a short pieceon the other side to enter your 4 way or saddle, and then pull the mainline to you and hook the hook on the wire. The tension of the wire will help keep it tight. Like everyone is saying it is hard to get the lines tight this time of year. I run all my laterals and when it warms up I go back through and put in my drops. I don't know if you are using a tubing tool, but start at the top of your run and hook up the tool where you are going to put in the drop. Clamp the tool on the up hill side and cut the tubing on the down hill side and pull the heck out of it. Cut the excess of enough to put in your drop and everything gets nice and tight. If you are back in my neck of the woods stop by and I will show you how to make a tubing tool. It is fairly easy and not that expensive to make. You just need a welder, some steel and 2 pairs of small vice grips. Good luck!

01-18-2011, 05:51 PM
Do as Thompson Tree Farm says. Lapierre end line slide fitting, .43 cents each but worth every penny. This setup allows you to retension the lateral anytime you want without any cutting or ruining a fitting to retention your lateral. All you do is like TTF said put you lateral through it at the mainline slip it down the line a bit, and hook it on the mainline wire and connect the end to the mainline fitting, it does a couple things for you 1 it allows you to retention laterals and it also takes all the tension of the mainline fitting.

01-18-2011, 06:11 PM
at your starter tree use the end line rings from ipl and then like others said pull tight then use a lap slider at the main then i cut all my drops in then u can re tighten the top ring

01-18-2011, 07:28 PM
I use Lapierre sliders at both ends, and use their 5/16 hook on the last tree end of the lateral- worth every penny...

I spoke to the Lapierre design guy at Verona about having a 5/16 hook built in to the bottom of the slide fitting, with a notch in it to accommodate using it on the mainline end as well. He said once the current mold is no longer useable they will look into making it with the 5/16 hook...

01-18-2011, 10:47 PM
I use Lapierre sliders at both ends, and use their 5/16 hook on the last tree end of the lateral- worth every penny...

I spoke to the Lapierre design guy at Verona about having a 5/16 hook built in to the bottom of the slide fitting, with a notch in it to accommodate using it on the mainline end as well. He said once the current mold is no longer useable they will look into making it with the 5/16 hook...

I read this post a few times and the only thing I can figure is you are referring to the end line ring and not the end line slide fitting. THe slide fitting has the hook on the bottom to attach to the mainline wire. If you go on Bascoms website you can see the hook on the bottom, item # LAPELF

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-19-2011, 05:04 AM
I think he is referring to a 5/16 hook so you can go around tree and hook back on itself.

red maples
01-19-2011, 08:39 AM
The hook on the bottom is bigg enough to on the wire. bascom's has some sort of strap for the end tree. but the maple guys have a solid hook here is a link. they fit tight on over the tubing.

http://www.mapleguys.com/index.php?item=249&ret=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mapleguys.com%2Findex.php%3Fp age%3D1%26category%3D37

01-19-2011, 09:31 AM
the strap that Bascoms has is a PITA. The hook attachment you can get from Lapierre or Mapleguys is the better way- it clicks in to the hook that you would use to hook to the mainline. Like it because there is no restriction in the line from another fitting, you can adjust tension pretty easy, and its pretty fast to install - no cutting.

01-19-2011, 10:22 AM
I have used the slide fitting with the strap for 6 years now and have had no problems. I have never had one break. I am going to try some of the hooks this year.

maple flats
01-19-2011, 10:42 AM
Whichever method you use, just pull as tight as you can. It will be good for this year. Then next year if it has stretched and is too loose, just replace a drop and remove any extra length before installing new drop. Never try to salvage the tee, you nick the barbs and lose vacuum in the nicks. I pull both the lateral and the mainline as tight as I can when connecting. Rarely have a problem. Also, try to keep laterals at 100' or less, basically for future vacuum but it will save time next year as you go vac.

01-19-2011, 04:03 PM
Mike- no breakage issue with the straps- just more cumbersome to use, in my humble opinion.

01-19-2011, 10:06 PM
Yeah the straps look like a pita, but I am wondering why some of you guys use the slides on both ends. Only need to tighten one end so why spend the extra money on the slides when you can dead end at a tree with a handful of other options like a Y or T or an end ring. What is the reason you guys use them at both ends?

Monster Maples
01-19-2011, 10:38 PM
I use the slides at both ends. The reason being, less chance of leaks. your not cutting into one end this way to put a t or a y in.

01-19-2011, 10:48 PM
Makes since to me Thanks for the reply.

01-19-2011, 11:41 PM
No tubing tool required at either end as well. I love these things

01-20-2011, 03:51 AM
you have all given me good advise and thank you was looking at putting out 619 taps but really thinking hard on that now since i was told on here that my 2x6 flat pans will only boil 12-15 gallons a hour. Last season on my 2x5 i got 17ish give or take dont know what to do look for a bigger evap i guess with drop or raise flue pan. So I'm looking at 300 instead not what i wanted cpmaple:(

01-20-2011, 04:04 AM
put out 619 and get yourself a 125 R/O

01-20-2011, 04:23 AM
Would if i could find a small ro for sale there is one in wis. but how to get it to ny?

01-20-2011, 11:16 AM
Well if you got 17 on the 2x5 you should be able to get a little more out of the 2x6. The numbers I gave you were a referance from my old setup and we all know each setup is a little different. Heres a dilema to confuse you a little more in your decision. What happens if we have another NY season for bucket and gravity guys like last year? You are going to wish you put out the 619 taps, but if we have a banner year, which I havent seen in atleast 3 your going to be over our head but heres the way I think. I would rather have to many than not enough. There may be times when you can handle the taps and then there might be a few times you cant.

01-20-2011, 01:44 PM
Tap all of them and sell what sap you can't boil and put the money up for an evaporator upgrade or RO in a year or two.

01-21-2011, 06:18 AM
Well if you got 17 on the 2x5 you should be able to get a little more out of the 2x6. The numbers I gave you were a referance from my old setup and we all know each setup is a little different. Heres a dilema to confuse you a little more in your decision. What happens if we have another NY season for bucket and gravity guys like last year? You are going to wish you put out the 619 taps, but if we have a banner year, which I havent seen in atleast 3 your going to be over our head but heres the way I think. I would rather have to many than not enough. There may be times when you can handle the taps and then there might be a few times you cant.

I second that its good advice

02-17-2011, 09:02 AM
dumb question but where does one find these nice rope devices? I checked the lappiere website and did not find them there

02-17-2011, 09:23 AM
Lowes, 1/4 inch hollow core rope, yellow, $7.46.

02-17-2011, 11:34 AM
jeeze I feel dumb! I was looking at the most excellent pics of it posted above and was thinking it looks just like I would compact the rope, insert the tubing and voila! left me wondering what the trick was....i am off to get tubing sat and will play around but if there is any helpful tidbits in doing this please let me know. or is it that obvious? not sure how open the 1/4 rope will go.