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View Full Version : On building an arch for FUTURE increase in production

01-13-2011, 10:28 PM
I'm not exactly sure how to search the forum for this topic. I wasn't so succcessful at finding info earlier, so I'm now asking.

I KNOW I will want more evaporator than a half pint sized arch in a year or two. I currently have nothing but twenty 5 gallon buckets, and a couple turkey fryers. I think I can build myself a decent arch. And I think I can build adequate pans for the time being, unless I happen across an amazing deal I can't turn down.

Question: Is it possible to build an arch bigger (longer) than currently needed, and somehow close off the excess untill next year, or the year after? I think a 2x6 or 2x8 would be adequate for me for several years.

Gary R
01-14-2011, 06:03 AM
Anything is possible when it comes to home made maple equipment:) You could make a 2x6 arch and only have a 2x4 pan on it. Keep the pan to the front of the arch. The back couple feet would be the "flue" area. You could put some ceramic insulation on some sheet metal and cover the top of the flue area where a longer pan would sit. You could also make a shorter arch and just extend the flue area when you grow bigger. Plan it out ahead of time and it will make reworking easier.

Bucket Head
01-14-2011, 09:52 PM
Yes, you could make a large arch and only use a portion of it for now. Give some thought to how large an evaporator you would like 2, 5, 10 years from now and try to plan for that. How many taps would you like to have in the future? How long do you want to boil for? Think bigger now and save some frustration later. Evaporators are like garages- you build what you think will be more than enough, only to find out its way too small for what you want to do. We have all been there at one time or another.


01-15-2011, 06:23 AM
Mark -- If You are talking homemade -- mine is a 2' x 5' made from a 250 gallon fuel oil tank and I can see that a 3' to 5' arch extension could be added to it - with some welding and cutting. Of course - it wouldn't be pretty or stainless - but - it would make maple....... Mike