View Full Version : Snow delay
01-12-2011, 09:54 AM
Based on last year's weather, I thought I would tap on Jan. 15. However, 18" of snow and growing and the cold outlook makes me think maybe Feb. 1 instead.
01-12-2011, 10:26 AM
yea sure doesnt look like there will be too early of a season this year! im glad i got most of my woods work done already as this snow would be a real pain to get around in the woods with
01-14-2011, 10:16 AM
I'm thinking of going out this weekend and start breaking some trails to my trees. Tough walking thru 20+ inches.
I'm planning on the beginning of February as well.
01-14-2011, 08:18 PM
yea tommorow i plan to try and plow out the access road up the hill to my taps in the back part of our property. bought some snow shoes today for 35 bucks from ocean state job lot, tried them out when i got home and not sure if i need a diet,bigger snow shoes or different snow, i seemed to sink in about 8 inches into the 2ft of snow, sure made them hard to walk with or maybe its just my snowshoe skills or lack of that need adjustment!
01-17-2011, 10:14 AM
That's funny Marc.:lol:
Me too. I went out and walked to the trees I'm tapping and it was a real workout. I'm planning on "conditioning" from now until Sap Season. I'm going to walk out there daily. Then in a couple of weeks I plan carry some 5 gal pails partially filled so you guys won't read about me in the obituary during the season.
01-17-2011, 03:10 PM
yea not fun trying to walk in all this snow, and i still have to put up about 1/2 doz gravity runs. hoping the weather guessers are wrong about this weeks storms, although a bit of rain could be good to reduce the snow some but bad if it crusts up on top, or we get a bunch of ice. either way it doesn't look like any jan. thaw in the near future, hoping this season is a repeat of the stellar yr we had 2 yrs back, production wise.
maple flats
01-17-2011, 04:24 PM
I'm targeting feb 15. Right now I have between 12 and 42" of snow depending on where I am in the woods (all fluffy). Most is from 12-18" Tomorrow afternoon it calls for a few hours of rain. That should settle the light fluff we have.
Mike Van
01-19-2011, 05:20 AM
I do hate the snow - :evil: But, on the brite side, it might make for a better season than we all had last year.
01-28-2011, 09:25 AM
Well after Wednesday evenings storm (another 15-17" for my area) I went out to Ocean State Job Lot and bought a pair of xxl snowshoes. 10"x32" They claim to hold up to 280 pounder. With me coming in at 215 lbs or so I'm hoping they'll hold me.
This is going to be an interesting season.
01-29-2011, 06:01 AM
valleyman how much did you pay for those snowshoes? i'm thinking i'm going to buy some for collecting/tapping my bucket trees. gathering is going to be tough unless some of this snow melts, its getting almost too deep to drive the tractors out w/ out getting stuck.
Homestead Maple
01-29-2011, 02:17 PM
Well after Wednesday evenings storm (another 15-17" for my area) I went out to Ocean State Job Lot and bought a pair of xxl snowshoes. 10"x32" They claim to hold up to 280 pounder. With me coming in at 215 lbs or so I'm hoping they'll hold me.
This is going to be an interesting season.
Do you have any idea what you may have gotten in total for snow this season? Just from watching the weather forecasts it seems that you have more than you would have for a normal year. We average 60 inches a season and we have gotten 43 inches total and it has settled to around 28 inches in depth.
01-29-2011, 02:34 PM
went to ocean state in southington today....sold out! I found some plans to make my own.
01-29-2011, 02:45 PM
Do you have any idea what you may have gotten in total for snow this season? Just from watching the weather forecasts it seems that you have more than you would have for a normal year. We average 60 inches a season and we have gotten 43 inches total and it has settled to around 28 inches in depth.
we are way above our average winter for snowfall ,at the recording station at bradley airport they have recorded 71in so far this season. with a jan. running total of almost 60in. sugaring will be tough for many of us down here unless we get a big warm up soon,but according to the long range weather it doesn't look like that will happen. they're predicting another nor-easter for this upcoming week.
01-29-2011, 07:41 PM
valleyman how much did you pay for those snowshoes? i'm thinking i'm going to buy some for collecting/tapping my bucket trees. gathering is going to be tough unless some of this snow melts, its getting almost too deep to drive the tractors out w/ out getting stuck.
the ocean state job lot snow shoes were 35 bucks, gota go try and get a second pair so the girlfriend can help when its tapping time. and yea this snow is definatly a bit deep for tractors, managed to get my 105 hp ford 8000 tractor stuck since the snow was so deep it got bunched up underneath and stopped me, and thats a big tractor, tires are about 6ft tall!
02-01-2011, 10:10 AM
Hi fellow CT folks. I just bought a pair of "shoes from OS Job Lot (10"x 32") last Thursday. The list below was for in stock as of that time. I was in touch with the Cust. Service in headquaters and this is the list they gave me.
I used them 3x. 1st 2x times they were awesome and will make collecting a lot easier. I went on them last night on snow with a frozen crust and not as efficient as I'd hoped. When the snow is soft, they worked fine.
Store Name On Hand
306 Clinton 2
307 Windsor 9
308 Southington 2
315 Milford 4
316 Windsor Locks 9
318 Groton 6
319 East Haven 11
322 Bloomfield 3
323 Wethersfield 3
327 Bristol 2
328 Waterford 13
329 New Britain 13
02-01-2011, 12:11 PM
Hey Jim
I forgot to mention the price. Mark got a good deal at 35.00. The xxl snowshoes, retractable poles, and carry bag were $55.00 in the Milford store.
They're made by "Thunder Bay" I read they're a knock off of a Tubbs design
02-01-2011, 01:58 PM
thanks for the info valleyman. i stopped by my local store and they didn't have any, had the wife stop in windsor yesterday evening on the way home and they were out. may just have to just order a set from online, i saw some for a bit less than $55 and w/ shipping they would even out in the end. i will def need them for collecting and tapping my buckets this yr.
02-01-2011, 05:32 PM
I got two great pair from Ebay. 29" and 34" with poles and bags for $110 with shipping. There are some great deals if you win the bid!
02-01-2011, 09:44 PM
Hey Jim
I forgot to mention the price. Mark got a good deal at 35.00. The xxl snowshoes, retractable poles, and carry bag were $55.00 in the Milford store.
They're made by "Thunder Bay" I read they're a knock off of a Tubbs design
well that was the only size they had other than the kids ones when i was there, i seem to sink in a good 6 inches in the snow, not sure if thats normal of if i have regular size and need xxl maybe, im about 220lbs, maybe i gota lose some weight of find bigger snowshoes!
02-02-2011, 06:09 AM
well that was the only size they had other than the kids ones when i was there, i seem to sink in a good 6 inches in the snow, not sure if thats normal of if i have regular size and need xxl maybe, im about 220lbs, maybe i gota lose some weight of find bigger snowshoes!
i'm pretty sure thats how they work you sink in a bit but nothing like if you just had boots on. i wouldn't mind sinking in 6-10in but going down to my thighs is getting old and tiring fast.
02-02-2011, 07:19 AM
Althought I have not personally used these, a have a couple of friends that purchased these snowshoes and really like them, espically for the price:
02-02-2011, 08:47 AM
so any thoughts on tapping time? im gona start this weekend since it takes me a while to put in all my taps with working fultime and all, even tho i know to the big guys 600 or so isnt many! looks like its gona be a few days upper 30s and mid 40s next week. plan to tap in my vac lines first since they always seem to run before the gravity ones anyhow
02-02-2011, 09:00 AM
:D I wouldnt skimp out on snowshoes. Get a good pair with the cleats on the bottoms of them. I can walk up hills and on the ice/hardpacked snow with no problem.
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