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View Full Version : zap-bac spout adapters

01-11-2011, 07:18 AM
Does anyone know anything about these? I just seen them in the 2011 bascom catalog. I am exploring my options for 80-100 taps on gravity.

01-11-2011, 05:23 PM
Are we sure they don't prevent or delay the natural healing of the tap hole after the season is over? They can't be as bad for the tree and us as the paraformaldehyde tablets!

shane hickey
01-11-2011, 06:43 PM
Are we sure they don't prevent or delay the natural healing of the tap hole after the season is over? They can't be as bad for the tree and us as the paraformaldehyde tablets! i was wandering if people still use those pills I have hurd about them but never seen one, Do they still make them, there just not recomended any longer or what? thanks shane

01-11-2011, 06:51 PM
i was wandering if people still use those pills I have hurd about them but never seen one, Do they still make them, there just not recomended any longer or what? thanks shane

The paraformaldehyde (PFA) tablet has been banned throughout the maple industry. Has been for quite some time. At one time it was allowed (it conrols microorganims in the taphole, keeping the sap flowing for a long time) and there was an EPA exemption that allowed the use of PFA in maple production. It was later found that the use of the PFA pellet resulted in very high levels of decay inside maple trees....essentially weakening or killing them. After it was banned, the EPA exemption expired (the manufacturer did not ask for it to be renewed). Therefore, there is no longer any amount of formaldehyde allowed in maple syrup beyond naturally-occuring levels (extraordinarily low).

shane hickey
01-11-2011, 07:10 PM
Thanks Dr. Tim. I know a couple of the old timers around this area were talking about them at lunch today.

steam maker
01-11-2011, 07:56 PM
Shane,found a bottle of those pills a few years back in a old sugarhouse i cleaned out. sitting on the shelf in my sugarhouse now. im sure there isnt 10000 in the bottle but ill cut u a hell of a deal.....:lol::lol:

01-11-2011, 08:49 PM
My introduction to the tapping crew about age 9 was as the PFA guy. Dad drilled the hole, I put a PFA tablet in with a pencil and my uncle hammered in the spile. It's hard to believe it was allowed in a food product that is concentrated as much as maple syrup!

shane hickey
01-11-2011, 11:02 PM
Shane,found a bottle of those pills a few years back in a old sugarhouse i cleaned out. sitting on the shelf in my sugarhouse now. im sure there isnt 10000 in the bottle but ill cut u a hell of a deal.....:lol::lol:Steam maker no thanks But it would be nice to have at least one So I could put it in my display in the shanty to show what they used to use in the olded days. shane