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01-09-2011, 07:41 AM
I am ready to insulate the arch. But I would like to know what thickness of arch blanket others are using? I found 1/2" on E-Bay reasonable but was wondering if this is thick enough? I am planning on using full bricks. Any help is appreciated.

01-09-2011, 08:34 AM
For my evaporator I'm planning on using 2" of 8lb density 2600 degree blanket. My reasoning is that the evaporator sides have a lot of surface area for the heat to escape through. More insulation means less heat loss out the sides and more heat to the pans. More heat to the pans means less wood to burn. Less wood to burn means less wood to cut. :)

Also, Leaders new high efficiency wood burning arch has multiple layers of blanket insulation in it.

If you are interested there is a refractory supply house in Grand Rapids where I purchased my ceramic blanket from for $1.48 sq/ft for 1". I know they will ship.

01-09-2011, 11:16 AM
For my evaporator I'm planning on using 2" of 8lb density 2600 degree blanket. My reasoning is that the evaporator sides have a lot of surface area for the heat to escape through. More insulation means less heat loss out the sides and more heat to the pans. More heat to the pans means less wood to burn. Less wood to burn means less wood to cut. :)

Also, Leaders new high efficiency wood burning arch has multiple layers of blanket insulation in it.

If you are interested there is a refractory supply house in Grand Rapids where I purchased my ceramic blanket from for $1.48 sq/ft. I know they will ship.

Thats a good price for blanket. Do you have the name and contact info. for that place? Any idea on the price to ship it? I looked at some on ebay and it cost like $55 to ship it.

01-09-2011, 11:59 AM
I am also interested in the name of the place in grand rapids. Thanks for your help:) Mike

01-09-2011, 08:34 PM
I don't know about the place in grand rapids but this is where I bought my blanket last year, ceramicfiber.net The 8lb blanket cost $96. for 50 square feet. I can't remember what shipping was but I received it pretty quickly.

01-09-2011, 08:37 PM
Thats a good price for blanket. Do you have the name and contact info. for that place? Any idea on the price to ship it? I looked at some on ebay and it cost like $55 to ship it.

You'll have to excuse my math and explanation. It was $1.48 sq/ft for 1". I plan on doubling it up and getting to 2". :emb:

Looks like they actually have a website. It's not that great so I would give them a call like I did. Here it is: http://www.indfirebrick.com/

01-10-2011, 05:09 AM
i used the 3/4" Superwool max blanket(8lb) with split brick over it. got it off ebay.

thermal ceramics

01-10-2011, 07:10 PM
This site has both 2300 and 2600 degree stuff, any real advantage to the higher temp stuff? Prices seem OK, but I see there that UPS won't ship the board anymore... http://www.ceramicfiberonline.com