View Full Version : Where can you sell syrup in bulk?
01-07-2011, 07:03 PM
Just wondering if anyone on here know where you can sell bulk syrup too? Not asking for your bulk buyers but, somewhere i could look into for down the road someday hope to have several thous. tap and a big sugar house which i may need a spare room to stay in. If the other half tells me to stay out there. Thanks for the input cpmaple
01-07-2011, 07:20 PM
Most maple suppliers buy and sell bulk.
01-07-2011, 07:52 PM
Most maple suppliers buy and sell bulk.
thanks for the input
01-07-2011, 07:57 PM
bascoms is almost always buying syrup, or will take it for trade towards supplies and equipment
maple flats
01-07-2011, 09:07 PM
There are sevaral buyers in NY, but I have always sold any bulk to Bascom. It must be in 5 gal or larger sizes and must now be filtered (in the past they bought unfiltered too). You can just show up there with 5 gal or 1000 barrels or anywhere in between. They will buy it all and they pay on the spot. While there you might get a little tour. They make thousands of gallons on one steam powered evaporator, boiling concentrate from the RO or RO's for sap from something like 55-60,000 taps + they buy all the sap they can. I sell mine during their open house for dealers, the first weekend or so in May each year. They have seminars and demonstrations for 2 days. Well worth the trip.
I was just wondering what Bascom's pays for bulk syrup? I think its great you can buy equipment with syrup. While living in Vermont i used to drive to Bascoms a few times a year. They were always very nice to me and answered all my dumb questions i had. It would be great to hear what other Trader's are getting for bulk prices also.
maple flats
01-08-2011, 05:24 AM
Their prices rise and fall with the market. If you are going to sell bulk, just send them an email and ask. Prices go with supply and demand. Grade A is forcast by Bruce Bascom to be in the range of $2.60-2.75 #, commercial might be down to $2.00# and might drop to $1.50 or less. Prices change often. In 2008 I had a lot to sell and prices going into May changed daily, climbing each time. That was the year bulk sold at $3.00 # across the board, all grades the first weekend in May. Later they went even higher.
Check for a look at the new 45,000 sq. ft. warehouse bruce is now building, to be ready in April. The main floor will be refrigerated and will hold 20,000 barrels of syrup.
01-08-2011, 07:24 AM
when selling bulk, its worth calling around... I have seen prices vary as much as $.20 a lb, which is quite alot on 600 lb drum.. I don't know who is available in NY, but local here to vt you have quite a selection.
Butternut Farms
Highland Sugarworks
Maple Grove
and thats just to name a few.
red maples
01-08-2011, 07:44 AM
Sorry to change the subject a little but, something to look forward to in maple prices. I was reading somewhere but can't remember where, that the demand for maple syrup, sugar etc. is rising all the time. They also touched on honey a little that Asian(china) countries were starting to produce honey on a bigger scale and selling it for cheap but the quality was far less than that of domestic honey.
1. for its all natural qualities, Renewable source.
2. because of its all natural quailties its being used alot more in restaurants, baking and cooking in general.
3. new broader world wide markets, its becoming a more serious world wide commodity than ever before.
that is why bascom's is always buying no matter what grade or quality!!! And building that new 45,000 sq/ft processing/ storage facility smart man bruce looking into the future.
it was a very interesting article I think it was on the internet. They went to alot more specifics in te article though. If I run into it again I will post it here.
01-08-2011, 11:09 AM
hey andy stopped to see you yesterday where were you???
01-09-2011, 07:27 AM
You need to look at 'bruces corner" on their website. Sounds like they will not be buying "anything" anymore. If it can't get through the filter, then they don't want it and you are to pull your taps. That quite a change from 2 years ago where we were instructed to "hang on at the evaporator just a little bit longer."Guess that will be the end of the contest to see who can make the worst mersch at the latest date possible. $1/lb. here we come!
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