View Full Version : Looking for Guest Writers for Articles on Maple Syrup

01-04-2011, 08:06 PM
Hey guys,

We are looking for guests writers for some articles on our maple syrup site.

We are interested in articles about anything related to maple syrup, be it memories of sugaring season, more technical oriented article on the sugaring process and season, any howto articles on subject related to maple syrup, cooking with maple season, etc.

We are open to suggestion!

Send me a PM if you are interested!


01-05-2011, 06:41 PM
Well Richard - You sound like a real nice guy and I would really like to help you. So I've been looking around for some of those PM's to send you up in Montreal - but - I can't seem to locate any. -----hmmmmm! PM -- parts missing, Prime Minister, past morning, postman, post mortem ---- I give up - Either I ask my Great Grandson what a PM is or I admit to you I don't have a clue. My Great Grandson would probably kid me too much -- so - I'll ask You.... What the heck is a PM? --- Mike

shane hickey
01-05-2011, 06:45 PM
mike (pm) is a private message

01-05-2011, 06:52 PM
mike (pm) is a private message

Thanks Shane -- So much for being private. This is all most as embarrasing as asking my Great Grandson.... to have a fellow Michigander explain it to me. Well -- I guess I'm to old to attempt something new anyway - So I'm going to bed and dream about making maple syrup....... Mike

shane hickey
01-05-2011, 07:06 PM
Thats ok, thats why we are here. To learn new things shane

01-06-2011, 07:21 AM
Sorry guys, I should have been clearer!

It might be easier to contact me by email address: richard@maplesyrupworld.com!

Have a great day

01-06-2011, 07:10 PM
Richard ... will articles be "credited" to the authors? Perhaps a small byline listing company name & web site, etc. If someone provides content for your site are you willing to exchange that in return for a little exposure for the provider? If you are, it sounds like a win-win situation to me.

01-06-2011, 08:13 PM
Richard - You did just fine -- Just having a little fun --- Mike

01-07-2011, 07:23 AM
Hey Brian, we are more than willing to give credit and exposure to the authors with something like:

Article written by YOUR NAME from LINK TO YOUR WEBSITE!

and if some people prefer it that way, we can also buy the articles. Just not sure I'm allowed to advertise it like this on the forum!

We already have some maple syrup articles (http://www.maplesyrupworld.com/pages/maple-syrup-articles.html) on the site, could serve as an example on what we are after. We would even be interested on different take on subject where we already have articles.

Thanks Mike!

01-19-2011, 08:31 AM
Hey guys,

I'm still looking for guests writers!

We just posted an article called: The Maple Syrup Experiment (http://www.maplesyrupworld.com/pages/The-Maple-Syrup-Experiment.html) by a guest writer, it's a good example of stuff we like.

And we linked back to the original author site, so always good for exposition!

Let me know if you are interested!


Clan Delaney
01-19-2011, 08:40 AM

Spellcheck! The link on that article reads CorvingtonOutdoors. The author's site doesn't have the "r" in the name.

Hey guys,

I'm still looking for guests writers!

We just posted an article called: The Maple Syrup Experiment (http://www.maplesyrupworld.com/pages/The-Maple-Syrup-Experiment.html) by a guest writer, it's a good example of stuff we like.

And we linked back to the original author site, so always good for exposition!

Let me know if you are interested!


01-19-2011, 08:54 AM
We stand corrected!

Thank you Patrick!