View Full Version : Otsego County Maple Producers
Brian Ryther
01-04-2011, 06:50 PM
We will be having our next meeting on Wednesday January 12 at 7 PM at the Extension Office in Cooperstown. It will be election of officers and planning events for 2011.
If you are considering joining the group this is as good a time as any. Membership dues = 1 gallon of syrup per year. Bennifits = paid membership to NYSMPA, paid entrance to Verona, oportunities to sell products at county fair, Farmers Museum harvest festival, Roseboom Tractor days, Cooperstown american legion pancake breakfast, and good connections with other county producers.
Feel free to contact me with any question.
Brian Ryther
Brian Ryther
04-25-2011, 11:44 AM
Fellow maple producers in Otsego County. The county producers will be holding a meeting on April 27th at the Cooperstown Coperitive Extension building next to the Farmers Museum at 7pm. All are encouraged to attend.
Brian Ryther
Brian Ryther
07-12-2011, 06:46 PM
Hello all Otsego County Maple Producers.
There will be a meeting on July 20th at 7 pm at the Otsego County Fair grounds Maple Building. This would be a good meeting to attend. We need all of the help we can get for the up comming fair and will be looking to schedule workers for the sugar house. All producers of any size are encourged to join our group. The fair is when our group makes all of our money for the year. So now is the time come out and be a part of a great group and support Maple Production in Otsego County.
Thank You
Brian Ryther
07-12-2011, 07:47 PM
Brian, when is your fair?
As Brian says this is a great way to promote maple and alot of hands make little work. With the potential of a huge crop on the horizon with all the expansion going on it is time to get out there and promote until your butts fall off.
Brian Ryther
07-13-2011, 06:33 AM
good Point Jerry, the Otsego County Fair is August 2nd -7th. Our pancake house is open from 6am to 6pm. We would like to extend our hours even later this year if we can find some extra help. If you are not a member and would like to become one this would be a great time to join. Our membership fee is one gallon of syrup. Member bennifits include entry fee for Verona, state producer membership paid, and severial vending oportunuties throught the year. Not to bad for a gallon of syrup.
Brian Ryther
08-08-2011, 07:09 PM
The Otsego County Fair was a huge sucess. I estimate sales in the $10k range for the week. Thank you to all that helped this week. New members to twenty year members thank you. A extra special thank you to the Stickey Richey family for there dedication to our group. I think that we were the only vendor that posted beter sales every day over last year at the fair. I feel that it was the extra little things that helped. We made cotton candy all day, maple candy and maple cream demonstrations also helped.
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