View Full Version : vertical style poly tanks?

red maples
01-04-2011, 10:35 AM
I have a few questions on the polyy tanks.

So I am looking at the 550 gallon vertical poly tank in the bascom's catalog and I was wondering how hard they are to clean??? they look like they would be easier to clean than the horizontal tanks beacuse of the smooth sides. I like it because you have to worry about covering it and its white to reflect heat from the sun.

How big is the cover/lid on top?
I would assume I would use a power washer each time you clean it. right?

any comments would be helpful thanks.

01-04-2011, 10:53 AM
They will clean easily with a preesure washer----stay on top of cleaning them, they will grow mold like you can't imagine

shane hickey
01-04-2011, 01:57 PM
The hole size should be 16 inchs I have several of them, When I clean them I tip them up on there side and send someone small to clean the tanks. Make sure to keep them under cover when not in use, or out of season. If the tanks are white they are not uv protected. Uv protected tanks are blue. Every year before I clean mine I hit them once with a bat if they crack then they are britel and are no good, though they should last for sevaeral years. Yes they do collect mold fast.


01-06-2011, 07:20 AM
I have 2 leg tanks for the tractor, one of them is 125 gallons and going on 8 years old and other is 65 gallon. I bleach the inside good and rinse them after season and turn them upside down with the lids off for a few months and this lets the inside get air and dry completely so there is no danger of mold. I keep them inside in the dark year around except when they are out collecting sap and they are still like new.

maple flats
01-06-2011, 10:05 AM
Those tanks are good, and clean well. I bought my last 2 tanks from Norwesco, thru an online tank supplier. The price was far better than the dealers and I drove to pick them up in Owego, NY, one of the plants.
Be sure to tie it down well. I did fine returning about 120 miles with the tank set in the bed on edge and tied at 60 mph, but then when I loaded it to set at my bush I didn't tie it down because I was only going to go about 5 miles at about 30-35 mph. I just set it in the bed, with one edge up over the siderail. When I got to a stretch of open road, with the wind blowing, it lifted the tank up, it sailed off the truck and landed in a field with about a 20 degree slope down, about 4' of snow and went about 40' off the road. That was quite hard to even get back to the truck and then I had to load it again by myself, without the tractor lifting. I'll never go with one untied again.

01-06-2011, 08:47 PM
Like Maple Flats, I bought three of the tanks online,(saved a lot) and picked them up in Owego. Norwesco was only about 15 miles from me, I didn't know they were there until I saw the tanks for sale on ebay. I have been pleased with them, they are holding up well. the 525gal tank we use as our sap hauler gets year round use as we haul water to fill our stock tanks in the off season. If I buy another tank I would go the same route.

01-19-2011, 09:55 AM
I have 2 1500 gallon white virticle tanks. I have my teenagers climb inside with a bucket of hot soapy bleachy water and a scrub brush. After I rinse them, I leave them on their side to drain and dry.

Also, I cut a 12 inch diameter hole in them right below the filler hole so I can drain them comppletely. Otherwise, that lip on the filler hole retains liquid and you cant completely empty them after washing.

Dave Y
01-19-2011, 10:52 AM
I have a 550 and it is easy to clean. I can get in the man hole with no problem, I am 6'1" and go 225lbs. I use a shop vac to get out all of the cleaning water.