View Full Version : stock tank ??

01-02-2011, 11:07 PM
has anybody ever taken one of the black plastic stock tanks and drilled a hole in it and used pvc glue to glue a piece of pvc pipe into it?? i have a 100 gallon tank and i,de like to put a drain in the very bottom and a overflow up by the top of it...but,before i start drilling and gluing i thought i should ask.. :lol:


Wardner in Tewksbury
01-02-2011, 11:30 PM
You can get plastic tank fittings with pipe threads on ID and machine threads on OD. They come with a nut and washers so that they are leak free when installed through a tank wall. I have seen them at McMaster-Carr, Graingers, and eBay. Your local plumbing jobber may have them too. Sizes from 1/4" to 4" NPT. A 1" fitting might be about $2.00.

Haynes Forest Products
01-03-2011, 12:02 AM
Yes but a nice PVC shower drain clued to the bottom will give a total drain. I say get a piece and try gluing it to a scuffed up area. Give it the twist and break test.

S Culver
01-03-2011, 03:13 AM
The shower drain is going to stick up as well and that last gallon is still going to be in the bottom. I think I would go with a gasketed fitting to be sure hate to see all that sap on the floor:o

01-03-2011, 07:56 AM
a total drain is what i,am shooting for.


01-03-2011, 08:46 AM
Weld a a pipe fitting to a flat plate and bolt it to the underside of the tank with a rubber gasket or something.

I did an overflow on one of these tanks using the existing side drain near the bottom of the take. Just screw a pvc elbow into the drain on the inside of the tank pointed up. Then insert a pipe up to the top of your tank. When the level rises to the top of that pipe it will drain without overflowing.

Haynes Forest Products
01-03-2011, 09:44 AM
Culver Read what Twobears wants and how he wants to do it. Glueing the bottom 1/2 of a PVC shower drain will give him total drain and he wants to glue it. Heck screw it to the bottom after he glues it.

01-03-2011, 12:51 PM
You can get from a plumbing supply house a copper fitting that will fit flush to the inside bottom of the tank and has a nut to the underside. (This will allow for full drainage of the tank) There are threads on the inside of the fitting to screw a 1 inch PVC fitting and then go from there to the inside of the shack and transition to copper from there. Or attach a copper fitting into it and use all copper all ther way. You can purchase different sizes. About 10.00
Just did it to mine last fall.


Monster Maples
01-03-2011, 06:17 PM
What you are looking for is a bulk head fitting. TSC carries them complete with the nut, rubber washer, and the fitting.

01-03-2011, 09:01 PM
I did a total drain in a tank, I used a toilet drain flange, cut a piece of rubber roofing for the gasket, and bolted it thru the bottom of the tank with stainless bolts. I don't remember how many bolts I used but it didn't leak and I didn't have to rely on glue. I used some glue PVC fittings to reduce to a pipe thread and then I was in. I never did an overflow, but I have overflowed onto the sugar house floor a few times.

Good luck however you try it.

Thad Blaisdell
01-04-2011, 05:33 AM
So, now I have heard on mapletrader that a toilet brush is food grade, I have heard that you can use a toilet flange for a drain. I think I will make a releaser out of a toilet.....:o American Standard of course.

01-04-2011, 09:14 AM
I think I'm with Thad on this. There are means to accomplish this with food grade materials and not break the piggy bank.

01-04-2011, 05:10 PM
Pvc flanges are food grade. Unless they are using a used toilet flange:rolleyes:

01-05-2011, 01:14 PM
guys thanks for all the ideas and laughs.i think for the overflow i,ll get a boat bulkhead fitting..a buddy of mine sells that kinda stuff..for the drain i,am not sure what i,ll do..i might use one of these too..it won,t drain 100% but it,ll be close enough.my tank has ribs molded into the bottom of the tank and there fairy close together so,i need something kinda small to fit between them or i,ll have to grind them flat.


Flat Lander Sugaring
01-14-2011, 04:48 AM
buy a metal stock tank and weld a 90 deg what ever size fitting to the bottom.

also I beleive you are going to try to glue two different types of plastics together and not sure if it will hold or not and for how long. Isn't the plastic stock tank kinda bendable type plastic compound? Pvc is rigid, I think thats why in body shops they have several types of plastic welder glues for the different types of bumper shrouds and things

01-15-2011, 06:38 AM
oops wrong post..