View Full Version : Homelite waterbug

maple island farms
01-02-2011, 06:36 PM
I have a homelite waterbug pump that won't pump. Dang thing runs great. I took apart the pump apart and it looks good. Does anybody have ideas?

01-06-2011, 09:01 PM
I am not familiar with the waterbug pump, but on other pumps that I have if the shaft seals are worn the pump will suck in air and will not pump water. It can be hard to determine just by looking at it.

Bucket Head
01-06-2011, 09:39 PM
I agree- its probably the seal, unless the hose gasket is bad or is'nt seated well on the suction hose connection. That will do it too. Was the pump accidently run dry? Or, when it was still working, did it run a long time while trying to prime? I used to help a buddy of mine that had a pool maintnance business and he was always burning up the seal in the engine driven pump he had. I don't know how many times I tore that thing apart and put in a new seal! I could'nt figure out why he was having the same trouble and symtoms as yours so often, then one day I saw him trying to get it going. After I made him sit, listen and observe my "Pump Priming and Operation 101" poolside training class, he got years out of the last seal. But they do go bad with normal operation too.


01-07-2011, 11:11 AM
Think mine is the same pump although it has a different name.

Couple of things
Before you crack it apart, these pumps are finicky about priming. They don't self prime well at all. Have you tried placing the pump lower than your water source and making sure the whole feed pipe is full before starting it? Take a 5 gallon pail, lift it up above the pump and then FILL the pump and the feed pipe with water. Forget the priming opening, just pour water in the inlet pipe until it flows out the outlet, then keep the pipe full and above the pump.Water should be trickling out the outlet pipe until you start it up, then gush out after that. If that works, then the issue is most likely a leak in the inlet pipe, or a poor seal between your inlet pipe and the pump. Mine came with a rubber gasket for the coupler which immediately lost itself. It doesn't take much of an air leak to prevent it from developing enough vaccuum to prime itself. One pinhole in the suction pipe will do it.

If it still does not pump, next I would look at the inlet flap. There's a rubber flap on the inlet that is there to keep the pump primed when you shut it off. It opens inward to allow water in, then closes to prevent the feed pipe draining. It might be stuck, preventing water from entering the pump chamber. You would find that if no matter how much water you pour in the feed pipe, nothing flows out the outlet pipe. Stick your finger in the inlet hole and push the flap in. (pump off)

If that still doesn't do it - then it's time to crack the pump open. Check the impeller looks good and that the impeller can't turn on the crank shaft. Make sure the casing is not seriously worn or broken.

These things are pretty simple. If the impeller is spinning in the housing, and there is a solid column of water from your source into the pump and out the other side, they will move water. As they wear, they'll move less water, get harder to prime, and develop less pressure, but they'll still move water. Worn seals should not stop it from working, but it will leak. A really bad seal could let air into the chamber and prevent it priming itself but with a gravity prime it should pump fine.

I changed the seal on mine a few years back - it was simple enough. My local well pump supplier had one that fit just fine. Took the bits of the old one in, we matched it and I was up and running the same day for cheap. Homelite wanted a week to get a replacement, and a lot more money too.

maple island farms
01-07-2011, 11:33 AM
I should have known better than to buy a 10$ pump but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Impeller looks good but that flap might be the problem. I think i'll try it this weekend. Thanks for all the ideas.

maple flats
01-07-2011, 11:44 AM
Those flaps are replacable. From my irrigation days, I know that the most common problem is a leak in the suction. It does not take much to prevent priming. Check suction hose and all gaskets. Sometimes a foot valve helps because you can fill the suction completely before running the pump. If you do a foot valve, remove the internal flapper valve. It will take lots more to prime but then it will pump everytime.

01-19-2011, 10:38 AM
Ha! Thanks for making me feel better.
I borrowed one of these from a friend last year. Worst pump evah!
Its loud as hell, sounds like its going to explode, and never ever actually moves sap or water. But it comes in a nice little red package.

Brian VT
03-03-2011, 07:57 PM
Newbie here. Thanks for having me. I'm learning lots.

1st post.
I picked up a mint Waterbug with orig. box and manual.
It has no throttle control and revs. to the moon ! I've rebuilt several chainsaws (this pump has an XL chainsaw engine) and I figured this engine was running lean. I got a carb. kit and installed it. It runs the same. I looked at the reed. It wasn't sitting flat, so I flipped it. It runs the same. I don't know what else I can do.
Are these things supposed to rev. that high all the time ?


Homestead Maple
03-04-2011, 08:15 AM
I have had two of them in the past and they do rev high. If you pull the choke out half way it will run slower and not foul the plug. Once you start moving some fluid through the pump the motor will slow down some depending on how far you are pumping fluid.

Brian VT
03-04-2011, 08:48 AM
Thanks for the reply.
I'll mess with it some more now that I know it may be running at normal revs.

Brian VT
03-04-2011, 11:32 AM
I was just given some info. on this "governed" carb. that explains a lot.
This jet is in place of the idle adjuster and there is no throttle plate in the carb.
It's designed to run wide open unless the governor jet richens the mix.


Brian VT
03-04-2011, 05:51 PM
Armed with the new knowledge that this thing wasn't headed for self-destruction, I ran it again tonight.
I primed it with water and stuck the suction hose in a 5 gal. bucket of water and fired it up.
I was "feathering" the choke lever, as suggested by H. M., because I just couldn't bring myself to let it scream, even if it is 4-stroking due to the governor.
Well, the prime took pretty quickly and it started pumping and the engine leaned out into the sweet 2-stroking sound I know and love. :)
Just as I started to smile, the engine started revving up like it was headed to the moon again. :confused:
It turned out that the bucket was empty. This little bugger throws some water !
Thanks again for the ideas and advice.
I hope I will soon have enough sap that I can run this thing for more than 30 seconds. :D

Sorry for hijacking your thread, M.I.F.
If I ever have the need to dig into the wet end of mine, I'll be sure to post any insights that might help with yours.

Homestead Maple
03-04-2011, 07:37 PM
Ya, they sound sweet when they are pumping. A little scary sounding when they're not. I think they're rated around 1,200gph, so they can pump some sap in a hurry for what they are.

Brian VT
03-04-2011, 08:11 PM
Ya, they sound sweet when they are pumping. A little scary sounding when they're not.
Agreed. I'm still considering putting a "normal" carb. on it and rigging a throttle control. I'll give it a few more chances as-is before I resort to modifying it.

Pray for sap !

Homestead Maple
03-05-2011, 08:58 PM
That would be interesting to see how you make your throttle set up. I wondered about the same thing but I got by with it the way it was. I looked around some this morning and I found one of the Waterbugs. It still runs! I had to give it a shot of starting fluid to get it to start and it started right up! I'm not ready for sap yet! Maybe by the end of the week. Then I'll pray hard. :)

Brian VT
03-05-2011, 09:44 PM
Just so ya know, 2-strokes don't like starting fluid. There's no lube in it. Better to dump a bit of premix down the carb.
I'll be sure to post if I switch the carb. to one with a throttle control.

Homestead Maple
03-06-2011, 06:38 PM
Okay, I'll remember that. I'll be watching for the post on your throttle switch.