View Full Version : 30p question?
01-02-2011, 06:06 AM
I thought i would us a couple of rolls of 30p this year. the first roll was great and am pretty happy with the preformance of the tubing so far. But the second roll I had seviral t-s that dont hold. they pulled apart after a few mins. I didnt pull them super tight, just taught to keep them straight. They sold me leader t-s when i bought the tubing as well. thats what im using.
By the looks of the bag that the tubing came in it had been on the shelf awhile. ??????????
Maple rookie
Grade "A"
01-02-2011, 06:45 AM
do you have hose clamps on them? I use 2 clamps per side but I also have black water pipe.
01-02-2011, 08:01 AM
Several years ago. I had a similar problem with 30P and called Brad at Leader. He said that there was some 30P that had too large of a I.D. He sent me a new roll. Hope this helps. That tubing that has a larger I.D. might be able to be used for drops? I assume that you could measure it and a good roll and find the difference?
Grade "A"
01-02-2011, 06:16 PM
My bad, I was thinking it was 30p mainline so disregard the hose clamps thought.
01-02-2011, 06:18 PM
My bad, I was thinking it was 30p mainline so disregard the hose clamps thought.
Don't worry we were all laughing with you, not at you.
01-02-2011, 06:25 PM
Well he could have been talking about large main line tubing too. I just assumed laterals. Hope this can be resolved. Its not fun to find tubing that has come apart when the sap is running!
Grade "A"
01-02-2011, 07:25 PM
Don't worry we were all laughing with you, not at you.
Yea, I shouldn't listen to voices in my head, they steer me wrong.:lol:
01-02-2011, 07:51 PM
Yeah sorry i should of said lateral line 30p tubing. But im so pi$$ed off about it coming apart i might just buy stocks in hoses clamps and clamp every connection. I went back down there this afternoon and found 2 more pulled apart. man o man this stuff is crap
should of stayed with the cdl semi
maple rookie
01-02-2011, 08:42 PM
Rookie, Just give them a call at Leader in the morning. I'm sure they will stand behind the product and replace it. They have always been great for dealing with that I have found.
Randy Brutkoski
01-02-2011, 10:04 PM
You are useing a tubing tool right. If you are just putting them on by hand or heating the tubing and then putting them on the :T: they will not hold. Some poeple do that and it is not the proper way to do it. Just trying to narrow down the problem. I have, I dont know how many miles of 30p in my woods but this year I started using Lapierre and it is by far better. And $13.00 cheaper a roll.
01-03-2011, 05:26 AM
You are useing a tubing tool right. If you are just putting them on by hand or heating the tubing and then putting them on the :T: they will not hold. Some poeple do that and it is not the proper way to do it. Just trying to narrow down the problem. I have, I dont know how many miles of 30p in my woods but this year I started using Lapierre and it is by far better. And $13.00 cheaper a roll. Randy, where are you getting your lapierrre tubing? That's quite a savings over leader at $51.00. How's the setup work going?
01-03-2011, 07:08 AM
Yea, I shouldn't listen to voices in my head, they steer me wrong.:lol:
I know all about those voices in your head, I have to deal with them all the time. LOL
01-03-2011, 05:05 PM
Yeah im using a tubing tool. i start them by hand to make sure they are going on straight and finish them with the tool. I just came in at 5:30 or so from fixing repairs. did a little research Bascoms has 5/16 spring clamps for sale. If this happens again I might try these instead of replacing the whole lateral. man it didnt take long for them to start saging. If i had to do it again i would us cdl semi again< it pulls up nice and tight and is soft enoungh to really grip the barbs. ... thanks for all the input, im calling swanton in the am and explaining whats happend . maybe they will do something, but if they offer me more of this stuff I will probably just laugh:lol: at them.
Maple rookie
Thad Blaisdell
01-03-2011, 05:31 PM
I have roughly 300 rolls of 30p in my woods.... I cant complain one bit.
01-03-2011, 06:40 PM
I'm with Thad on this one. I've installed hundreds of rolls of 30P and I have yet to have a problem. I can't fairly compare to other brands since I haven't used all of them, but I've never had the tubing pull off a fitting or found any defect.
Randy Brutkoski
01-03-2011, 06:47 PM
I am getting the Lapierre tubing from Reg Charbenuae which owns Long hill sugarmakers equipment. 1 town north of Rutland. I go there for everything now. Everything is less expensive than Leader in Rutland. $40 for a roll of rigid, that is kind of a no brainer. Super saddles, $ 2.06 for the set.
01-03-2011, 06:48 PM
installed hundreds of rolls of 30P and I have yet to have a problem.
Nor have we. We put out hundreds of rolls each year, most of that is 30P. It is the standard tubing we use for most studies unless there is some reason to use something else. In general we've had very little problem with any of the manufacturer's offerings, with one major exception. In that case it was some semi-rigid material used as droplines which clearly experienced UV breakdown before the warranty expired. That manufacturer replaced it all (material only, not labor).
01-03-2011, 06:49 PM
Mine has been up 10 years this season,not a problem.Had some IPL THAT FELLAPART before the first year.
Randy Brutkoski
01-03-2011, 06:50 PM
And also my 2 big tanks came today, 3200 gallons each. And at the same time my R.O. was delivered today. Its starting to come together. Allgreen, did you get permision to tap that big bush? pm me.
01-03-2011, 08:25 PM
I think the best tubing I have ever used was Beaver River. Stuff looks like new going on 8 years and I have up about 4500' of it. Hard to work with and install, but once it is installed, you are good to go. Very thick walls and squirrels seldom get thru it and very durable and cleans very good too.
Wish they hadn't quit making it, it is a lime green color for those who have never seen it.
Homestead Maple
01-03-2011, 08:38 PM
I tried Lapierre semi rigid but if you compare this side by side with the 30P, you will see quite a difference in the diameter. The 30P being larger. Better flow characteristics. I tried some D&G blue and I think it hasn't stopped stretching yet, which means, very small diameter now and should replace it after only 1 season of use. I try a roll or two of other brands now and then but the 30P is always dependable. The only thing that bothers me about it though is, why does the price have to go up over 12% in price in one season? It doesn't make sense, even with oil prices up slightly.
I am getting the Lapierre tubing from Reg Charbenuae which owns Long hill sugarmakers equipment. 1 town north of Rutland. I go there for everything now. Everything is less expensive than Leader in Rutland. $40 for a roll of rigid, that is kind of a no brainer. Super saddles, $ 2.06 for the set.
now Reggi is going to be sold out of the tubing! just kidding. its true the lapierre tubing is easy to work with and i have had no problems with it. i use the green also.
maple flats
01-04-2011, 10:49 AM
I would just call Leader, they'll stand behind it.
I only use 30P, mains and laterals now, one year I bought some Lapierre but found it streatched too much and needed re tightening too often. The more a tubing streatches the smaller the ID gets. On the 30P I've had no problems, but if I got a bad roll or batch of rolls I'd be calling pronto quick.
On the ones that pulled apart, if you can't pull all tubing off by hand you should also replace the fitting because if you cut tuing off you damage the barb. I think Leader will replace the fittings for that reason, (at least ask). Good luck.
01-04-2011, 04:18 PM
Well I had a couple of days to cool down about this problem, went in the woods today and took them down and replaced with the spare roll (30p also).
Im giving them the benafit of the doute. Might of been made on a friday or monday, you no what i mean. so replaced the lats and the t-s. hopefully for the last time. I need to go and get four more rolls this weekend to finish up my other bush, should I go with the same 30p or would you do something else. Im reaaly up in the air here. Just got bascoms new catalog today, they have lapierre semi for 55.00 thats not bad. But I like the idea of 30ps bigger diameter inside thats why i went with it. MAN I dont know HHHeeeeLLLLPPPP
Maple rookie
01-04-2011, 04:58 PM
I am newer to tubing then some here but, I have used 30p for 3 seasons now on 100 taps w/ no problems. I am getting ready to start running 500 more all on 30p. Hope all works out for you, Mike
Jim Brown
01-04-2011, 05:39 PM
We have ruff estimate about 40 rolls of 30p hanging in the woods and have not had any problems with it. Some has been up for 5 years.
Monster Maples
01-04-2011, 06:49 PM
I only use the Lapierre tubing. I have had very good luck with it. And now they have lowered the price on it just makes it that much better. I believe the rigid is somewhere around $40.00 a roll for the lats and $55.00 for the semi isn't bad either. It does go onto the fittings hard though, but that makes me feel better. But, like anything it is personal preference. I have honestly tried all of them except D&G, I just seemed to like the Lapierre the best so that is what I am using. Just my opinion.
01-08-2011, 02:36 PM
So after reading all of your comments and suggestions, I went and purchased 2 more rolls of 30p yesterday. hung 1000ft of lats today, cut in all drops, and ran short again. Im apprx 60% complete in this one sugarbush and need another 3 rolls. The 30p all held great, and went to gether awesomely. I dont no what happend the first time around, but this time its great. looks great when you look back down the man line and you cant see where you started, but looks even better when you look up the mainline and can see where you are going to finish.
Just need to finish this up set some tanks now and start working in the sugarhouse.
maple rookie
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