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View Full Version : sap ladder ?

12-31-2010, 05:59 PM
Just ran 500' 1 in.and 200' 3/4 mainline at just over 1% grade,I ran out of grade for aprox. 20 taps. I'm going to put in a star sap ladder,I was planning an using a 6 star with a 3' lift. I will try to get 16 to 18" of vacuum. My question is should I use a 4 star or six way star. I'm new to vacuum, and sap ladders any advice is appreciated. I know 1% grade is lite but its all I got. Thanks

12-31-2010, 06:42 PM
you can use the rule of thumb of one spoke of the star can handle 10 taps. (i.e a 3-way star can do 30 taps, a 6-way can handle 60 taps, etc) I like to be conservative so If it bordeline I always add a spoke and pipe. But you should be fine with a 3 spoke star. and 16-18" of vac should be fine.