View Full Version : Gripple t-clips
12-30-2010, 12:42 PM
Just tried some of these for side-tying a section that need a little more holding power then 14 gauge. Has anybody tried these before? This is for a section that goes across a snowmoblie trail and I want to make sure that the wire holds and does not fall down on the trail.
12-30-2010, 12:52 PM
They look pretty slick. I don't think I would want them on all of my side ties, but at certain anchor points like corners, I think they would be great
12-30-2010, 02:58 PM
I agree, they look neat.
I got talked into Gripples when I first started with vac.
Learned about side ties here. Still got the original gripples in a box some where.
Can't for the life of me see why we should spend our money on them ( or ratchets and other
"made to be sold" stuff ) with so many other great maple toys out there.
12-30-2010, 03:46 PM
I have used these, we started using some this year and have already found 3 broken. We use them as you were suggesting Mike and 2 of them the ears broke and the 3rd the mechanism broke.
I love the regular gripples though and would never not use them. Just the amount of time they save alone is worth it to me.
maple flats
12-30-2010, 05:11 PM
I use just 14 ga galv. wire to side tie. Any failures in the past have been in the attachment. I now do a wrap around the support wire, once around the tie wire, back around the support wire and then twist several turns around the tie wire. At each tie I attach to the support wire around a tree, with 5/16 used tubing to protect the tree and tie the second end to the support wire. Since I started tying this way, I have never had a failure except when a big tree or big limb falls on it. That is when I want it to break. I once tried 17 ga but it broke. Point of info, I pull my side ties as tight as 2 men can tighten in many spots. In fact today I had to get help just to move a side tie higher, I could not pull and lift at the same time.
12-31-2010, 06:59 AM
Just so people don't misunderstand me, I don't use the regular gripples for side pulling. The ones that broke on me were the ones that this thread is about and we were using them for side pulling. I will no longer use them for this application. They were made for electrical fencing and I am sure they would work just fine for that. They don't seem to like the weight of the sap line on there too.
12-31-2010, 06:00 PM
We use ratchet straps and they are very universal. We carry them every where that way if you see a line that needs a side tie you can put it on by yourself. You can find pretty good ones on sale for 2-3 bucks a piece. We have a lot of lines and it is just easier.
gripples cant take the pull of a mainline. they shoot sparks when they let go too.
For side ties I twist tie the 14 around the mainline wire, run the wire around the side tie tree and t-clip to the main wire.
Works great, no issues with breakage yet. might be half the pressure of 802's usage. not sure. easy easy cinch up for tightness.
sometimes use a regular gripple in a loop for a side tie as well. the loop goes from gripple to mainline wire, around the tree back to the gripple. can really torque on these with the gripple tighten tool.
01-03-2011, 07:11 AM
I never have had any trouble with the regular gripples as long as I use the right size. I have had problems when I use the large ones on 12 gauge though.
02-23-2014, 08:59 AM
I never have had any trouble with the regular gripples as long as I use the right size. I have had problems when I use the large ones on 12 gauge though.
Agreed! I tried to use the large gripple on 12.5 and I can't get them to hold in my hand much less in the field. They were the size that I was recommended to use by a local supplier. Now I have a few of these things that I find worthless. Maybe the medium work better but I can't get my head around trusting them now. Since I didn't have anything else on hand I ended up using ratchet tensioner for all my terminations. They don't look at slick, but they work very well. I even used one to join a broken section of mainline wire by putting both ends in the wire hole in opposing directions. Then just give it several turns to lock it in.
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