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View Full Version : New Evaporator...

12-27-2010, 12:47 PM
what do you all think of the new leader vortex evaporator. im goina be buying one come open house weekend but just curious what you all think about it. im going to be buying a 30"x10' with a 7' max flue and a revolution front pan. it does eat through alot of wood il admit that but man...does it boil hard.


12-27-2010, 01:43 PM

Ask me after the season. I bought a 3x10 with max flue pan, revolution syrup pan & a SteamAway. I've been told it will boil 250+ gph. I've got a 1000 gph RO that will be feeding it. When you say "it eats through a lot of wood", what have you been told? You're scarin me. They told me that with the SteamAway, RO and Max flue pan I can make 300 gallons of syrup from one full cord of wood. I'm hoping to make around a 1000 gallons of syrup so I should need about 3 1/3 full cords. I have about 8 full cords of wood on hand.


12-27-2010, 02:01 PM
well....i think your going to be a little more then 250 gph because this summer when leader was doing a demo with the new vortex arch with max flue pan, rev syrup pan, steamaway, and hood they said they were getting about 250 gph with dry wood and that was on a 30"x10'. so firing it right you should be able to get a little more out of it. it was really impressive for an evaporator this size to boil so much. but that was only with the vortex arch with like the inferno it wasnt boiling that much. i say it eats alot of wood because they fire it every 8 minutes and when i was watching them it was going through a decent amount of wood. however for the amount of sap it is boiling off and hour it will definately make up for it because eventhough its burning alot of wood its boiling really hard for that amount of time and having an reverse osmosis machine you should be all set. when i watched this evaporator this summer it was really impressive to see how hard and fast it boiled. it's a neat evaporator in my opinion.

12-27-2010, 02:22 PM

Thanks for the reply. You had me worried for a minute.


12-30-2010, 04:31 AM
Hi Randy - small world bumping into you here! I enjoyed your article in the paper, your building looks amazing! Hope you and your family are well.

We are also upgrading to a 30" x 10' Vortex, Max Rev. pans. We saw this unit at Leader's open house and it was doing about 240gph with a Steamaway. I'm interested to see what it does with softwood - I've got a lot of it. I'll keep you updated - interested to see how you do with it as well, Randy.

12-30-2010, 06:32 AM

Good to hear from you. Keep me posted on how you make out with the new evaporator. We can compare notes. Stop in when you get down this way again.


03-13-2011, 09:10 AM
Warning! Boils very hard. I restarted yesterday and had 2 full bays of syrup and the float just could not keep up with the draw off. Things got just a little darker than they are suppose to
2 things:
1.have a bucket of cold sap right next to you
2.run it to the top of the float pipes, do not go lower

I hope this reaches all of you in time, because truly this thing boils so very very hot.

03-13-2011, 07:05 PM
So far mine is doing great. It sure eats through the concentrate and have made almost all light and medium syrup. I need to get a bigger RO for next year may 1200 gallon feed tank dosn't last long with a 500 gallon machine. I can't believe how quick it can be to a boil and also shut down for a wood arch. We were even burning wet wood today and as long as you don't over fire you couldn't even tell a change in the boil.

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-13-2011, 08:38 PM
At the Middlebury seminar it was said that at the Maple Rama in I beleive in Vergennes, VT this summer they are going to have a boiling contest with 4 of the manufacturers rigs and see who goes through the most water (some thing like that). It will be very interesting.

03-13-2011, 08:49 PM
this summer they are going to have a boiling contest with 4 of the manufacturers rigs and see who goes through the most water
Before you know it there will be different classes added... stock, modified drop flu, supercharged blowers, and everyone's favourite - unrestricted fuel sources. :D

It sure will make some good bragging rights for the winning manufacturer and some interesting "reasons" from the others.

03-14-2011, 07:07 AM
I heard that they might not allow the steam away into the competition. My opinion is let each manufacturer put their best set up in and see what they really can do.

03-14-2011, 09:16 AM
Before you know it there will be different classes added... stock, modified drop flu, supercharged blowers, and everyone's favourite - unrestricted fuel sources. :D

It sure will make some good bragging rights for the winning manufacturer and some interesting "reasons" from the others.

Ah the tires and telephone pole class. With NOS over the fire, I can see it now.

Bruce L
03-14-2011, 05:52 PM
Hopefully I get the new rig ordered before any competition,prices may jump again!

03-14-2011, 07:56 PM
This post sounds a little like the Nascar Sprint Cup series!!! No RESTRICTOR plates here!!!

03-14-2011, 07:57 PM
This post sounds a little like the Nascar Sprint Cup series!!! No RESTRICTOR plates here!!!

how is the sap running for you Grama?

03-14-2011, 08:13 PM
62 oz today….just started on my only 40 taps….but I DID notice A LOT more maples for next year. The addiction begins:o

03-14-2011, 08:16 PM
62 oz today….just started on my only 40 taps….but I DID notice A LOT more maples for next year. The addiction begins:o

oh boy, yes it does! already eyeballing more trees..haha. I went out and flagged all of my maples, mostly sugars and some softs. But I must say that I dont go in the woods with some flagging though! haha

Flat Lander Sugaring
03-16-2011, 06:07 PM
I heard that they might not allow the steam away into the competition. My opinion is let each manufacturer put their best set up in and see what they really can do.

all units need to be of the same size and toys to be fair to all, unless this will be like a Street Race:cool:(oh wait thats ILLEGAL) "RUN WHAT YOU BRUNG" heads up racing fastest unit to finish wins.

03-16-2011, 10:16 PM
Ah the tires and telephone pole class. With NOS over the fire, I can see it now.

underfire O2 injection is the cats meow if you feed propane in the oil burners air pump inlet (make tim the tool man sounds)

03-17-2011, 12:29 PM
what is a 3x9 worth in very good condition ?? it has grim soldered pans 3x3 front and 3x6 raised with preheat hood !! arch has new brick and grates 2 years old !!! Also what do you think about soldered buying with soldered pans !! no blower but does about 100 gph +- ... thanks for help !!!!