View Full Version : Where's Clan Delaney these days?

12-22-2010, 06:27 PM
I haven't seen Clan Delaney online in ages and noticed his Wordpress web site hasn't been updated since last March (I believe). Both he and KenWP were extremely active on Maple Trader but both seemed to have up-n-vanished. Don't tell me they're buying Log Cabin or Aunt Jemima these days? :o

12-22-2010, 09:33 PM
I made a comment about Clan to the administrator and he said he is still kicking around behind the scenes. I sent Ken an email earlier and he said he was busy and after reading the same questions and asnwers over and over he ran out of words lol.

Haynes Forest Products
12-23-2010, 01:01 AM
Out there laying in wait to see what we do wrong:)

12-23-2010, 06:35 PM
... after reading the same questions and asnwers over and over he ran out of words
THAT is probably the most credible answer I could think of for KenWP. :lol:

I do hope all is well with Clan Delaney as he offered a ton of relatablity (if that is such a word) to me before I officially registered with Maple Trader. To put it another way, he sold me on the site based on his posts.

12-23-2010, 08:30 PM
yea i hadnt thought of it till you guys mentioned it, havent seen a post with his name for ages. i did see him online on facebook a few weeks ago but i was busy and didnt message him, but he must be floating around somewhere......

12-24-2010, 08:12 AM
I will find out for you... He did miss our Board of Directors dinner/mtg. for Mass Maple also. hopefully he hasn't fallen off the earth.

red maples
12-24-2010, 08:17 AM
there are others too, but alot of them usually get back into the trader towards the end of januarry when the trigger finger gets ichy and the bug start to twitch. I have been trying to stay away from the computeras of late because I end up wasting too much time on it. but I try to check the trader at least once a day:D

Clan Delaney
12-27-2010, 07:15 PM
I'm watching you, Haynes. :lol:

I'm seasonal. Like.... maple.

But seriously, I've had a d@mned productive year. For those of you with kids, did any of you find that once that first one came along (and then the next...), that you found yourself putting off things you'd been wanting to do for just one more year or until the kids are just a little bit older? Yeah. This was the year that I finally got to do all those things. The last time I tried to keep the world informed about all of it was back in June (http://clandelaney.wordpress.com/2010/07/20/work-happens-2/). (For those of you who dare to click through, ammendments to that list include: built the deck frame, installed the dishwasher, put a combo microwave/vent hood over the stove, made beer, finished and installed a solar air heater, built the winter hoop house for the chickens, finished doll chests for the girls (Christmas gifts I started last year), and made a comprehensive map of every light fixture, outlet and circuit in my home. Also, I think I did some laundry.)

Strangely, I did little to nothing with the sugar shack, save cleaning up from last year. Hmmmm. I'm not pushing the limit on taps this year. Last season was crap. If it's even moderately good this year, I'll have plenty to keep me busy. I do need to get a new door on the barrel evap and paint the storage tank, um, white. (Matte black. Bad for sap.)

12-27-2010, 07:20 PM
Ok Clan you covered what you did for one weekend what happened to all the other days you were doing nothing? You couldnt atleast say HI to us once in awhile?:D