View Full Version : Verona

12-22-2010, 12:55 PM
Guys...going to try and make it to Verona this year but then again have been trying for a couple years and have not made it yet. This year should be different.

What is the trade show like? Is there enough supplies to purchase still left on Saturday or should I pre-order for pick up? What vendors are typically there? Sent a note to the Verona contact on their web page but figure with holidays it may be a couple days until he reponds.


12-22-2010, 01:05 PM
I am in the same boat as you, been trying to get there but something always comes up. Hopfully this year. Never have been, but understand that there are plenty of supplies.

12-22-2010, 02:18 PM
you should get a reply soon. our ag. advisor(the person you contacted) is there today and every day next week. the trade show is in our gym and community center and its a bunch of vendors selling supplies and maple, and everything else you may need. all the big names (leader, CDL, D&G, LaPierre) are all there, along with suppliers and vendors. as for the supplies, there are plenty. we are always unloading and re-loading stuff, and will help you of you buy something big. any other questions just ask, im happy to help. if you go its lots of fun and the workshops are great. plus, the food is top notch! hope to see you there!

Brian Ryther
12-22-2010, 03:03 PM
Mike, If you know what you want the I would pre order. It is a good way to make sure that what you want will be there and you will save on shipping. I usualy pre order one big thing from a vendor every year. It helps justify the trip.

maple flats
12-22-2010, 05:32 PM
I have been every year since Jan 2004. Most supplies are in good supply but if you know exactly what you want, pre order would guarantee it. On most supplies everything is in real good qty, even to the afternoon on Saturday, but less common things might not. Big items or large qtys should definately be ordered ahead.

12-22-2010, 06:50 PM
I've never been to Verona. What is it? Where? When? Im intrested in going but what the heck is it. Whats the website for it? What all goes on at this thing?


12-22-2010, 06:59 PM
It's the best darn trade show there is!

There are a bunch of vendors/dealers telling and showing u the latest on maple supplies and technology, with much of their equipment there to sell. There is a maple auction friday night and multiple one hour sessions on ALL things maple friday night and saturday. Food both friday and saturday.

If you are a maple producer and can get there, this is a must go!

I go to these things for my real job, and absolutely hate them (hum, maybe I hate my job). But I LOVE the Verona conference. I learn so much.

12-22-2010, 07:00 PM
Whats the website for it?

I'll second that question! :)

12-22-2010, 07:14 PM
Link to Verona conference off this link - see you there!


12-22-2010, 07:45 PM
This will be the first time going to Verona for us. Does anyone have any prefrence on lodging for the show? I want to spend the night Friday.

12-22-2010, 08:25 PM
Danno, what is your real job?

12-22-2010, 10:01 PM
This will be the first time going to Verona for us. Does anyone have any prefrence on lodging for the show? I want to spend the night Friday.

try vernon downs hotel. that is where a lot of the presenters and state board members go. and its 5 mins to show. not to mention theres resturaunts, a casino and a pool all in one facility.

12-22-2010, 10:04 PM
Link to Verona conference off this link - see you there!


also for a program of activities go here

12-23-2010, 07:17 AM
This will be the first time going to Verona for us. Does anyone have any prefrence on lodging for the show? I want to spend the night Friday.

I live very close to there 15 min away. There are plenty of places to stay it depends what you are looking for. Turning stone casino is right there so if you want to gamble and spend the night thats always an option. Other than that there are 2 hotels on Rt. 365 that are pretty decent and you have utica, rome and onidea all about 15 min away with hotels in all of them.

12-24-2010, 08:52 AM
I'll be at Verona again this year doing a couple of presentations. If you see me wandering around, please feel free to introduce yourself. Always happy to chat with maple producers.

12-27-2010, 02:59 PM
Just a thought, if the owners of the Maple Trader website are going to Verona they could;

1. Arrange a get together for people who use their site so they could get to know each other, and/or

2. They could have name labels printed that say Maple Trader and each person could put their name on it. That way traders could recognize each other and say hi.

Just random thoughts.

12-27-2010, 05:16 PM
How about all of the maple trader people meet after the show on Friday night somewhere local. I believe there are a few gin joints in the area. (not promoting drinking but!!)

Just an idea. Last year I was still hungry and I went out for some drinks and food.

12-27-2010, 07:52 PM
Just a thought, if the owners of the Maple Trader website are going to Verona they could;

1. Arrange a get together for people who use their site so they could get to know each other, and/or

2. They could have name labels printed that say Maple Trader and each person could put their name on it. That way traders could recognize each other and say hi.

Just random thoughts.

The owners of the Maple Trader are the Maple Guys and I think Kim and Chris are usually there and a good way to show your appreciation to them would be to buy supplies off of them there or in the future.


12-29-2010, 02:54 PM
just got back from putting registration packets together. looks to be another great conference this year!!!

12-29-2010, 09:41 PM
Briduhunt, You name the place and we will be there. reminds me of the saying" If you build it, they will come". Looking forward to meeting you all and to put faces/people to the names.


12-30-2010, 01:38 PM
I believe there is a steak house/gin mill about 1 mile from the school. I can not remember the name but it has a large plastic bull cow standing out front. If anyone has a name and exacty address please let us all know.

I say we meet right after the auction on Friday night.

Sounds good?

12-30-2010, 03:32 PM
Its called Joel's steak house. Its a pretty good place but a little pricy but who cares right? Haha

12-30-2010, 05:03 PM
as long as its got PBR boiling sodas on tap I'm there...

12-30-2010, 08:02 PM
I'll bring a box of the leftover "got sap- maplehaulics" shirts if folks are interested. See ya there

01-01-2011, 09:00 AM
Wish I could make it back up, it is a tremendous conference. My wife flew me up in 2004 for my Bday. 10hours driving @ way is a little too far, but maybe some year..........

01-05-2011, 07:01 AM
I'll probably have on a tan 'Maple Guys' hat with my nine year old son at my side. Feel free to say hello

maple flats
01-05-2011, 11:27 AM
My wife and I will both be there. I will be wearing a green hat with "Dave's Sugarhouse" on it. We both will have Maple Flats in our name tags. Please say hello.

01-06-2011, 03:46 PM
Looks like a snowy conference. 5-10" tomorrow, tomorrow night. Drive easy fellow Traders!

01-06-2011, 04:24 PM
It might slow us down, but we will make it. Slow and easy all, want you to make it in one piece.

01-06-2011, 05:32 PM
planning to be there on sat. thankfully it doesn't cost us any $$ for lodging as my inlaws live about 40 min west. i will most likely have a ct producers hat on and if they give us name tags it will say browndog maple. hope everyone has a safe trip there as it is supposed to be snowy.

01-06-2011, 05:48 PM
Is there a list of vendors anywhere? I tried a couple searchs and links but did not find a list of who would be there. My son lives in Vernon and thougt I would send him over to do some business for me pending who is there.

Bucket Head
01-06-2011, 05:59 PM
Yeah, the forecast for Fri. and Sat. is pretty lousy. Figures does'nt it! I will be there both Fri. & Sat. I will write "Bucket Head" on my nametag under my name as I usually do. Hopefully they are doing the nametags again this year, lol!

I don't know how many of you were or were not planning on attending Fri., or were going to try to go to Joel's Steakhouse down the road from the Conference Fri. evening, but the weather might disrupt the plans. Unless Mother Nature goes easier on us then whats forecast, I'll have to head home tommorow to plow out so I don't have to Sat. morning before the Conf.

I hope everyone can at least make it to Sat. despite the weather. Thats the important day!


Bucket Head
01-06-2011, 06:02 PM

What vendor, or what are you looking to buy? The chances of that vendor/item being there are pretty good.


maple flats
01-06-2011, 08:28 PM
Every year there are at least one and in many cases several dealers for each manufacturer. Leader, Dominion and Grimm, CDL, Lapierre, and others are there, as well as Bacon jug and at least 1 other jug mfgr. Vacuums, evaporators, canners, tubing, fittings, filter presses, carts for same, refractometers, auto draw offs, tubing tools, labels, etc, etc, etc. Most things are represented there by at least one manufacturer. Usually the biggest evaporators on display are 2x6's. On Saturday they hand out door prizes, usually one from each vendor. Last year I won a 5/16 tubing spooler, priced in the book at $87. Hang around to see if you win. You must be present to win. But the best part is the presentations, something for everyone. Several presentations going on in each time slot, pick and chose what you want most. There are so many that my wife and I split up to cover more classes. The classes are offered for producers of all sizes and experience levels, from beginners to seasoned long time producers.

01-06-2011, 08:35 PM
How much stuff do they usually have for the auction Friday night? That's the main reason I am going to be there Friday.


Bucket Head
01-06-2011, 09:15 PM

There was'nt what I would have called a lot at last years auction. However, it was the first year for the auction. Many did not know about it. Hopefully that has changed. I thought there was a list last year of the auction items. Try e-mailing VVS/Kieth Scheibel and see if there is a listing this year.


shane hickey
01-06-2011, 09:19 PM
This sounds like areally good show I wish I lived a little closer So I could meet alot of you guys and visit the venders.


01-06-2011, 10:07 PM
Every year there are at least one and in many cases several dealers for each manufacturer. Leader, Dominion and Grimm, CDL, Lapierre, and others are there, as well as Bacon jug and at least 1 other jug mfgr. Vacuums, evaporators, canners, tubing, fittings, filter presses, carts for same, refractometers, auto draw offs, tubing tools, labels, etc, etc, etc. Most things are represented there by at least one manufacturer. Usually the biggest evaporators on display are 2x6's. On Saturday they hand out door prizes, usually one from each vendor. Last year I won a 5/16 tubing spooler, priced in the book at $87. Hang around to see if you win. You must be present to win. But the best part is the presentations, something for everyone. Several presentations going on in each time slot, pick and chose what you want most. There are so many that my wife and I split up to cover more classes. The classes are offered for producers of all sizes and experience levels, from beginners to seasoned long time producers.

leader and their dealers have a whole side of the gym, along with a center aisle. we do bigger than 2X6 evaps... usually a 3X8, and bigger than that is hard to fit. pretty much anything you need or want is there or can be learned about. hope to see all the traders there, im going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off working here and there :D

01-06-2011, 10:10 PM
Is there a list of vendors anywhere? I tried a couple searchs and links but did not find a list of who would be there. My son lives in Vernon and thougt I would send him over to do some business for me pending who is there.

i have the whole list, who are you looking there? all of the manufacturers are there: leader, GBM, D&G, Lapierre, CDL, Marcland...etc.

01-06-2011, 10:13 PM
Hopefully I will be off call on Saturday to make the small trip there. Got to figure out how to work around the family schedule in there as well. Might be the first time I miss the conference in a few years. Last years auction was pretty sad but like said first year and not alot of notice ahead of time. Hopefully there vendor count will be back up as well it seems to me that it gets smaller and smaller every year or maybe just the same old stuff makes it seem that way. The seminars are what its all about in my opinion and heck while your there you can pick up a few misc. items or place some orders.

Thompson's Tree Farm
01-07-2011, 05:03 AM
June and I will head out in a couple of hours. Only a few hour drive but we will visit with her elderly Aunt and Uncle this PM before heading to the show. Weather looks like "go slow too". Hope to see a bunch of you. If it isn't too warm inside, I'll be wearing my grey "Got Sap" hoodie (thanks Eric).

01-07-2011, 05:32 AM
see you there Doug...weather permitting- I will also have a GOT SAP? hoodie or t-shirt on...

01-07-2011, 07:03 AM
Just a heads up traders its already snowing here with a few inches on the back roads so be safe!

maple flats
01-07-2011, 08:48 AM
This sounds like areally good show I wish I lived a little closer So I could meet alot of you guys and visit the venders.

Shane, just jump on Interstate 90 now and head east. Only about 10 hrs or so. You will miss friday nite's action but the busiest by far is Saturday anyway.

01-07-2011, 02:28 PM
We made it up here. The roads were a little bad here and there, but better than I expected. We just checked in at The Fairield Inn. Just 2 miles from the conference. Drove over by the school. It was swarming with vendors trying to get there equipment inside. Time for a nap. I'll head back over about 5:00 or so.


01-07-2011, 03:31 PM
Does anybody know how long it takes to get to Verona from Latham-Albany, NY? I am here with my wife and might try to go tommorow if the weather looks good. I have always wanted to go this conference and now might be my chance.


maple flats
01-07-2011, 03:44 PM
About 90 minutes. Go I- 90 to Verona, exit 33. Upon exiting toll booth, bear RT on 365. Go to 1st light, Rt on 31. Look for school on rt, about 1-2 miles. Turn rt on road just before school, left into first drive. Follow the crowd. You are there!!!

01-07-2011, 03:49 PM
Well, Myself along with a bunch of other Mass Maple Members will arrive on our annual Beer Bus!, well actually the beer isn't until the ride back but I hope to get to Meet some of you there!, always looking forward to the trip out.

As always I'll have my green "Desjardins Maple" coat and shirt with a tan maple hat, feel free to say Hi!

Look forward to meeting some of the new members that make it there.

Also the founders of this forum, "The Maple Guys" will be there with some new cool things, Go say Hi to Chris and his wife Kim, throw some business their way!...

Ps, yes I can advertise them here .... they own it.. ;)

Now if the snow can hold off and give us a good bus ride in all will be well!!!

01-07-2011, 09:23 PM
today was a long day!!! state meeting and setup in the morning, then all setup. i bought some fitttings at the auction and then went home. saw maple flats, kicking myself for not saying hi. maybe tomorrow. its hard to miss me im 6 feet tall 250 pounds and i run around like crazy everywhere:lol: anyone sees me stop and say hi i hope to see you all in the morning!!! gotta be there at 6... bed
P.S. mapleman 3 the registration attendants dread the bus:D but its great that you guys can make it

shane hickey
01-07-2011, 09:29 PM
today was a long day!!! state meeting and setup in the morning, then all setup. i bought some fitttings at the auction and then went home. saw maple flats, kicking myself for not saying hi. maybe tomorrow. its hard to miss me im 6 feet tall 250 pounds and i run around like crazy everywhere:lol: anyone sees me stop and say hi i hope to see you all in the morning!!! gotta be there at 6... bed
P.S. mapleman 3 the registration attendants dread the bus:D but its great that you guys can make it
Thanks for keeping us informed, Next year I'll have to take a vaction and go up there, sounds like you had a long day. Did you get a good deal on the fittings?

01-07-2011, 09:35 PM
Thanks for keeping us informed, Next year I'll have to take a vaction and go up there, sounds like you had a long day. Did you get a good deal on the fittings?

yea i bought them at the auction, slightly used $12.50 for ,about 400 assorted fittings. i almost bought 2400 taps for $5 and was going to repackage them for next year in bundles of 100, gotta make money some way:)

maple flats
01-08-2011, 05:40 AM
The auction was considerably bigger than last year. I think it last about 40-45 minutes and moved along well. I bought another canner, gas fired. Thinking I will run both when filtering and canning, for bigger batches. I might now be able to get enough for a 30 gal bbl all hot at once. Thinking bigger.
I also, in the trade show was looking for ss barrel prices. Found 15 gal at $169 and 38 gal @ $240 so far. Bascom, in their catalog had 30's @ $200. I would likely not go larger than 30. I'm thinking some 15's and a few 30's, along with the 20, 5's I have. My 5's are old ss soda kegs, but my welder is re working the tops to put a bung and vent in, so they will vacuum seal.

01-08-2011, 07:13 PM
the show was great!!! over 750 participants today, and one long day. all the dealers were happy, and from what i saw those who attended were happy. even met a couple traders today, bought a tank, some supplies and am ready to tap, now time to wait. :cry: dave you made out well with the door prizes, sadly im not allowed to put in for them. otherwise i wold have tried for tubing. also, thanks to chuck and tucker mtn. hope to see everyone next year!!!!

Bucket Head
01-08-2011, 11:44 PM
Yes, it was another great show! Got to chat with Chris from The Mapleguys, Mapleman3, Dr. Tim, Smitty, Smitty76, Johny Quervo, Maplewalnut, Mapleflats, Milestieg ,Doug from Thompsons Tree Farm and a handfull of other central NY producers. There were a few more users from here that I was told about but I missed them. Hopefully I'll catchem' next year!

I know Vernon, NY would be quite a trip for a lot of you guys, but if you can make it out some year, it will be worth the effort.


01-09-2011, 06:06 AM
had a great time in Verona- picked up a few suggestions for my operation that will more than cover the cost of going to the show. great to have all the vendors in one small area so you could compare prices, designs and quality. Thanks to the VVS FFA folks for putting on a great show...

01-09-2011, 07:48 PM
Great conference as always - Brian, nice meeting you, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. Nice putting a name with a face. Jim, nice door prize win!!! I would have really liked that 500' roll of rapitube!

I met up with my bro-in-law at the Casino Friday night after the conference. That may have been a mistake. Couple too many - was hurting a bit yesterday at the show.

01-10-2011, 07:20 AM
is there a planned date for the 2012 show? If I put it in my calendar now, I will be locked and loaded!

maple flats
01-10-2011, 08:40 AM
Unconfirmed date for next year is the first weekend after the New years holiday. I'll check with the FFA adviser to confirm and will post here later this week.